(4 分1 秒)
【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(2291~2300)
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Kids _____ to eat if they do not wash their hands.
(A)are not allowed
(C)must not
(D)have given


30.Sam is always in a good ________. He is very easy to work with.


A family on a tight ___ can not afford big meals every day.
(A) budget
(B) cause
(C) tension
(D) divorce


(A) 這個案子疑雲重重,真相「歷歷如繪」,讓警方辦案相當吃力
(B) 此事事關重大,所有參與的人都「呶呶不休」,深怕走漏風聲
(C) 在那「篳路藍縷」的年代,我們的先人留下了無數拓荒的足跡
(D) 這家餐館的海鮮因為「魚游鼎沸」的現場烹煮,所以特別鮮美


15.「王黃門兄弟三人俱詣謝公,子猷、子重多說俗事,子敬寒溫而已。既出,坐客問謝公: 『向三賢孰勝?』謝公曰:『小者最勝。』客曰:『何以知之?』謝公曰:『「吉人之辭寡, 躁人之辭多」』,推此知之。」 (《世說新語》) 依據上文,子敬被謝安推為最勝的原因為何?
(A) 言笑自若
(B) 言寡而實
(C) 言方行圓
(D) 言聽計從


54 Man: Excuse me. You speak Chinese, don’t you? Woman: ____________________________ Man: Can you tell me how to say “rice cooker” in Chinese?
(A) Yes, I don’t.
(B) Yes, but not very well.
(C) That’s O.K.
(D) Thank you.


The seminar has been moved from Wednesday _____ Friday.


50. A: __________________________ B: Sure. I will take care of it when you are away on vacation.
(A) Will you keep an eye on my dog?
(B) Do you like my dog?
(C) Are you fond of my dog?
(D) Are you afraid of my dog?


37.______ his success in research, he is recruited by a multinational company. 
(A)As far as
(B)In spite of
(C)Because of
(D)In addition


    Among most peoples in the world, children are given names. In the United States children have a family name, 
or a “last name,” and a first name. Most also have a middle name. However, not all people name children in the 
same way.   Some peoples believe that the spirits of those who have died are reborn in babies. To name a baby, the parents 
begin by saying the names of the child’s ancestors. The baby may sneeze, smile, or cry when a certain name is said. 
The parents think that means the ancestor is reborn in the baby. The baby is given that name.
Some peoples change their names. Navaho Indians change their names when they want new ones. The Navaho 
can decide to use the mother’s last name rather than the father’s. They may want an English name in place of a 
Native American one. Or they may change their English name into a Navaho name. The Navaho do not think it 
important to keep the same name. 
In some parts of Africa, a baby’s name is kept secret. No strangers are allowed to learn it. People there believe that the name is part of the child. They think that anyone who learns the name will have power over the child.

【題組】46 On the whole, this story is about _________ .
(A) giving ancestors a name.  
(B) changing the name of an African child. 
(C) how people are given their names. 
(D) keeping secret of people’s names.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(2291~2300)-阿摩線上測驗
