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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第二回#113203
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101. Festive-Catering Corp., _____ in Montreal, has been devoted to doing the catering for weddings for two decades.
(A) whose headquarter is
(B) which headquarters
(C) that is headquartered
(D) headquartered


102. At the end of the quarterly meeting, the management decided to install more _____ providing ready meals in all branches and factories.
(A) surveillance cameras
(B) vending machines
(C) camping equipment
(D) antique furniture


103. Oliver, the CEO of consulting firm Recruit-Standard, based in Manchester, UK, says _____ show off their skillset in three seconds, jobseekers can design their resume in an impressive way.
(A) in advance of
(B) in comparison with
(C) in contact with
(D) in an attempt to


104. In my career as a software engineer, I have been very _____ I will lose my job to a machine.
(A) worry
(B) worrying
(C) worried
(D) worries


105. One of the founders of FinanTex, a startup based in Chicago, said he’d never regretted _____ up his own business.
(A) start
(B) to start
(C) starting
(D) starts

6( ).

106. _____ the number of people claiming unemployment benefits has been rising sharply, the Minister of Labor hasn’t reacted to the circumstances yet.
(A) Regardless of
(B) Despite
(C) Nevertheless
(D) Although

7( ).

107. _____ reviewed by medical professionals, the content of these websites shouldn’t be the replacement of the diagnosis made by a doctor.
(A) Frequent
(B) Frequently
(C) Frequented
(D) Frequency

8( ).

108. Surprisingly, our main rival’s booth was _____ visitors in spite of its poor location.
(A) crowded with
(B) dedicated to
(C) criticized for
(D) worthy of

9( ).

109. The purpose of this email is _____ all the existing website members of a change in the return policy.
(A) to inform
(B) inform
(C) information
(D) informative

10( ).

110. Larry's influence as a video creator _____ exceeds the sales of his records.
(A) very
(B) further
(C) far
(D) so

11( ).

111. The exhibition received a negative response from a large majority of visitors because its organizer _____ to address the problem of scalping.
(A) failed
(B) responded
(C) strived
(D) allowed

12( ).

112. The local planning authorities proposed _____ the deadline by one month.
(A) expanding
(B) expanded
(C) extending
(D) extended

13( ).

113. There was harsh criticism because General Manager felt _____ to spend time explaining the situation directly to the press.
(A) enthusiastic
(B) reluctant
(C) pleased
(D) attentive

14( ).

114. The two firms started discussing the expansion plans last summer but there has been a lack of consensus _____ .
(A) than usual
(B) no longer
(C) ever since
(D) soon enough

15( ).

115. _____ eighty thousands people visited the riverside park last Sunday.
(A) Approximately
(B) Fairly
(C) Mutually
(D) Periodically

16( ).

116. In the last century, _____ attention was paid to environmental impact of buildings during design and construction. Today, the effort to make homes and office buildings more eco-friendly can be seen worldwide.
(A) another
(B) few
(C) little
(D) plenty of

17( ).

117. _____ a modest weight loss of 5% to 10% of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure.
(A) Even
(B) Even if
(C) If only
(D) Only if

18( ).

118. Trusted by top companies and institutions worldwide, Modern-Acad is the world's largest learning website _____ web developers and graphic designers have enrolled in thousands of online classes and got certifications.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whose
(D) where

19( ).

119. _____ all the other speakers at the member convention who tried to avoid all the highly controversial issues, Mr. Ding wanted to discuss them one by one.
(A) Unlikely
(B) Unlike
(C) Likely
(D) Likewise

20( ).

120. If you change your mind prior to shipping, we are more than happy to refund. Once _____ , we cannot accept a change of mind.
(A) ship
(B) shipping
(C) shipped
(D) to ship

21( ).

121. We are accepting pieces for the next auction that will _____ next Friday.
(A) take action
(B) take place
(C) take root
(D) take effect

22( ).

122. The reasons some people find _____ hard to stick to a morning workout routine are as follows.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) it
(D) what

23( ).

123. Most middle managers in our company belong to the same environmental group that is against ______ of fossil fuels.
(A) burn
(B) burned
(C) burning
(D) the burning

24( ).

124. This email is to inform you the meeting with your provider of personal financial services _____ for next Friday at your request in the yesterday’s email.
(A) has been rescheduled
(B) has been rescheduling
(C) have rescheduled
(D) have been rescheduling

25( ).

125. The new recruit showed a lot of _____ and was given special responsibility.
(A) constructive
(B) objective
(C) initiative
(D) representative

26( ).

126. The Great-Guest hotel is ______ located near the most popular theme park in San Diego.
(A) convenience
(B) convenient
(C) conveniently
(D) convention

27( ).

127. An additional period of subscription will be available for _____ new subscribers only.
(A) a small amount of
(B) a great deal of
(C) a limited number of
(D) a plenty of

28( ).

128. _____ you want to launch an advertising campaign to increase traffic to your website or grow brand awareness on social media, a digital marketing company can help you meet your goals.
(A) Whether
(B) What
(C) When
(D) However

29( ).

129. We have provided property insurance _____ small business owners for ten years.
(A) to
(B) for
(C) with
(D) X

30( ).

