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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5226~5250)
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 Of all Modernism’s tenets, few have been more “revered” than the assembly line. Its crisp efficiency was a template for everything. The new BMW plant in Leipzig serves as an antidote to just that sort of uniformity. A boomerang-shaped industrial shed with rows of cars streaming on curving tracks, it is less a model of efficiency than a machine for voyeuristic pleasure. Moreover, the plant is an attempt at social engineering. Its architect subverts the sequential order of manufacturing by having each car loop back through the central building, where workers can survey their work. Engineers and workers are in constant contact, too, mingling in the corridors and the cafeteria, which breaks down the hierarchy. Because each car is routed on its way from the body shop to the paint shop or final assembly plant, you witness them in all their various stages. At certain points, the cars stop and revolve on enormous turntables before heading off in a new direction. The movements suggest mechanical ballet. Leipzig plant is thus the flagship of BMW that provides customized services. Very subtly, the free flow of information replaces the monotony of the assembly line; individual needs rule over bland repetition; and machines are at the service of man.

【題組】How is the new Leipzig assembly plant also an attempt at social engineering?
(A) By introducing art into manufacture
(B) By constantly focusing on the machines
(C) By bringing down the barrier between workers and engineers
(D) By breaking up the monotonous shape of factory buildings


If you used this extra-polite him with a member of your family or with a close friend, it would seem very ___.
(A) popular
(B) pleasant
(C) peculiar
(D) playful


11 For men who have cycled through expensive divorces, marriage, more than dating, fills old traditions of respectability, status, and comfort.
(A)Men who have gone through expensive divorces prefer dating to marriage since marriage comes with old traditions.
(B)Men who have gone through expensive divorces still go on dating actively in the hope of getting married again soon.
(C)Men who want to marry again, despite their history of expensive divorces, do not seem to have learned their lessons.
(D)Some men, despite their history of expensive divorces, still believe in certain traditional values symbolized by marriage.


37 The world’s cities are_____ at the seams: by 2050, an estimated 6.4 billion people—compared to about 3.5 billion today—will be living in cities.


6 The government hopes that the charge for trash disposal can _________ people from throwing away usable resources.
(A) interrupt
(B) persuade
(C) force
(D) discourage


8 The cause of the car accident was still in dispute. However, some people speculated that the driver’s _________ was the cause of the accident since he had driven continuously for more than ten hours.
(A) exhaust
(B) excess
(C) fatigue
(D) matter


37.Basic ______ like greeting people and saying please to show politeness are becoming less common among the youth.
(A) customs
(B) courtesies
(C) gestures
(D) situations


        What is happiness? In the United States and in many other industrialized countries, it is often equated with money. Economists measure consumer confidence on the assumption that the resulting figure says something about progress and public welfare. The gross domestic product is routinely used as shorthand for the well-being of a nation. 
       But the small Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has been trying a different idea. In 1972, concerned about the problems afflicting other developing countries that focused only on economic growth, Bhutan’s newly crowned leader, King Wangchuck, decided to make the gross national happiness a priority in his kingdom. 
       Bhutan, the king said, needed to ensure that prosperity was shared across society and that it was balanced against preserving cultural traditions, protecting the environment, and maintaining a responsive government. 
       While household incomes in Bhutan remain among the world’s lowest, life expectancy increased by 19 years from 1984 to 1998, jumping to 66 years. The country, which is preparing to shift to a constitution and an elected government, requires that at least 60 percent of its lands remain forested, welcomes a limited stream of wealthy tourists, and exports hydropower to India.
依上文回答 47 題至 50 題:

【題組】50 What does Bhutan plan to achieve in the future?
(A) A democratic government.
(B) Economic prosperity.
(C) Higher gross domestic product.
(D) A booming tourist industry


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 38 題: The development of seawater agriculture has taken two directions. Some investigators have attempted to breed salt tolerance into conventional crops, such as barley and wheat. For example, Emanuel Epstein’s research team at the University of California at Davis showed as early as 1979 that strains of barley propagated for generations in the presence of low levels of salt could produce small amounts of grain when irrigated by comparatively saltier seawater. Unfortunately, subsequent efforts to increase the salt tolerance of conventional crops through selective breeding and genetic engineering─in which genes for salt tolerance were added directly to the plants─have not produced good candidates for seawater irrigation. The upper salinity limit for the long-term irrigation of even the most salt-tolerant crops, such as the date palm, is still less than five part per 1,000(ppt)─less than 15 percent of the salt content of seawater. Normal seawater is 35 ppt salt. Our approach has been to domesticate wild, salt-tolerant plants, called halophytes, for use as food, forage, and oilseed crops. We reasoned that changing the basic physiology of a traditional crop plant from salt-sensitive to salt-tolerant would be difficult and that it might be more feasible to domesticate a wild, salt-tolerant plant. After all, our modern crops started out as wild plants. Indeed, some halophytes─such as grain from the saltgrass Disticblis Palmeri─ were eaten for generations by native peoples, including the Cocopah, who live where the Colorado River empties into the Gulf of California.
【題組】38 Where do you think the Cocopah live?
(A)At the origin of the Colorado River
(B)At the mouth of the Colorado River
(C)Along the Colorado River
(D)At the dried part of the Colorado River


