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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5151~5175)
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16 Parents should have _______ rules for their children. These rules should not change according to parents’ mood.


We ___ believe that with your intelligence and hard work, you will pass the exam without any difficulty.
(A) firmly
(B) extremely
(C) strictly
(D) inquiringly


If there is one thing I dislike, it is dogs that bark late at night. An example is my neighbor’s dog across the street from me. My neighbor lets her dog out for about a half hour every night around midnight. ( 14 ) her dog hits the night air, his automatic response is to howl and bark, which he does for a full half hour. He does not seem to bark at anything in particular. ( 15 ) , barking seems to be his form of nightly exercise. I want to be a good neighbor, so I try not to ( 16 ) too much, but I’m getting very tired of that midnight serenade.
【題組】 14
(A) As soon as
(B) Because
(C) As a result
(D) Even though


The Saisiyat people—one of Taiwan’s officially recognized aboriginal groups—have a unique ritual ceremony called Pas-ta’al. That ceremony is said to have been carried out for as many as 400 years. Today, it takes place every two years. And every ten years, it is larger and takes on added significance. The most recent ten-year ceremony was held in 2006 at two complementary and overlapping sites in northern Taiwan during the full moon of the 10th lunar month. <br>     Thousands gathered for the first day of the ceremony in Wufeng, Hsinchu County. Tourists from all over the island joined the local villagers in the elaborate ceremony in an open field. Men and women were dancing and singing, arms crossed, hand-in-hand, and moving in and out of a huge circle. Native Saisiyat people all wore bright red and white traditional costumes with intricate weaving and beading. Some had ornate decorations at the back, from which hung mirrors, beads, and bells that rang and clanged as the dancers moved. Tourists were welcome but were asked to stay away from particular areas where secret rituals were performed by village elders. They were also advised to tie Japanese silver grass around their arms, cameras, and recorders.
【題組】When or where is Pas-ta’al normally held?

(A)It is held in October every two years.

(B)It takes place in two major sites in northern Taiwan.

(C)It is held only when the Japanese silver grass is fully grown.

(D)It takes place only at Wufeng, Hsinchu County.


45 Investors and the public are demanding increasingly detailed information on nonfinancial metrics that define sustainability.
(A) In terms of financial metrics, investors and the public are never satisfied with the sustainable business.
(B) Detailed information on monetary metrics plays a more important role for sustainable investors and the public.
(C) Other than financial reports, investors and the public are asking for more details about factors indicating sustainability.
(D) Investors and the public keep inquiring detailed information on nonfinancial metrics to sustain the validity of the contract.


In August 2011 Steve Jobs wrote, “Unfortunately, that day has come.” Then he knew he could no longer ____________ the expectations of his position as the CEO of the company.
(A) cherish
(B) fulfill
(C) dominate
(D) spare


Art ultimately must be valued because of its capacity to improve the quality of life: by increasing __41__ others and our surroundings, by sharpening our perceptions, by reshaping our values so that moral and societal concerns __42__ material well-being. Of all the arts, theater has perhaps the greatest potential as a humanizing force, for at its best it asks us to enter __43__ into the lives of others so we may understand their aspirations and motivations. Through role-playing (either in daily life or in the theater) we come to understand who and what we are and to see ourselves in relation to others. Perhaps most important, in a world given increasingly to violence, the value of being able to understand and feel for others as human beings cannot be overestimated, because violence __44__ most fully when we so dehumanize others that we __45__ think of their hopes, aims, and sufferings but treat them as objects to be manipulated.
(A) our sense about
(B) our sensation of
(C) our sensitivity to
(D) our sensibility into


31 The landlord asked for an NT$10,000 _______________on the apartment to let, and it will be returned to the tenant eventually.
(A) savings
(B) budget
(C) allowance
(D) deposit


65 An_________ is defined as an overt act done in pursuance of an intent to do a specific crime, tending to the end but falling short of complete accomplishment of it. In law, the definition must have this further qualification that the overt act must be sufficiently proximate to the intended crime to form one of the natural series of acts which the intent requires for its full execution.
(A) assault
(B) assent
(C) attaint
(D) attempt


34 The wreckage of the houses manifests the ______ of the typhoon which hit the small village last week.
(B) latitude 
(C) origin 


16 The media frenzy over the scandal did not rise to the level of courtroom spectacle offered by a similar case a decade ago.
(A) The open media coverage over the scandal did not come close to the level of uncensored drama of a similar case a decade ago.
(B) The media craze over the scandal did not come near to the level of excitement in the courtroom offered by a similar case a decade ago.
(C) The media scandal did approach the spectacular level of a similar case taking place a decade ago.
(D) The media fantasy over the scandal is not compatible to the courtroom speculation offered a decade ago.