130. We are a panel of experts capable of devising marketing plans that are_____ viable.
(A) commercialize
(B) commerce
(C) commercial
(D) commercially

31( ).

Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following advertisement.
Have you ever used free Wi-Fi connections at a train station or in a hospital __131__ ? While using an unverified network, using a VPN, the __132__ form of “Virtual Private Network”, is one of the best ways __133__ private and secure online, and keep your personal data protected, such as protecting your identity, file transfers and other online activities.
With thousands of hotspots in the capital city, we are very proud to offer free Wi-Fi to __134__ citizens and visitors. We have an online map for anyone wishing to find an access point. For more information, visit emap.freewificonnections.org.

(A) for advice
(B) for convenience
(C) for instance
(D) for short

32( ).

(A) abbreviated
(B) accustomed
(C) advanced
(D) automated

33( ).

(A) stay
(B) to stay
(C) staying
(D) to be stayed

34( ).

(A) either
(B) other
(C) both
(D) few

35( ).

Questions 135~138 refer to the following email.
Dear colleagues,

Thank you for the _135__ hard work for the past eleven months. __136__ our appreciation, we are planning a company trip to one of the vacation destination you recommend. Please __137__ the attached questionnaire and submit it by next Wednesday noon. A special staff meeting will be scheduled __138__ next Friday and the results will be announced then.

Best regards,
Gary Morgan
HR Manager

(A) credit
(B) creditable
(C) incredible
(D) incredibly

36( ).

(A) Show
(B) Having shown
(C) Showing
(D) To show

37( ).

(A) take away
(B) punch out
(C) put up
(D) fill in

38( ).

(A) on
(B) with
(C) for
(D) during

39( ).

Questions 139~142 refer to the following article.
An eating plan that helps manage your weight __139__ a variety of healthy foods. Add an array of colors to your plate and think of it as eating the rainbow. Dark, leafy greens, oranges, and tomatoes—even fresh herbs—are __140__ vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

__141__ the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025, a healthy eating plan:
● Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
● Includes a variety of protein foods such as seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds.
● Is __142__ in added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(A) include
(B) includes
(C) including
(D) to include

40( ).

(A) full of
(B) crowded with
(C) packed into
(D) taken up

41( ).

(A) Compared with
(B) Except for
(C) According to
(D) In terms of

42( ).

(A) rich
(B) low
(C) equal
(D) soaked

43( ).

Questions 143~146 refer to the following webpage.
An unhealthy diet is the biggest cause of non-communicable disease. And the way we produce food is rapidly degrading the planet -- __143__ 70% of biodiversity loss on land and 50% in fresh water, and being responsible for around 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Some foods are, __144__ , worse for the planet than others.

__145__ animal-sourced foods generally have a bigger impact on nature than plants and crops, the production of meat, dairy and seafood can be particularly harmful.

Meat tends to have the highest environmental impact, partially because livestock produce methane emissions through their digestive process - something called enteric fermentation - but also because most meat comes from livestock fed with crops, __146__ means the environmental footprint is not just the resources used for the livestock, but also those that go into producing the feed.

Source: Living Planet Report by WWF

(A) cause
(B) causal
(C) to cause
(D) causing

44( ).

(A) however
(B) likewise
(C) fortunately
(D) similarly

45( ).

(A) While
(B) What
(C) As long as
(D) Each time

46( ).

(A) this
(B) it
(C) those
(D) which  

47( ).

Part 7 Reading Comprehension

Questions 147~148 refer to the following email.

From: <emilyruiz@smoothcareer-coach.com.ca>
To: <huanglinlin@speed-mail.com.ca>
Date: April 8
Subject: Appointment
Dear Mrs. Huang,

I am writing to tell you that I’ve received the message forwarded by my bestie, Kelly. And thank you for accepting her recommendation and turning to me for advice. I am very excited about helping you to have a secure future for your career.

As to your first question in the previous email, I believe it is very simple and can be a starting point for you to negotiate with your employer.

Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs, for example having flexible start and finish times, or working from home. All employees have the legal right to request flexible working - not just parents and caregivers. Under these rules, I will help you make a written statement to the HR department of the company you work for. This means making a formal request for six month’s working from home so that you will be able to strike a balance between doing your job and caring for your husband, who was injured in the road accident.

Next Wednesday afternoon suits me fine for our first meeting. We probably need two or three hours to discuss the rest of the issues you have encountered. Let me know if this is a good time for you to meet up with me at the café that you mentioned.

Looking forward to your reply.

Emily Ruiz

【題組】147. According to the text, how did Mrs. Huang know about Emily Ruiz’s service?
(A) Mrs. Huang found the service through an online search engine.
(B) Mrs. Huang ran across Emily Ruiz at a café.
(C) Emily Ruiz and Mrs. Huang are old rivals.
(D) One of Mrs. Huang’s friends passed the information to her.

48( ).

【題組】148. What is implied about the reason Mrs. Huang wanted Emily Ruiz’s advice?
(A) Mrs. Huang would like to negotiate an agreement for shorter working hours.
(B) Mrs. Huang would like to request permission to have flexible working arrangements.
(C) Mrs. Huang needed someone to help apply for unpaid leave.
(D) Mrs. Huang needed someone to help ask for permission to withdraw her labor.

