(1 分53 秒)

14. The museum has several life-sized ________ of people and animals.
(A) reservations
(B) greetings
(C) competitions
(D) sculptures


16. Many insects can ________ colours of the spectrum that are invisible to us.
(A) overhear
(B) applaud
(C) perceive
(D) dispose


19. As the number of the seats ________ limited, we suggest that you make the booking in advance.
(A) be
(B) is
(C) are
(D) has


20. Reading is to the mind ________ exercise is to the body.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) what
(D) so


    Cactus plants are quite juicy. Take an aloe, for example. When you cut it open, the mucilaginous gel inside the leaves will flow out. Cactus plants actually hoard moisture in their plant cells 26 they have some water during extremely dry, drought-like conditions. They are remarkably 27 to water neglect, but certain signs in the leaves, pads or stems will indicate that the plant is becoming stressed 28 a lack in moisture. 29 these signs, along with some education on your plant’s native region and climate, can help indicate the best time for watering cactus plants. Heavy compact, clay soils or those with heavy amounts of organic material 30 to capture water and can cause rot in cactus roots and lower stems. Plants in full sun tend to dry out more than those in lower light conditions, as do windy or drafty sites.

(A) primitive
(B) shameful
(C) tolerant
(D) habitual


    “God Save the Queen” (or “God Save the King,” depending on the gender of the ruling monarch) was first publicly performed in London in 1745 to support King George II after he was defeated in a battle in the Jacobean uprising that started that year. The song was used to boost morale and the forces loyal to George II would go on to defeat the Jacobites the following year. The song came to be referred to as the national anthem from the beginning of the nineteenth century.
    The words and tune are anonymous, and may date back to the seventeenth century. There are various claimants to authorship of both the words and the tune. The words can be found as early as 1545, when the watchword at night was “God save the King,” the reply was “Long to reign over us.” The authorship of the melody has been claimed by many, including John Bull, Henry Carey, Henry Purcell, and Joseph Haydn.
    There is no authorised version of the National Anthem as the words are a matter of tradition. The anthem has also never been officially declared as the national anthem of the country. The royal anthem is used as the national anthem as a matter of tradition. The words used are those sung in 1745, substituting ‘Queen’ for ‘King’ (and female pronouns for male ones) where appropriate. On official occasions, the first verse only is sung; on a small number of occasions, the third verse is heard as well. The second verse is very rarely heard due to its militaristic nature. There exist many other verses, some dating as far back as the first three verses, but the first three are what can best be taken as the “standard” British national anthem.
    The British tune has since become one of the world’s most recognizable anthems, and has been used in other countries including Germany, Russia, Switzerland, the United States, and even today by Liechtenstein and as the royal anthem of Norway. The song also was an influence on early anthems used in the Kingdom of Hawaii. Some 140 composers, including Beethoven, Haydn and Brahms, have used the tune in their compositions.

【題組】35. Why has the song “God Save the Queen” not been officially declared as the national anthem of the United Kingdom?
(A) Because the status of the song derived from tradition but not from any official order.
(B) Because the authorship of the lyrics and the melody is unknown.
(C) Because the lyrics are not unified and there exist many versions.
(D) Because the song is also used as the royal anthem in other countries



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