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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(376~400)
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        Every family should have a budget. A “budget” is a method of planning expenses by figuring out how much money is made and how much should be spent for everyone’s basic needs. The ordinary expenses in a budget usually include education for the children, monthly bills for the utilities of electricity and water, communication costs for telephone and computer use, transportation costs, and, of course, money for groceries. A little money for extra expenses should also be set aside each month. Since everyone in the family is involved, everyone, even children, should learn to keep the costs of living at a reasonable level.
【題組】47. What is the main purpose of keeping a family budget?
(A)To put a lot of money in the bank for the future.
(B)To make sure everybody in the family is earning money.
(C)To spend a lot of money for children’s educational games.
(D)To know in advance how the family’s income is to be used.


47. Waiter: Are you ready to order? 
Daniel: __________ We want to discuss it first.
(A) A bottle of the house white, please.
(B) Medium rare, please.
(C) Not quite-just give us a minute or two.
(D) No, thanks, could you bring the bill, please?


        One morning, Johnny and his little sister Shirley went to pick berries with other children and their mothers. They felt bored after picking for a long time. So they slipped away when nobody noticed them. They climbed up the hills. But soon they lost their way because there were many hills that looked the same. Feeling very tired, Shirley began to cry. Luckily, they found shelter in a cave among the rocks before it got dark. They slept in the cave that night. Next morning, they left the cave but still couldn't find the way home. They were happy to see a friendly wolf sitting on a rock. Johnny said to the wolf: “We are lost. Please help us find our way home.” The wolf wagged its tail and led them to a hilltop. Johnny and Shirley were filled with joy to see their home in the valley below. They begged the wolf to come and live with them. But the wolf wagged its tail again and disappeared in the wood. When they had returned home, they still missed the wolf very much.
【題組】48. Why did Johnny and Shirley get lost?
(A) The hills looked alike.
(B) They were tired.
(C) They were afraid.
(D) It was getting dark.


6 By that time the theater was already____________ , so we had to buy tickets for the next day.


39. You ________ on the phone for two hours. Why don’t you hang it up?
(C)will have talked
(D)have been talking


40 James: ______
Jenny:Well, I don’t really like them. There’s too much violence. 
James:I like them though. 
(A)Do you like action movies?
(B)Which do you prefer?
(C)Are you going to the pub tonight?
(D)Do you like Chinese food or Japanese food?


They decided to change the plan because they couldn’t find any ________ to the problem.


4. Can you ______ the answer to this question?
(A)thanks to
(B)think of
(C)turn into
(D)take off


37.Thousands of people were________and many buildings were destroyed by Super Typhoon Bopha.
(A) reduced
(B) injured
(C) arranged
(D) calculated


26 This Italian restaurant is the ____ place to eat in the city.
(A) most
(B) best
(C) more
(D) better


Your starting salary will be HK$14,200 per month. 21 office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. You may be required to do 22 work in addition to these hours, and this will be paid 23 the normal hourly rate for the first hour after normal working hours and 125% of the hourly rate thereafter. You will be entitled to two weeks’ annual holiday with pay, and after ten years’ 24 , this will be increased to three weeks’ annual holiday. This appointment can be terminated by one month’s notice in writing by either 25 .
(A) overtime
(B) brain
(C) delicious
(D) healthy


37 My hometown has changed___ that I could not recognize it.
(A) such
(B) very little
(C) so much
(D) for


45 A. How did your parents enjoy their vacation in Bali? B. ______ The weather was miserable, and the hotel was crowded. A. That’s a shame!
(A) They were really happy.
(B) They were not really sure.
(C) They were disappointed.
(D) They want to go again.


38 Simon is a lazy guy. He _________ gets any exercise.
(A) always
(B) usually
(C) regularly
(D) hardly.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Popular folktales are often made into movies for children. One of the most famous examples is Beauty and the Beast. However, the story was not originally meant for children. The story of the woman who married the beast was written down by a French lady named Madame Villeneuve in the 18th century. She borrowed the unusual idea of the animal bridegroom from folktales and made it into an interesting novel to read to her rich adult friends in Paris. In her story, when the woman falls in love with him, the beast turns into a prince. Many other versions for adults and children followed and in 1991 Walt Disney made the story into a movie for children.
【題組】43 According to the passage, Madame Villeneuve was _______ .
(A) a cartoon character
(B) an American woman
(C) the writer of a novel
(D) a movie director


36 Knives and guns are dangerous_________ that can kill people.
(A) fighters
(B) weapons
(C) projects
(D) exercises


40 The homework was easy. I finished it without ______.
(A) difference
(B) difficulty
(C) action
(D) addition


39 Because of global warming, the world is likely to keep on breaking high _____ marks.
(A) environment
(B) temperature
(C) universe
(D) waterfall


11 The____________ we had yesterday was quite unusual because we had to answer the questions by drawing pictures.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: I was raised in a very conservative family on the island of Fiji in the South Pacific. At an early age we were taught close family ties and conservative ways. Family members worked together as one unit, and we respected our elders. Upon arriving in the United States, I discovered a very different world, where children speak as they wish to their parents and at times even treat them with disrespect. This different world eventually led to some difficulties between me and my parents. When I was eighteen, a couple of my friends moved out of their parents' house and into an apartment of their own. They asked me to move in with them. These friends were born in the United States, and their upbringing was less conservative than mine. Their parents considered it perfectly acceptable for them to move out and live independently at eighteen. But when I spoke to my parents, it was clear they did not want me to leave home. My friends couldn't understand this and they kept telling me to move out anyway. I felt caught between my friends and my parents. I felt that my friends were doing something that was socially acceptable and that my parents were being old-fashioned and not behaving as Americans should behave. For me, after many sleepless nights, my obligation as a daughter overcame my yearning for independence. I realized that my parents' unwillingness for me to move out was because of their love for me. I also realized that if my friends were true friends, they would accept my decision. I told them I'd decided to stay with my parents. Most of them accepted my decision. Now, looking back, I feel that I made a right decision.
【題組】47 When the writer was eighteen, what did her friends ask her to do?
(A) To move to the Unites States.
(B) To move back to the island of Fiji.
(C) To move out of her parents' house.
(D) To move back to live with their parents.


40 People may believe that sharing songs on the Internet doesn’t hurt anyone; __________, when musicians don’t earn enough money, they stop making music.


38 It rained so heavily this morning that I could ______ walk in the street.
(A) only
(B) really
(C) hardly
(D) clearly


36 Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the ______ .
(A) arrival
(B) interval
(C) festival
(D) survival


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
       To survive, animals need to find food. Some predators have developed special vision in order to look for prey. Processing eyesight that can be four to five times __26__  than ours, eagles can spot a rabbit from several milesaway. Owls, __27__ hunt at night, have huge eyes for capturing plenty of light and detecting tasty treats in the dark.Like owls, cats see well at night. Their pupils become large circles to let more __28__ in. However, they can’t detect colors. Bees and butterflies, on the other hand, have a range of color vision that extends into ultraviolet – __29__that humans can’t see. For a long time, humans didn’t know how other animals see. Recent studies have shed light on a marvelous world of vision diversity. Understanding the way animals __30__ the world can tell us a lot about their survival strategies.

(A) sun
(B) moon
(C) fire
(D) light


41 A cat jumped from the corner in the dark and gave me a _____.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(376~400)-阿摩線上測驗

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