49( ).

Questions 149~150 refer to the following advertisement.

Do you want to get along with people from all walks of life? Are you eager to improve your communication skills? I am an indie career coach specializing in both giving advice on career advancement and helping people become eloquent.

Nowadays particularly in metropolitan areas, most people are reluctant to interact with strangers. However, recent research has shown that talking to people we have never met before, even in passing interactions, can make us wiser and happier. This idea is consistent with what I have taught my clients and I am very excited to invite anyone wishing to communicate thoughts and feelings effectively to my online class. Now visit www.speakersandcareers.com.

【題組】149. What can anyone interested in this ad do?
(A) Send a text message to request a coupon.
(B) Talk to strangers in passing interactions.
(C) Go online to get more information.
(D) Phone the advertiser for further information about the class.

50( ).

【題組】150. What is most likely true about this ad?
(A) One of its target audiences is those who want to invest in the bond market.
(B) The person who put this ad specializes in health regulations.
(C) The class in the ad will equip the participants with basic academic skills.
(D) Those afraid of starting a conversation with a stranger might benefit from the class this ad is promoting.  

51( ).

Questions 151~152 refer to the following text message chain in the group chat.
wallacecake355 [13:16 Nov. 12]
Dear all, next Thursday we’re starting special flash sales, lasting just two days. We are going to offer a 60% discount on our signature product, the lemon egg tart.

cutemandy1280 [13:29 Nov. 12]
Do you have an online order form? I’d like to order 15 boxes and collect them on delivery.

wallacecake355 [13:36 Nov. 12]
Here’s the form: www.wallacecakebakery.com/pcart/ However, we accept credit cards only in terms of pre-orders.

cutemandy1280 [13:38 Nov. 12]
I’m worried about the risks of paying by credit card online. Can I drop in on your bakery on my way home this evening, pay in full by cash, and collect the order in person next Thursday evening?

wallacecake355 [13:47 Nov. 12]
You bet. But we will be pleased if you can complete the form before you drop by.

cutemandy1280 [14:39 Nov. 12]
Just completed the form. Have you received my order yet?

wallacecake355 [15:01 Nov. 12]
Yes. Thank you for your order. We are excited to see you later in the day.

【題組】151. According to the message chain, which statement is true?
(A) The customer finished the online order form about an hour after it was provided.
(B) The seller doesn’t have a brick-and-mortar store.
(C) The seller will arrange a courier to deliver the order for the customer.
(D) The customer will pay cash at the clearance sale.

52( ).

【題組】152. Why was the customer unwilling to pay by credit card online?
(A) The customer believed the online checkout process was not trustworthy.
(B) The customer was not a credit card holder.
(C) The customer had maxed out the credit card that month.
(D) The customer found it more convenient to collect the order in person.  

53( ).

Questions 153~154 refer to the following app screenshot.
Hail a taxi

Member ID: U220389301
Name: Mrs. Alibuki

Your Location: Nuyorshi Restaurant, Osaka, 555-0021
Destination: Terminal 3, Osaka Airport
Estimates range from $6,800 to $6,900 (excluding fees for Special Needs)
1. include a stopover at Nishiyodo Nursey School to pick up my two kids, less than five minutes
2. see my husband off at the airport, five minutes, the rest of us will go back to my current location, will pay cash for this part of the ride

No. of Passengers: __2__

Payment Method
☑ NewJoyTaxi Points
☐ credit card
☐ cash

Special Needs
☑ large luggage items: __2__ +$200
☐ disabled passengers: __0__ +$0


【題組】 153. According to the screenshot, what is true?
(A) Mrs. Alibuki and her kids will go back to Nuyorshi Restaurant together.
(B) A total of five passengers are in the taxi right before they arrive at the airport.
(C) Mrs. Alibuki is going to catch a flight.
(D) Mrs. Alibuki would like to go to the airport directly from her current location.

54( ).

【題組】154. According to the screenshot, what is NOT implied?
(A) The fee for the return journey wasn’t included in the estimated amount.
(B) Mrs. Alibuki will not get on the flight with her husband.
(C) Mrs. Alibuki’s will hail another taxi at the airport after her husband leaves.
(D) The luggage that the passenger was carrying would incur some costs.

55( ).

Questions 155~157 refer to the following email.

From: Jenny Morgan, General Manager
To: All staff members of the HR Department
Date: October 2

On October 5, a group of students majoring in international marketing, supply chain management and graphic design are visiting our corporate headquarters. Originally, I will give them a general tour of our company. However, I just received the news that our main rival was negotiating a contact with our biggest supplier, so I will have to fly to see the CEO of our supplier to ensure delivery and strengthen the relationship between us one day before the visit of the students.

I would like the students to be divided into three small groups. Now that our HR Department has a staff of three, I also would like each of you to lead one group. You will show them around in the Marketing Department, our main factory and laboratory, and the Information Technology Department respectively. After all the students gather at the conference room and watch the demo video on our corporate culture, they will have lunch at the cafeteria at our company’s expense. Next, I’ve assigned the CFO, Mrs. Parker to give the students a speech so they can become familiar with the financial incentives to work for us.

