(3 分16 秒)

Two important secrets of long life are regular exercise and ________ from worry.


There are many symbols in the world today. Many of these have their roots in history. _31_ , the symbol @ is found on every keyboard in the world. Its modern meaning dates back to 1971, _32_ Raymond Tomlinson used it to identify different computer stations. From there, it has spread to emails, forums, Facebook, and Twitter. _33_ example is the symbol of Bluetooth, which was created by the Swedish company Ericsson. The technology was actually named _34_ a 10th century Danish king, Harald Blatand, who unified Denmark, Norway, and Sweden into a powerful kingdom. The title “Bluetooth” is said to have come about because King Harald ate too many blueberries. The Bluetooth symbol uses Harald’s initials, written in the old runes from that region. These examples _35_ a very good question---where would we be without these symbols? Our world would surely look a lot different.


Critics have suggested that the Neihu-Mucha MRT line _____ during the 21st Summer Deaflympics in Taipei.
(A) be closed down
(B) to be close down
(C) be close down
(D) being closed down


      When U.S. President Barack Obama said that the challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom, he intended to say that U.S. schoolchildren don't spend enough time in the classroom. Obama believes that this puts them at a disadvantage when compared to schoolchildren in other countries. 
      Obama is lucky that most schoolchildren are too young to vote, as they would not likely reelect a man who supports more time in school and shorter summer vacations, with children staying in school almost until suppertime and enjoying only eight weeks’ break over the summer instead of the 10 weeks U.S. schoolchildren currently enjoy. 
       If schooling is measured in terms of instructional hours per year, U.S. students receive more than many students in Asia. While U.S. children spend 1146 hours in the classroom per school year, children in Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong officially spend 903,1,1005 and 1,013 hours in the classroom, respectively. Taiwan outpaces those three with a score of 1,050 hours spent in formal schools, but that is still nearly 100 fewer hours than that of the U.S.

【題組】44.According to the passage, at present,how many weeks is the summer vacation for schoolchildren In the U.S.?
(A) eight weeks
(B) not mentioned
(C) seven weeks
(D) ten weeks


54. Part of the film Transformers: Age of Extinction ________ on location in China, to attract more Chinese moviegoers.
(A) shot
(B) shoot
(C) was shot
(D) was shooting


7. Taiwan orchid producers have successfully mastered their art to the point that they now enjoy a _____ lead in the floricultural industry.
(A) permanent
(B) ferocious
(C) considerable
(D) unanimous


  When it was published in 1973,E.F. Schumacher’s book, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, made a lot of people think about the ways we make money, and what we use it for. Here is a quote taken from the book: 
  “A modem economist is used to measuring the ‘standard of living,by the amount of annual consumption, assuming all the time that a man who consumes more is ‘better off’ than a man who consumes less. A Buddhist economist would consider this approach excessively irrational: since consumption is merely a means to human well-being, the aim should be to obtain the maximum of well-being with the minimum of consumption. ... The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity. Modem economics, on the other hand, considers consumption to be the sole end and purpose of all economic activity.” 
  The quote makes sense to a lot of people who are tired of always working harder to buy things that don’t really make them feel a lot better. What do people really want, and what do they really need? Suppose someone decides that a bigger or better television would make life more enjoyable. Perhaps. But what does the person have to pay for that TV? It’s not just the money; it’s the lost hours spent earning that money. 
  In any case, a family decides to buy a big television for the living room. But then the parents decide that they want a second television for their bedroom. What happens? They all can’t watch both televisions at the same time. Perhaps one person in the family watches the one in the bedroom, while someone else watches the one in the living room. But then they are missing out on the happiness of being together as a family. There are lots of things we do that don’t really improve our lives.

【題組】44. According to this article, what may a Buddhist economist encourage people to do?
(A) To work harder in order to buy a bigger and better TV set.
(B) To devote more time and strength to boost the global economy.
(C) To spend more time and energy in artistic activities.
(D) To live up to what most modem economists have stated.


33. After rethinking my ____ , I decided to put my studies before my part-time job.
(A) obstacles
(B) benefits
(C) priorities
(D) classifications


41. Marvin likes________ with his wife.
(A) hike
(B) hiker
(C)to go hike
(D)to hike


13. Economic reformers believe that_______is the only way to enhance efficiency of some govemment-run organizations. Only when the companies are responsible to the shareholders, productivity will increase.
(A) dramatization
(B) nationalization
(C) privatization
(D) realization


11. The city government met with strong ______ from residents about its proposal to build a nuclear plant in this area. In the end, the government had to drop the plan.


Questions 21 - 25 
Long before Jesus Christ was born, some Arabic legends talked about a mysterious drink. It is black, strong in flavor, and can 21 a powerful stimulant. That could be the earliest mention of coffee, a drink that has swept the world today. In ancient days, another usually told story mentions a shepherd who found his goat strangely excited after chewing on certain berries. Bewildered by the magical effects, the shepherds 22 a local monk, who later distilled the berry to create a strong beverage. That was 23 the coffee drink came into being. Even though coffee has existed for thousands of years in the Arabic and Native American world, it was 24 the late 1500s that coffee traders introduce the exotic beverage to the western world. Europeans fell in love with the beverages, and its consumptions dramatically 25 in decades. Later in the following centuries, the European colonies brought this product drink to their colonies.

(A) owing to
(B) due to
(C) between
(D) not until


四、閱讀測驗 Much of the theory of manners was formulated by the sociologist Norbert Elias in his book, The Civilizing Process. Elias notes that medieval culture initially gave powerful men the ability to act like children—to live without any physical or psychic restraints. Over a span of several centuries, beginning in the 11th or 12th and maturing in the 17th and 18th, Europeans increasingly inhibited their impulses, anticipated the long-term consequences of their actions, and took other people’s thoughts and feelings into consideration. A culture of honor—the readiness to take revenge—gave way to a culture of dignity—the readiness to control one’s emotions. th In the 16 century, the great Erasmus penned the first etiquette book—The Handbook of Good Manners for Children. Several other writers also published similar guidebooks. The books included such rules as: Don’t urinate in the hallway; don’t use the tablecloth to blow your nose; don’t use your personal knife to pop food into your mouth, etc. Interestingly, those rules had less to do with good hygiene than we might imagine. An understanding of microbes and infection did not arrive until well into the 19th century. The only explicit rationales stated in those books are to avoid acting like an animal and to avoid offending others. This civilizing process was long and slow. King David I of Scotland proposed that citizens who learned to eat more properly should get a tax refund. Disappointingly, that idea never caught on. The much-traveled Thomas Coryat introduced the table fork to Britain. When he returned from Italy in 1608 with this fancy novelty, he met with a torrent of ridicule. But that idea did eventually catch on. And a quarter of a century later, the table fork reached America.
【題組】40. The passage would most likely be found in a _____.
(A) chapter of history book
(B) handbook for civil service staff
(C) high school student yearbook
(D) training manual for air pilots


37. Ten years______ very long for any person in an unhappy marriage.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) be
(D) can


17. Russia is one of the world’s biggest oil producers, and any military or economic _____ with the country could sow significant disruption in energy markets and beyond.
(A) conflict
(B) negotiation
(C) peace
(D) security


45. The success of our ad campaign for the new products _____ our expectation.
(A) accumulated
(B) exceeded
(C) overwhelmed
(D) procured