33.The official was held in_______when he was found to be involved in the bribery.
(A) custody
(B) territory
(C) infirmary
(D) reservoir


Art ultimately must be valued because of its capacity to improve the quality of life: by increasing __41__ others and our surroundings, by sharpening our perceptions, by reshaping our values so that moral and societal concerns __42__ material well-being. Of all the arts, theater has perhaps the greatest potential as a humanizing force, for at its best it asks us to enter __43__ into the lives of others so we may understand their aspirations and motivations. Through role-playing (either in daily life or in the theater) we come to understand who and what we are and to see ourselves in relation to others. Perhaps most important, in a world given increasingly to violence, the value of being able to understand and feel for others as human beings cannot be overestimated, because violence __44__ most fully when we so dehumanize others that we __45__ think of their hopes, aims, and sufferings but treat them as objects to be manipulated.
(A) have to
(B) no longer
(C) would rather
(D) prefer to


57 Based on the evidence presented at trial, the judge(or jury) finds that the defendant breached a variety of duties to the plaintiff. The judge(or jury) also concludes that these breaches were the_______ cause of the portion of the plaintiff’s damages.
(A) proximate
(B) near
(C) fair
(D) approximate


19 People keep a closer eye on public and personal _____ when a highly contagious disease is going rampant.
(A) annotation
(B) bondage
(C) elaboration
(D) hygiene


4 Nobody expects corruption to be____ in China. It is built into the system, a system without checks and balances.


30 If the customs value of the imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of Articles 29 (transaction value), 31 (transaction value of identical goods), and 32 (transaction value of similar goods), the customs value shall be based on a _________value.
(B) deductive
(C) reductive  


11 Which of the following statements about the “two-part form” claim is (are) correct? I. it recites all or some of the elements of a known article, process, composition, or combination in the preamble to the claim. II. it may include a transition such as “wherein the improvement comprises” and recite in the body of the claim only the new or modified elements, or recite the improvement. III. it may be used in the form of a dependent claim.
(A)II only I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only


174. According to government regulations, if employees are unable to work because of a serious illness,they are ______ to take an extended sick leave.
(A) adapted
(B) entitled
(C) oriented
(D) intimidated


229. The poster on the bulletin board has _____. Please hang it up again with tape.
(A) wiped up
(B) come off
(C) made it
(D) sat back


799. Because of the ______ of new evidence, the suspect was convicted of armed robbery by the Supreme Court.
(A) accommodation
(B) destiny
(C) emergence
(D) acknowledgement  


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 
   Can a building be so ugly that people get angry just looking at it? For years, the Old Executive Office Building (the OEOB) in Washington, D.C., received 11 its share of insults. President Warren G. Harding proclaimed that the building was "the worst I ever saw." Mark Twain described it as the "ugliest building in America." At a 12 of ten million dollars over seventeen years of construction, the OEOB was completed in 1888. For many, it was 13 at first sight. The building was used for many purposes over the years and then fell into neglect. 
   Then one day in 1974, a college student named John W. F. Rogers was working in the mail room of the White House. He was sent to get a chair in one of the OEOB "storerooms." Rogers thought he had entered "the castle of the Sleeping Beauty." "Everything was 14 dust and cobwebs," he recalled, "and yet I saw beauty." Years later, Rogers became the administrator of the building. Once he was 15 , one of the first things he did was to restore the old "storeroom." It is now the grand White House Law Library!



37 The embassy has responded to the escalation by issuing a statement saying that it would_________ the visas of several officials.


39 Natalie gained much weight after giving birth to her second child. Her doctor, therefore, advised her to ________ sweet and greasy food in order to lose weight.
(A) drop back to
(B) cut back on
(C) get away with
(D) look up to


8 What you are getting now is a  _______ schedule for events in the coming year, which should be finalized by the end of this month.
(A) permanent
(B) tentative
(C) terminal
(D) deviating


14 Eleven percent of Taiwanese aircraft ______by birds have suffered damage, according to statistics released by the Flight Safety Foundation.
(A) hitting
(B) was hit
(C) were hit
(D) hit


24 Jackson's case has to wait in the court until March because there are so many other cases _____ .
(A) cogent
(B) endorsed
(C) legalized
(D) pending


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5226~5250)-阿摩線上測驗