This is a good opportunity to gain a reputation and more importantly, to become an ideal company where university students desire to work as an intern.

Best Regards,
Jenny Morgan

【題組】155. What is the purpose of this email?
(A) To inform the crisis of the supply chain.
(B) To express General Manager’s appreciation of the staff’s hard work.
(C) To assign tasks.
(D) To introduce the students who are going to visit the company.

56( ).

【題組】156. Which of the following activities are not on the agenda for the visit of the students?
(A) Listening to the CFO’s speech on labor relations.
(B) Looking around a few departments.
(C) Eating free lunch at the staff canteen.
(D) Watching the video at the meeting room.

57( ).

【題組】157. The word “incentives” in paragraph 2, line 8, is closest in meaning to _____ .
(A) satisfaction
(B) motivation
(C) hesitation
(D) temptation

58( ).

Questions 158~160 refer to the following leaflet.

You can make a difference, help change lives, and support the vulnerable groups on our list by giving your time as a volunteer in one of our charity shops apart from donating a little money.

For volunteers, practical ways of help include paying a regular visit to those who may be at risk of isolation, giving a free ride to those with a medical condition who live in a remote area, and helping prepare and serve food and drinks to patients and their visitors at one of our hospital cafes, whose profits help to fund our work.

You are only a few clicks away from changing lives. Visit this webpage: enrol.nationalfamilychairty.org, follow the step-by-step guide to sign up, and become our partner.

National Family Charity Organization

【題組】158. The word “isolation” in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to _____ .
(A) traveling alone
(B) leading a lonely life
(C) having disconnected thoughts
(D) feeling insecure

59( ).

【題組】159. Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the leaflet as a way of helping vulnerable people?
(A) Donating money.
(B) Working at a hospitable cafe.
(C) Drop a patient’s visitors off at the hospital.
(D) Spending time with people who might not stay socially connected.

60( ).

【題組】160. According to the leaflet, what is NOT true?
(A) National Family Charity Organization are trying to bring in new blood.
(B) To attract volunteers, helping change lives can be one of the good motivators.
(C) Those who wish to help should contact National Family Charity Organization online.
(D) The hospital cafes profit from patients and their visitors so that National Family Charity Organization can build more hospitals and hire more health professionals.

61( ).

Questions 161~163 refer to the following online advertisement.

If you need to share your ideas clearly and engage the interest of an audience, our editable PowerPoint templates can save your precious time. We fully recognize the need to effectively convey ideas and information in your presentations, so we offer a huge selection of templates whose colors, fonts, or layout can be customized and with these highly customizable template slides, you will be able to impress your audience.

Hurry up! Spend two hundred dollars for lifetime access to the Unlimited plan. Sign up with the Unlimited plan to download as many templates as you need and enjoy fresh biweekly content, or get started with the Free plan to access dozens of templates that will blow the socks off your audience.

【題組】161. What does this ad sell?
(A) A tutorial on how to persuade people.
(B) A web design service.
(C) An online course in presentation skills.
(D) Material for a talk giving information about something.

62( ).

【題組】162. The phrase “precious time” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) valuable time
(B) limited time
(C) appropriate time
(D) leisure time

63( ).

【題組】163. What is stated about the Free plan?
(A) To access new content every two weeks.
(B) To download a few highly customizable template slides.
(C) To share ideas with a devoted community.
(D) To attend online training courses in presentation skills.

64( ).

Questions 164~167 refer to the following message chain.
10:09 am, 2 Nov.
We’ve been working from home for more than a month.

10:10 am, 2 Nov.
I noticed a little sadness in your eyes during yesterday’s video conference. You haven’t benefited from WMF, have you?

10:15 am, 2 Nov.
No. As a result of so many distractions at home, I’m not very productive, and my day is usually fragmented by work and family routines. It has been really hectic since I started to work remotely. I think I am disorganized although WMF has saved me a lot of time for commuting.

10:22 am, 2 Nov.
This is a new reality, both domestic and professional. Remote working used to be the domain of freelancers or people employed on a contract. Now, each of us has been affected by changes.

10:29 am, 2 Nov.
So surprised that you are feeling a sense of helplessness. You always stay positive about your work, but this time your attitude to work is quite different.

10:39 am, 2 Nov.
There are a few distractions in my home, too. Like you, I am worried about my productivity. Anyway, it doesn’t matter how we are feeling now. Instead, we have to be prepared for all eventualities and challenges ahead, otherwise we’ll lose our job.

10:48 am, 2 Nov.
Speaking of preparations for the upcoming online sales campaign, have you had your proposal ready? We have less than an hour to go. Our boss is going to host a video meeting to see whether the proposal will work.

10:54 am, 2 Nov.
Oh, no, I forgot! I’ve been distracted by your messages. It’s your fault.

【題組】 164. What can be inferred from the message chain?
(A) Hank and Nicole are father and daughter.
(B) Hank and Nicole have been working night shifts in recent months.
(C) Hank and Nicole work for the same company.
(D) Hank and Nicole work in part-time jobs.

65( ).

