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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5201~5225)
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32 A short trip to another country is an opportunity to sample other cultures. But having to live away from home as an ________ can make you feel sad.
(D) ottoman


Traffic in most American cities is a problem, especially during the rush hours when many people are going to or returning from work. Consequently, there are traffic reports on the radio throughout the day, and there are many articles about traffic issues and traffic accidents in the newspaper. Traffic issues, road building, repairs, and the quality of public transportation are so important to the general public that they are often brought up during political campaigns. Expanding public transportation and encouraging car pools are two methods often discussed to improve traffic congestion. Many major cities are beginning to designate one lane of their major highways for only car pool traffic during rush hours, and special car pool parking lots are being built outside major cities. In addition, people are being encouraged to use public transportation, such as buses and underground trains whenever possible. Many cities offer special discount tickets on public transportation for commuters who use this form of transportation regularly.
【題組】Public transportation has encouraged ______.
(A) car pools
(B) rush hours
(C) discount tickets
(D) traffic reports


41 The past decade has seen the rise of something Mao sought to stamp out forever: a Chinese middle class.
(A)The Chinese middle class has been rising for ten years; Mao had never thought of this before.
(B)Contrary to Mao’s expectation, the Chinese middle class has been growing in the last decade.
(C)The Chinese middle class, which Mao had tried to eliminate, has thrived in the past ten years.
(D)Mao aimed to totally destroy the Chinese middle class in ten years; yet it was getting stronger.


A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. “Why?” asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. “I am a panda,” he says, at the door. “Look it up.” The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.” So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death. In 2003 Lynne Truss published Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. The book became a runaway success in the U.K., hitting number one on the best-seller lists and prompting extraordinary headlines such as “Grammar Book Tops Bestseller List” (BBC News). This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled. The above passage is printed on its back cover.
【題組】 46. Eats, Shoots and Leaves became a bestseller because it is a book about .
(A) the long-time misuse of punctuation
(B) an endangered species in China
(C) a panda who runs away successfully after shooting
(D) a panda who speaks human language


The criminal was ___ by his guilty conscience.
(A) hurt
(B) haunted
(C) hunted
(D) halted


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
        Scientists have genetically modified mice to enable them to sniff out landmines, the explosives buried just below the surface of the ground. They hope the GM mouse, known as MouSensor, could become a useful tool to help deal with the dangerous devices left from past wars. 
        Although it sounds peculiar, similar efforts have already been made. A Belgian charity uses giant African HeroRats to sniff out the chemical explosive, TNT. Two of these rats can clear an area in less than two hours that would take two people two days to do. One disadvantage of the HeroRat, however, is that it needs nine months’ training before being ready for landmine detection. 
        Scientists wanted to improve on the HeroRat concept by creating a “supersniffer” mouse, MouSensor. They found that a receptor in the lab mouse’s nose is sensitive to the odor of the chemical elements in TNT and landmines. By altering the genes of the mouse, scientists are able to enhance the capability of its receptor 500 times stronger than before. Besides having super sniffing power, the MouSensor is cheaper to manage and easier to breed than the rats. 
        When the MouSensor detects the presence of a landmine, it would have some sort of a seizure and faint because of its extreme sensitivity of the explosives. And this change of the mouse’s physical condition would trigger a chip implanted under its skin to send a signal to a computer monitored by scientists. As a result, the location of the landmine could be identified, and a bomb-disposal expert could go in and neutralize it. The mouse itself would be safe from the landmine, since it would be too small to trigger an explosion.

【題組】35 What is the advantage of the MouSensor over the HeroRat in detecting landmines?
(A) It runs faster in the field.
(B) It is less expensive to buy.
(C) It does not need a long training period.
(D) It neutralizes the bomb more effectively.


9. The beggar was so pitiable that I could not but _____ him a few dollars.
(A) give
(B) gave
(C) giving
(D) to give


40. Mexican agricultural workers, often officially classified as illegal aliens, live in camps that show on no county map and that would pass no health inspection if any official should seek them out.
(A)Mexican agricultural workers are often classified as illegal aliens and are responsible for inspecting their health.
(B)The illegal aliens who live in the camps would pass the health inspection if only they could find an official.
(C)Even if the illegal Mexican workers could be found, the camps they live in wouldn't pass the health inspection.
(D) Mexican agricultural workers arranged illegal aliens to live in the camps where no officials could find them.


