(3 秒)

   Today, when we want new clothes, we can go to a clothing store and buy whatever you like. But for people two or three hundred years ago, getting new clothes was not so easy. Not only did they make their own clothing, but sometimes people wove their own cloth at home. And if they owed their own sheep, they even spun the wool into yarn themselves. 
    Wool cannot just be taken from the sheep and spun. First, it must be cleaned and then carded. In a large family, carding was usually the children’s job, because it is easy but tiresome. Carding is done with two wide combs that have rows of steel teeth. The person carding puts a piece of wool on one comb, then pulls the other comb across the wool again and again. This combing makes the wool fibers straight and smooth so they can be spun. 
   Finally, the mother or older sister of the family could use the wool for spinning. Spinning just means twisting and stretching the fibers into yarn. You have spun yarn if you have ever pulled and twisted a cotton ball into a long string. Usually, though, a spinning wheel helps make the pulling and twisting easier. The spinner holds the wool in her hands and twists one end unto the yarn already on the spindle, or long winding stick. The spinning wheel turns the spindle, pulling the wool into yarn and winding it onto the spindle at the same time. Finally, the yarn is ready for weaving. 
   Today, machines can spin yarn much faster than people can. But in some places, people still make their own yarn because they love the old art of spinning.

【題組】40. Why do some people still spin their own yarn?
(A) They cherish the skills of the old style of spinning.
(B) They still treasure the method of carding the wool for spinning.
(C) They hold the quality of the wool yarn is still much better.
(D) They still love the way of how traditional clothes is made.