【題組】165. Why didn’t Hank enjoy the benefits of working from home?
(A) He was given the leading role but was struggling to cope with the heavy workload.
(B) He was not able to organize his work well.
(C) He couldn’t overcome the problem of traffic noise near his home.
(D) He found it hard to maintain strong working relationships in the digital world.

66( ).

【題組】166. Why did Hank feel surprised at 10:29 am?
(A) He didn’t know that Nicole couldn’t pay attention to work in her home, either.
(B) He couldn’t believe that Nicole hadn’t worked from home before.
(C) He wasn’t aware that Nicole had her own marital problem.
(D) He didn’t sense that Nicole had already had trouble finding a good job.

67( ).

【題組】167. One hour after the message chain ended, what were Hank and Nicole supposed to do?
(A) To attend an online meeting hosted by their boss.
(B) To begin a discussion in a seminar group.
(C) To finish making a video tutorial.
(D) To finalize the details of their product presentation.

68( ).

Questions 168~171 refer to the following article.
Your body image is what you think and how you feel when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. This includes how you feel about your appearance; what you think about your body itself, such as your height and weight; and how you feel within your own skin. Body image also includes how you behave as a result of your thoughts and feelings. You may have a positive or negative body image. Body image is not always related to your weight or size.

Body image development is affected by cultural images and the influence of family, peers, and others. A positive body image contributes to enhanced psychological adjustment (less depression, positive self-worth, life satisfaction, less interpersonal anxiety, fewer eating disorders). Body image is not fixed. Our body experiences change as we grow older, and each stage in our life is associated with body image markers. Maintaining a positive body image is a lifelong process.

Past events and circumstances can cause you to have a negative body image, including:

● Being teased or bullied as a child for how you looked
● Being told you’re ugly, too fat, or too thin or having other aspects of your appearance criticized
● Seeing images or messages in the media (including social media) that make you feel bad about how you look
● Having underweight, overweight, or obesity

Your body image plays a role in how your kids see themselves. You can help your children develop healthy body images by:
● Making sure your children understand that weight gain and growth are normal parts of development, especially during puberty
● Allowing your children to make decisions about food while making sure that plenty of healthy and nutritious meals and snacks are available
● Complimenting your children more on their efforts, talents, accomplishments, and personal values and less on their looks
● Limiting screen time. In addition to getting less exercise, kids who watch TV shows or movies or play online games often see unrealistic female bodies

Source: A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All material contained on these pages are free of copyright restrictions and maybe copied, reproduced, or duplicated without permission of the Office on Women’s Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Citation of the source is appreciated.

【題組】168. According to the article, which of the following is not the advantage of a positive body image?
(A) Feeling content with life.
(B) Getting less anxious about relationships with others.
(C) Being easier to improve performance at school or work.
(D) Being less likely to develop eating disorders.

69( ).

【題組】169. What can be inferred from the article?
(A) Body image development is far more personal than cultural.
(B) Children’s attitudes to body image are strongly influenced by their peers at school, so there’s no need for parents to try to be helpful.
(C) Children’s effort and hard work should take precedence over their appearance.
(D) Children should be taught that body image is only skin deep.

70( ).

【題組】170. According to the article, what might NOT cause a negative body image?
(A) Being made fun of because of being overweight.
(B) Having a nasty habit of telling lies.
(C) Being criticized for having a flabby body.
(D) Receiving disparaging comments about weighing less than usual.

71( ).

【題組】171. What is the best title of Paragraph 4 (marked ⸺[4]⸺) ?
(A) “How does overweight or obesity affect body image?”
(B) “Why is a healthy body image important?”
(C) “What causes a negative body image?”
(D) “How can I help my kids have a healthy body image?”

72( ).

Questions 172~175 refer to the following article.

What is job satisfaction? There is no single answer to this question as it can mean different things to different people. Generally speaking, however, job satisfaction refers to the degree of happiness that an individual feels in their job.

Various factors can affect the level of job satisfaction. First, a recent report revealed that working from home has become a requirement for work happiness for a significant portion of the workforce. Second, professional development opportunities are an important consideration for many modern workers, younger generations like millennials especially. Another survey showed that close to half of the workforce wishes that employers would provide better opportunities for advancement. Moreover, the current top motivation for leaving a job, a recent Flex-Jobs survey reports, is a lack of work-life balance. Of over 4,500 respondents, 68% shared that they would consider switching positions, and 56% cited the main reason for thinking about a career change to be a switch to a job or field with a better work life balance. Furthermore, according to a study published in the Harvard Business Review, while outside factors such as job availability may influence an employee’s decision to leave a company, culture and personal and professional fulfillment can lessen these forces and convince team members to remain in current roles.

The conditions for job satisfaction shift with time and societal changes, and it is important for companies to regularly workforce happiness and adjust culture and benefits accordingly.

Source: https://teambuilding.com/blog/job-satisfaction-statistics

【題組】172. Which of the following writing styles does the article belong to?
(A) Narrative
(B) Informative
(C) Argumentative
(D) Analytical

73( ).

【題組】173. How many factors influencing the level of job satisfaction were mentioned in the article?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Five
(D) Eight

74( ).

【題組】174. How many studies, reports, and surveys were mentioned in the article?
(A) Four
(B) Six
(C) Eight
(D) Ten

75( ).