15 A patent gives its owner the_____ to prevent or stop others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing a product or a process, based on the patented invention, without the owner’s prior permission.
(A) dominant position
(B) dominant right
(C) exclusive right
(D) exclusive jurisdiction 


43 The students had a wide_______ of opinions about the uniform policy that the school announced last week.
(A) altitude
(B) expansion
(C) frequency
(D) spectrum


31 Even though this small study in mice shows__________ , researchers still have a long way to go before human trials can begin.
(A) crime
(B) promise
(C) regression
(D) travel


33 Emotional events are found to leave a deeper trace in women’s memory than men’s. Future studies will aim at understanding_____   in brain function imply for the mental and physical health of both sexes.
(A) the differences
(B) that the differences
(C) what the differences
(D) whether the differences


7. The girl did not went to take sides in the argument between her two friends,but her______only made them angry with her.


121. There is a great _______ of opinions with regard to the construction of a nuclear power plant.
(A) diversion
(B) dynasty
(C) dynamics
(D) diversity


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 On a breakfast table in a French family, nothing is more important than fresh, tasty bread. French families buy fresh bread from boulangeries, the French word for bakeries, every morning. That means a typical baking day usually starts at 4:00 am and ends at noon. You would also be surprised at the number of independent boulangeries in cities, towns, and small villages. Among the dozens of types of French bread, baguette and croissant are what Taiwanese people are most familiar with. Baguette, literally meaning “a stick”, has golden-brown crust, with ivory-cream center, cereal aroma, and soft, chewy dough. In 1993, the French government enacted a law to protect the quality of “the pride of France.” The law states that a real baguette has to be made with wheat flour, water, salt, yeast, and nothing else. No additives or preservatives are allowed, which means it goes stale within 24 hours. A standard baguette is 250-300 grams in weight and 55 to 65 centimeters in length. Legend has it that it was Napoleon who contributed to the shape of baguette. He asked bakers to make a “stick-like” bread to make it easier for soldiers to carry their bread around down their pants. Warm and buttery, croissant is a common French breakfast food at the weekend. Typical ingredients include flour, yeast, milk, butter, egg, and salt. An important process is that the butter has to be put between the layers of dough but not to be incorporated into the dough. There are countless legends about the origin of this pastry. The most widespread one is associated with the Battle of Vienna. In 1683, Vienna was under siege by Turkish army. The Turks were trying to dig underground tunnels. However, bakers working in the middle of the night heard the digging and alerted Austrian soldiers, who had enough time to stop the digging and defeat the Turks. To celebrate the victory, bakers in Vienna made a pastry in the shape of crescents, a thin, curved shape they saw on Turkish flags, and they called the pastry “Kipferl”, the German word for “crescent”. When Austrian princess Marie Antoinette came to France and married King Louis XVI in 1770, she introduced to this country her favorite pasty, which came to be known as croissant in French.
【題組】49 Which is one of the criteria for a standard baguette?
(A) It is at most 55 centimeters long.
(B) It has ivory-cream center and cereal aroma.
(C) It has to be made at four o’clock in the morning.
(D) Wheat flour, yeast, salt, and egg are the only ingredients.


33. The city government has planned to _____ the bus service to people in rural areas.


40 The ______ of natural resources is not accidental, because many physical factors need to be in place, such as the land, climate and altitude to form such a wide area of coal mine.
(A) deprivation
(B) delegation
(C) dissertation
(D) distribution


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
         Earth Day, an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time. It was the __21__ of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, a staunch environmentalist who hoped to provide unity to the grassroots environmental movement and increase ecological awareness. “The __22__ was to get a nationwide demonstration of concern for the environment so large that it would shake the political establishment out of its lethargy,” Senator Nelson said, “and,finally, __23__ this issue permanently onto the national political agenda.” Earth Day indeed increased environmental awareness in America, and in July of that year the Environmental Protection Agency was established by special executive order to __24__ and enforce national pollution legislation. On April 22, 1990, the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, more than 200 million people in 141 countries __25__ in Earth Day celebrations. Earth Day has been celebrated on different days by different groups internationally. The United Nations officially celebrates it on the vernal equinox, which usually occurs about March 21.

(A) objection
(B) objective
(C) setback
(D) drawback


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
The World Health Organization says that depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting 350 million people. The National Institute of Mental Health reports seven percent of Americans   36   depression ina year. Therefore, depression is   37   as we can find depressed people everywhere. A depressed person can ask for extra syrup in their latte without explaining that they need it because they're   38   the infinite darkness of their soul and they've lost all hope of escape. Depression doesn't diminish a person's desire to connect with other people, just their ability. In spite of what you might think, talking to friends and family living   39   depression can be really easy and maybe even fun--the kind of fun   40   people enjoy each other's company effortlessly. Nobody feels awkward, and no one accuses the sad person of ruining the holidays.

(A) desirable
(B) popular
(C) prevalent
(D) doubtful


36 You should avoid _____ words or phrases to make sure that every word you use adds something new to your piece of writing.


8 Language ambiguity has been under heated discussion and will continue to receive ______ attention in academic conferences.
(A) incidental
(B) conspicuous
(C) contagious
(D) insufficient


42 Walking into an interview with a panel of stern-faced executives can be quite ________ for even the most confident job applicant.
(A) intimate
(B) intelligent
(C) intellectual
(D) intimidating


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5151~5175)-阿摩線上測驗
