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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 警察四等 警察專業英文#77063
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26 Police officers are sometimes hurt or killed when they are sent to incidents, so they have to carry equipment or weapons to _____ themselves.
(A) attack
(B) defend
(C) suspend
(D) inspect


27 Popular TV shows like CSI(Crime Scene Investigation)have _____ the general public’s knowledge of applying “forensic science” to analyze evidence and solve crimes.
(A) possessed
(B) decreased
(C) dismissed
(D) promoted


28 When the police arrest someone, they must obtain a _____ issued by a judge.
(A) warning
(B) warrant
(C) guarantee
(D) rejection


29 The police are responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public _____, preventing crimes, protecting lives and property, etc.
(A) order
(B) health
(C) school
(D) opinion


30 For dealing with diverse situations, a good police officer should have effective _____ skills, problem-solving skills, team-working skills, negotiation skills, as well as sound judgment.
(A) information
(B) communication
(C) exaggeration
(D) complication


31 In recent years, the rapid pace of change in Taiwan has caused crime rates to rise, which has made people feel _____.
(A) exhausted
(B) relieved
(C) complacent
(D) unsafe


32 John is an extremely careless driver; that is why he has been fined many times for _____ of traffic regulations.
(A) abolitions
(B) compilations
(C) contradictions
(D) violations


33 In dealing with a disaster, the police are responsible for directing traffic and setting up a safety _____ around the disaster area.
(A) zone
(B) belt
(C) helmet
(D) purpose


34 Nowadays people have more awareness of human rights and will not _____ being tortured by brutal police in criminal cases.
(A) enjoy
(B) suffer
(C) tolerate
(D) complain


35 In many countries, there is a common emergency service number that allows the police, firefighters, or medical services to be _____ to an emergency.
(A) rendered
(B) moved
(C) summoned
(D) posted


36 Every local government in Taiwan has a police department responsible for planning and performing police operations within their __________.
(A) condition
(B) position
(C) foundation
(D) jurisdiction


37 Utilization of _________Forces has been involved in assisting with police work.
(A) Volunteer
(B) Vulnerable
(C) Vocational
(D) Vocal


38 Drug-related offenses are__________ by laws in all nations around the world.
(A) debatable
(B) discussable
(C) punishable
(D) treatable


39 Illegal possession of firearms, ammunitions and weapons constitutes a__________ in Taiwan.
(A) disturbance
(B) felony
(C) mischief
(D) misdemeanor


40 Police officers could quickly retrieve the required criminal images from the Cloud Image Retrieval System to_________ a criminal case as soon as possible.
(A) chase
(B) manage
(C) locate
(D) solve


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
   On April 22, 2019 (Sunday), close to 1,000 Uber drivers protested in front of the Presidential Office against the government’s proposed regulation to limit Uber’s business activities. In 41 of the protest, Uber also terminated its service for six hours on the same day. In February, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC) announced a draft amendment on Article 103-1 of “Regulations for Automobile Transportation Operators,” otherwise known as the “Uber Clause,” calling for stricter rules that would essentially force Uber out of business. The amendment, if passed on April 26, would require Uber to 42 customers by a minimum of one hour in any given trip, regardless of distance. 43 , the rental car drivers working with Uber would have to return to their vehicle to the rental shop after every ride. According to Uber Taiwan, the amendment will 44 at least 3 million riders and 10,000 Uber drivers. 45 will have to pay for an hour-long fare even if the trip only lasts 10 minutes. Waiting time will also increase significantly since every driver will have to return the vehicle to its “garage.”

(A) support
(B) contrast
(C) case
(D) summary


(A) pay
(B) owe
(C) charge
(D) compensate


(A) Apparently
(B) Incidentally
(C) Additionally
(D) Obviously


(A) allow
(B) affect
(C) force
(D) effect


(A) Drivers
(B) Inspectors
(C) Conductors
(D) Passengers


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
   Police career is a profession that demands higher ethical standards than others. It is often said that police officers are like living in a transparent fish tank, being watched all the time. The majority of police officers are dedicated and hard-working, serving the people and doing the right things. All police officers have ideals: integrity and honesty, justice and courage. Yet, sometimes, we heard stories of bad cops doing bad things—bribery, misuse of force, abuse of authority, etc. These are the black sheep that hurt the entire profession and violate police code of ethics. Police officers should never permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence their decisions. The following Law Enforcement Oath of Honor is recommended by the International Association of Chiefs of Police(IACP)as a symbolic statement of commitment to ethical behavior:
   On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold my community and the agency I serve.
   The Oath of Honor’s brevity allows it to be constantly referred to and reinforced during conversations and ceremonies. It is strongly recommended by the IACP that all agencies adopt the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor.

【題組】46 Which of the following statements correctly translates the sentence “police officers are like living in a transparent fish tank”?
(A) They are treated as valuable golden fish.
(B) They are being watched all the time.
(C) They are living in a self-enclosed space.
(D) They are highly respected by the public.


【題組】47 Which of the following should police officers have to influence their decisions?
(A) Prejudices
(B) Ethical codes
(C) Friendships
(D) Political beliefs


【題組】48 What does it mean when some police are referred to as the black sheep to the entire profession?
(A) Bad cops are considered a disgrace to the whole group of police officers.
(B) Good cops are as rare as a black sheep in a group of white sheep.
(C) Bad cops are outstanding for being unique.
(D) Good cops should tolerate bad cops for being black sheep.


【題組】49 What is the benefit of the brevity of the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor recommended by IACP?
(A) Police officers can be reminded of it frequently.
(B) Police officers might easily replace it.
(C) Police officers can remove it from their desks.
(D) Police officers can sing it during ceremonies.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following is true about the police career?
(A) It necessitates higher authority than others.
(B) It establishes its own special system of rules.
(C) It demands more respect from the general public.
(D) It requires ethical standards higher than others.


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 警察四等 警察專業英文#77063-阿摩線上測驗