【題組】175. According to the article, what is indicated about job satisfaction?
(A) The more opportunity to get promoted, the higher job satisfaction.
(B) The definition of job satisfaction today is very similar to it was two decades ago.
(C) Fewer and fewer workers regard remote working opportunities as important.
(D) A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that employees today put higher emphasis on financial rewards than work-life balance.

76( ).

Questions 176~180 refer to the following contract and memo.

Service Agreement

Grand Learning Education (referred to hereafter as “Vendor”) agrees to become the exclusive training event organizer for Wind Winner Tech Company (referred to hereafter as “Client”).

Service Description:
Vendor will provide courses, workshops, seminars, and/or conferences (collectively known as “events”) for Client in all its 6 branches nationwide. The number of branches may change in the future. The events take place on a monthly basis. The venue of each event has to be at one of the branches or within easy reach of each branch, meaning events are not held online or virtually. Live recordings along with event materials should be made available on Client’s official platform(s) within one week of the final day of each event.

Performance Appraisal:
Event participants should be given the opportunity to appraise the performance of events and event hosts, instructors, coaches (assigned by Vendor) should appraise their own performance.

Event Schedule:
Vendor must submit a list of events, their purpose, venue, duration, price included.

Vendor must submit a single invoice for each event as well as the performance appraisal to Client five days after the final day of all events. Full payments have to be made within five full working days of receipt of the invoice.

The nature and scope of the service provided by Vendor may change as circumstances require. Vendor and Client should make every effort to ensure flexibility in the timing and type of service provided.

Subject: Take advantage of our first training program with Grand Learning Education
Recipients: Dept. Sales Staff
Course Name: Public Speaking for the Purpose of Selling
Course Date: August 2 & 3
Lecturer: Emily Hickey

Very few of us are naturally eloquent and a lot of people suffer from speech anxiety. Research reveals that being a great public speaker has nothing to do with your personality, with overcoming shyness. -- [1] --

This training course will equip the participants with skills of communicating with customers or clients. Here are some revelatory insights. -- [2] --

1. Memorize your introduction and conclusion. Brain freeze occurs most commonly during those awful seconds when you first face a crowd.
2. Do everything you can to help them hear and understand you. -- [3] -- People are bad at listening. Use short words, sentences and paragraphs to express your ideas; physical, concrete and vivid images that appeal to the senses; and active verb choices in place of abstract or passive language.

The course will be held at the Spa-Hill branch. Anyone wishing to sign up for the course should contact HR specialist, Cindy Whittaker by phone: 2258100 ext. 3361. -- [4] -- Be hurry! The venue can accommodate 25 people only.

【題組】176. According to the contract, which of the following is true?
(A) Grand Learning Education will provide staff training courses for Wind Winner Tech Company.
(B) Wind Winner Tech Company will provide all-expenses-paid travel opportunities for all its staff.
(C) Wind Winner Tech Company must put all courses its staff will need on a list and announce it.
(D) The staff of Wind Winner Tech Company will pay for training courses provided by Grand Learning Education prior to the last day of the course.

77( ).

【題組】177. According to the contract, which of the following is Grand Learning Education not allowed to do?
(A) To make materials of training courses available online to all staff of Wind Winner Tech Company.
(B) To provide online courses tailor-made to Wind Winner Tech Company’s requirements.
(C) To compile a list of courses for Wind Winner Tech Company to choose from.
(D) To submit a single invoice for each event to Wind Winner Tech Company five days after the final day of the event.

78( ).

【題組】178. What is the main purpose of the memo?
(A) To recommend a training course to the entire staff.
(B) To announce a decision to cancel the contract with Grand Learning Education.
(C) To provide instruction on how to apply for a transfer to another branch office.
(D) To introduce a training opportunity to Wind Winner Tech Company’s sales force.

79( ).

【題組】179. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “It is a technical skill that nearly anyone can acquire, just like cooking.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

80( ).

【題組】180. What is the least likely training course in the memo to introduce to its participants?
(A) How to engage the interest of listeners.
(B) How to quickly and easily tailor your speeches to specific audiences.
(C) How to collaborate with nonprofit organizations.
(D) How to master your body language.

81( ).

Questions 181~185 refer to the following prospectus and email.
Very-Unique Job Training Academy
Prepare for a career as a strategic business leader and stay ahead of the game, no matter what the world throws at you.

● Course Highlights
I. Participating in applied projects and real-life case studies.
II. Benefiting from guest lectures by industry experts.

Course ID: BD201

Course ID: OL55163ec9c7eed908.jpg

Course ID: OL552

Course ID: OL553

Questions? We're here to help. Send us an email: consult@vujtraining.com

To: Betty Taylor
From: Sarah Lancashire
Date: July 27

This is Sarah Lancashire from Very-Unique Job Training Academy. I am writing to inform you that the course you have signed up for has already been brough forward by one month due to personal matters of one of the guest lecturers. The ID of the course affected is BD201.