Art ultimately must be valued because of its capacity to improve the quality of life: by increasing __41__ others and our surroundings, by sharpening our perceptions, by reshaping our values so that moral and societal concerns __42__ material well-being. Of all the arts, theater has perhaps the greatest potential as a humanizing force, for at its best it asks us to enter __43__ into the lives of others so we may understand their aspirations and motivations. Through role-playing (either in daily life or in the theater) we come to understand who and what we are and to see ourselves in relation to others. Perhaps most important, in a world given increasingly to violence, the value of being able to understand and feel for others as human beings cannot be overestimated, because violence __44__ most fully when we so dehumanize others that we __45__ think of their hopes, aims, and sufferings but treat them as objects to be manipulated.
(A) imaginatively
(B) realistically
(C) morally
(D) increasingly


61 What is the term for a for-profit company, organized under the laws of another country, but authorized by the R.O.C. government to transact business in R.O.C.?
(A) A third party company
(B) A diplomatic company
(C) A foreign company
(D) A certified company


15 While societies experience _______ backlashes against immigration policy, U.S. history shows that new arrivals consistently pushed the nation forward.
(A) bilateral
(B) disposable
(C) periodic
(D) unique


36 For folks who want applause without relinquishing their sense of modesty, the trick is keeping quiet and allowing someone else to show off for them.
(A) People who would like to win applause should keep quiet and rid themselves of their sense of modesty.
(B) One of the tricks for people to win applause and still stay modest is to have someone else boast about their achievement.
(C) People may take pride in their achievement and still be modest by saying nothing about how others show off for them.
(D) One good way for people to show off in a modest way is to keep their voice down and have others do the trick for them.


請依下文回答第 48 題至第 50 題 
    Dyslexia, also referred to as “specific reading disability,”predominantly affects a person’s ability to read and write. Dyslexics have difficulty connecting 48 symbols (i.e., letters) with their corresponding sounds. Many people who suffer from dyslexia also have trouble with enunciation, organization, and short-term memory. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children. It is not related to intellectual ability, vision, or access 49 education. Approximately 5-10 percent of school-age children in North America suffer from the condition, with each case 50 in severity. Children are generally diagnosed with dyslexia during the elementary school years when they are learning how to read and spell.

(A) varied
(B) vary
(C) varying
(D) variable


23. The car accident left an ______scar on his face.He has been upset since then.
(A) forever


187. She might be too proud to be comforted by anyone. Make sure you show concern in a(n) _____ way in case she feels offended and shuts herself out further.
(A) enclosed
(B) suspicious
(C) delicate
(D) universal


272. The conservation of energy is of great ____ to all human beings on earth.
(A) acquisition
(B) significance
(C) humility
(D) gratitude


436. Spreading of bird flu viruses is much more likely caused by both legal and illegal poultry trades than _____ through wild bird migrations.
(A) dispersing
(B) contracting
(C) soaring
(D) injecting


518. We should use energy-saving light bulbs and reusable bags,____ are good for our Earth.
(A) both of whom
(B) and both of them
(C) and both of which
(D) both of them


702. Influenzas and asthma attacks belong to the category of _____ illnesses while Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are chronic.
(A) acute
(B) blunt
(C) brisk
(D) brute


Recent studies have shown that alcohol is the leading gateway drug for teenagers. Gateway drugs are substances people take that (266) them to take more drugs. Alcohol works directly on the central nervous system and alters one’s moods and limits judgment.  Since its way of altering moods (changing one’s state of mind) is generally expected and socially acceptable, oftentimes it (267) over drinking.  Habitual drinkers may find alcohol not stimulating enough (268) and want to seek other more stimulating substances. (269) a circumstance often preconditions teenagers to the possibility of taking other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or heroin.  Another reason why alcohol is the main gateway drug is that the (270) of teenagers it can affect is very wide.  It is easily accessible in most societies and common in popular events such as sports gatherings and dinner parties.
(A)in advance 
(B)after a while 
(C)in the least 
(D)at most


34 With the highly______ anti-missile system, we can effectively defend our country from any invasion.
(C) informal


1 The way our eyes and brain handle information has become ___________ . Thanks to television, film and computers, our ability to process images is faster.
(A) monotonous
(B) subsequent
(C) vulnerable
(D) sophisticated


3 The doctor warned Alex that his diet contained too much______ fat, which was the main cause of his overweight and other physical health problems.
(A) degenerated
(B) liquidated
(C) saturated
(D) validated


4 Even in a racially______ community, people can still be diverse in political ideology, belief, diet, interests, etc.
(A) ambiguous
(B) homogeneous
(C) sophisticated
(D) stereotyped


19 Ian often does things that others won’t do. He’s therefore viewed as a person who is weird and ______ .
(A) adjacent
(B) eccentric
(C) fatal
(D) negligible


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5201~5225)-阿摩線上測驗