The general principle is that paid participants will be eligible to get a full refund. However, as you are our annual full member, who have paid in full and have free access to all courses, you will not be refunded if the date is not convenient for you. Despite so, there are special offers for hundreds of courses on our official website and do not miss the opportunity to build your skill set.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,
Sarah Lancashire

【題組】181. Which of the following courses is most likely to be recommended to a Hotel HR Manager?
(A) Course ID: BD201
(B) Course ID: OL551
(C) Course ID: OL552
(D) Course ID: OL553

82( ).

【題組】182. Which of the following courses is NOT strongly related to communication skills?
(A) Course ID: BD201
(B) Course ID: OL551
(C) Course ID: OL552
(D) Course ID: OL553

83( ).

【題組】183. What is NOT true about the courses listed in the prospectus?
(A) Course ID: BD201 will last four weeks.
(B) There will be three courses held on the internet.
(C) Two of the courses will be held on the same day.
(D) People who will have plans for October 9 should be encouraged to attend either Course ID: OL551 or Course ID: OL552.

84( ).

【題組】184. According to the email, what is the exact start date of Course ID: BD201?
(A) August 2.
(B) August 25.
(C) September 2.
(D) September 25.

85( ).

【題組】185. What is Sarah Lancashire’s job title?
(A) Associate Director
(B) Customer Success Specialist
(C) Quality Assurance Inspector
(D) Technical Service Engineer

86( ).

Questions 186~190 refer to the following text message, form, and email.
From: Molly McDonald
Received: 8:09 P.M. July 10

Hello, Ivy Rocha,
I couldn’t reach you online, but I keep receiving error messages while I try to clock out. I am in need of your help.

GHC Corp.
Attendance Management System
Form No.9801 for Applying for an employee card

Name: Molly McDonald
Nationality: Australia
ID Number: M331258
Passport Number: N/A (No needed for an Australia citizen)
Birthday: 1998/11/25
Position: Junior Event Coordinator
Email: mollymoonstars@speedyemail.com
Phone: 25542017

Building(s): ✔ North Star ▢ East Star ▢ South Star

Send this form to Ivy Rocha to get your employee id card so that you are able to clock in, clock out, and gain access to the front gate(s) of the building(s).
FAX: 25532111

To: mollymoonstars@speedyemail.com
From: Ivy Rocha
Date: 10:09 P.M. July 10

Dear Molly,

Thanks to the help of the security Mr. Chen, you could finally go through the gate about an hour ago.

I apologized for this incident. I will make a new employee card for you to replace your old card that did not function properly, which had prevented you from leaving the office building. So, tomorrow morning, let’s meet at the gate at 8:30 A.M. and we will gain access to the building through my employee card. I will deliver the new card in person by noon. In order to compensate for the inconvenience, one day next week, you can have lunch at the employee canteen at our company’s expense.

Ivy Rocha

【題組】186. What is NOT indicated about GHC corp.?
(A) It is located in Australia.
(B) It has three buildings.
(C) It is a travel agency.
(D) It has a fax machine.

87( ).

【題組】187. What problem did Molly McDonald encounter?
(A) Her employee card didn’t work when she started work.
(B) She had to take sick leave but kept receiving error messages.
(C) She was locked in the office building when she finished work.
(D) She didn’t report for duty at 8:00 P.M.

88( ).

【題組】188. Why should Form No.9801 be submitted?
(A) To gain control of the company.
(B) To use an entrance and keep attendance records.
(C) To get discounts for meals served by the employee canteen.
(D) To join the company pension scheme.

89( ).

【題組】189. How was Molly’s issue resolved that night?
(A) Ivy went to the company and helped Molly in person.
(B) Molly phoned a locksmith.
(C) Molly’s guardian helped her.
(D) A guard helped Molly.

90( ).

【題組】190. What is true about the incident?
(A) Molly got a new employee an hour after she successfully left the office building.
(B) Ivy issued a new employee card an hour after Molly texted her.
(C) Ivy and Molly had a meal together at the employee canteen the next day.
(D) Molly got a free lunch at the employee canteen.

91( ).

Questions 191~195 refer to the following email, quotation, and invitation card.
To: Samuel Stocking<isamuel@wanpunestate.com.nz>
From: Connie Hurst<connie_hurst@fashiondesignersguildnz.org.nz>

Dear Samuel Stocking,

Thank you for the tour of the venue yesterday. Although the hall is spacious and has a gorgeous, calming feel, I think the location seems not easily accessible by public transportation and parking facilities nearby are lacking. Besides, your offer did not impress my supervisor, the head of the Fashion Designers' Guild. Before the final decision is made by this Friday afternoon, I am wondering if you can make a special offer or if you can suggest another place suitable for our two-day member convention on a better location, and more importantly, at a competitive price.

I am looking forward to receiving your new offer and suggestions. Be quick in order to let the offer be discussed in tomorrow’s meeting.

Sincerely yours,
Connie Hurst


To: Fashion Designers' Guild

Dear Connie Hurst,

The table shows three perfect places for your two-day event. I personally recommend Gerkins for a metro station, just a block away, and the Boutique George Hotel, just a five-minute walk away, ideal for guests to stay overnight.

*** All prices do not include VAT.

If you book Gerkins by August 31, you will enjoy a ten percent discount and a twenty percent discount for all of your guests staying at the hotel. Since this is a special offer, take the unique opportunity. I will visit you in person to sign the contract and collect the deposit.

Samuel Stocking

Invitation: Annual Member Convention
To All members of the Fashion Designers' Guild

Please join us on November 1 & 2 at Gerkins.

A limited number of members only! We will offer free overnight accommodation at the Boutique George Hotel. Visit this web page and complete the form to take part in the raffle: http://raffle.fashiondesignersguildnz.org.nz/event/

【題組】191. According to the email, which of the following is NOT the reason Connie asked for a new offer?
(A) Parking was not easy near the venue.
(B) The venue was not big enough.
(C) Connie’s supervisor did not find the offer attractive.
(D) Guests of the event may find it hard to get to the venue by public transport.

92( ).

【題組】192. Which of the following is most likely to be the job title of Samuel Stocking?
(A) Real Estate Appraiser
(B) Mortgage consultants
(C) Construction Scheduler
(D) Associate Commercial Broker

93( ).

【題組】193. How much should the Fashion Designers' Guild deposit to book Gerkins?
(A) $17,55
(B) $1,950
(C) $3,510
(D) $3,900

94( ).

【題組】194. The word “raffle” in the last line of the invitation card, is closest in meaning to _____ .
(A) a lucky draw
(B) a keynote speech
(C) a soft opening
(D) a census

95( ).

【題組】195. Who will be eligible for a free overnight stay at the Boutique George Hotel?
(A) All members of the Fashion Designers' Guild.
(B) The members who have a leading role in the Fashion Designers' Guild.
(C) A limited number of staff members of Wan Pun Estate.
(D) A few prize winners, according to the results of the raffle.

96( ).

Questions 196~200 refer to the following web page, online review, and email.

Marprette College Online Courses

If you are looking for a career that allows you to combine your people and leadership skills with plenty of opportunities for growth, our online Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Diploma Program can help you prepare for the job you want. The program can help you prepare for management roles in a variety of hospitality settings including restaurants, hotels, resorts, cruise ships, and more. Through flexible, online courses, you will learn how to manage a restaurant or hotel on your schedule, from home.

What will you learn?
● How to recruit, interview, and manage employees including how to determine staffing needs and the scheduling of responsibilities.
● How to plan a restaurant menu that accounts for customer preference, nutrient content, wording regulations, and pricing needs.
● How to enforce rules for hygienic food handling and washing of dishes, utensils, and other items.
● How to understand the duties and responsibilities of various positions you will oversee as a hotel or restaurant manager.

For more information about this course, contact Admission Outreach at 84-20058177, or submit a request information form.

John Henderson, June 16

I was so excited to find this online program because I finally could learn at my own pace. However, the quality of the pre-recorded videos is poor. For example, videos were freezing, or kept showing a green screen. Some videos were even showing a message like “This is an age-restricted video.” It was so disappointing. What is more ridiculous is that my email to Customer Support hasn’t got a reply for at least five days.

To: John Henderson
From: Jeff Diamant
Date: June 20
Subject: About your review on our online course

Dear John,

I am Jeff on behalf of Marprette College. With regard to the review you posted on June 16, I would like to clear up some misunderstandings. --[1]-- To begin with, we are understaffed due to the pandemic and it has been announced that the maximal response time for all online requests would require two extra days. That was why it took five days for you to receive the reply. As for the issues you had while watching tutorial videos, they might result from your internet connection availability. You should contact your internet service provider for possible solutions. --[2]-- In other words, our video platform has been running smoothly.

We would like to refund you in full and please contact me if you need us to do so. --[3]--

There are thousands of visitors to our website and all of the reviews can have an impact, so I am here to request you to delete the review, or we are going to take legal action three days from now. --[4]--

Best Regards,
Jeff Diamant

【題組】196. According to the web page, which of the following is true about the online Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Diploma Program?
(A) No in-person courses on the same topic were mentioned in the web page.
(B) The program is aimed at entry-level positions in restaurants, hotels, resorts, cruise ships, and more.
(C) The flexibility of the program provides the opportunity to learn on their own schedule for those who have to work.
(D) The program will put higher emphasis on digital marketing techniques and social responsibility.

97( ).

【題組】197. Which of the following might NOT be among one of the course objectives of the online Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Diploma Program?
(A) Financial risk management.
(B) Employee management skills.
(C) Food hygiene regulations.
(D) Restaurant menu planning.

98( ).

【題組】198. According to John Henderson’s review on June 16, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) John Henderson signed up for the online Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Diploma Program.
(B) Some problems arose when John Henderson tried to watch the online tutorials.
(C) John Henderson did contact Customer Support by email but did not get immediate responses.
(D) A Customer Support specialist did apologize to John Henderson on the day he contacted Customer Support.

99( ).

【題組】199. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “In fact, no similar problems were reported to our engineer teams during the week your issue came up.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

100( ).

【題組】200. According to the email, which of the following is true?
(A) Jeff Diamant is likely to work as Customer Support specialist for Marprette College.
(B) John Henderson will not be refunded because of the negative review he posted.
(C) John Henderson is likely to be sued for breach of contract.
(D) Jeff Diamant asked John Henderson to delete the review in exchange for a full refund.

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