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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5251~5275)
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37 As human beings, we often vacillate between selfish and _____ desires.


My offer met with a cold ___.
(A) relation
(B) reflection
(C) refusal
(D) injection


10 The popularity of the Lucas film didn’t defeat the overall box office slump that had plagued Hollywood for 13 straight weeks.
(A)The popular movie made by Lucas didn’t succeed in bringing in more people to the movie theaters, and the problem of few moviegoers had lasted for 13 weeks in a row.
(B)The film made by Lucas was popular and more people had been going to see the movie over the past 13 weeks.
(C)The popular movie made by Lucas didn’t stop people from going to the movies, and the problem of too many moviegoers had troubled Hollywood for 13 straight weeks.
(D)Despite the fact that fewer people went to the movies for 13 straight weeks, the Lucas film was so popular that Hollywood decided to build more movie theaters.


Don’t forget to leave a narrower _____ on the left-hand side of your sheet of paper.
(A) region
(B) margin
(C) border
(D) boundary


32 To prevent further conflict, the two team coaches were forced to _________ to stop the athletes from coming to blows.
(A) step in
(B) step down
(C) get behind
(D) get over


34 Research found that those who slept either too much or too little and _____ from brain-stimulating activities like reading were at increased risk of developing cognitive impairment.
(A) abstained
(B) entertained
(C) maintained
(D) sustained


2.   The waiter is ___________ for us to follow him. He must have found a table for us.
(A) beckoning
(B) attempting
(C) invoking
(D) pretending


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
    These satellite images show the ebb and flow of plant life on earth over three years, taken by a NASA satellite called SeaWiFS. The blue areas are void of plants, the red spots indicate an overabundance, and the green areas show where plants are thriving. This is the earth breathing. The plants are taking up CO2, and they’re breathing out oxygen. As suggested by oceanographers, almost half of that activity is going on underwater. The oceans are teeming with tiny microscopic plants called phytoplankton. They are at the bottom of the food chain, and they basically feed all sea life. Like all plants, phytoplankton absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. 
    These images show that phytoplankton boomed over the last three years. That’s one of the key benefits of these satellite images. Over time, scientists will use them to help predict how plants might respond as we burn more fossil fuels, and as global CO2 levels rise. Many scientists think such greenhouse gasses will cause global warming. They suggest that it is related to recent climate change. However, what they don’t know is how life in the ocean will respond over the long haul if CO2 levels keep rising.

【題組】46 What is the main idea of the whole text?
(A) Satellite images of the ebb and flow of plant life show the earth breathing.
(B) Satellite images show that phytoplankton absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere like other plants on earth.
(C) Satellite images will prove to us that plant life in the ocean causes rising CO2 levels and global warming.
(D) Satellite images of plant life activities can help predict how plants will respond to rising CO2 levels.


33 Due to his amazing ________ in appearance to the real bandit, he was wrongly accused of committing the crime.
(A) resemblance
(B) superiority
(C) commitment
(D) submission


15 Mary’s parents died when she was three; she has never had a home and has to grow up in an orphanage.
(A) for her own
(B) at her own
(C) of her own
(D) with her own


     For sushi aficionados, the essence of the Atlantic bluefin tuna is its fat-laced, butter-soft belly meat, called toro. For those who seek the bluefin from Cape Hatteras off the coast of North Carolina to the frigid waters south of Iceland to the balmy Mediterranean, the fish are a potential bonanza, with choice specimens selling for $50,000 or more in Tokyo. But the intensifying trade in bluefin may soon empty the waters of this master of the sea. In just the last 35 years, exploding markets for sushi-grade tuna, combined with industrial-scale hunts aided by satellites and spotters in airplanes, have devastated not only the fish but also many fisheries. Dozens of Mediterranean towns that maintained coastal net traps for half a millennium or more are turning away from now-barren waters. Anglers off New England now scour the seas for scattered fish. Most valuable, marine biologists say, is the apparently distinct population of bluefin tuna that breeds in the Gulf of Mexico. The threat to the bluefin was underscored recently by researchers who have tracked hundreds of the fish using electronic tags. They found that the tuna that spawn in the west, which are most severely depleted, are threatened by an ever-broadening gantlet of hooks, seines, harpoons, traps and now farm-style pens, in which netted fish are raised and fattened— all to supply the Japanese sushi trade.
【題組】48 What does the modern fishing industry use to help hunt fish on a large scale?
(A) Satellites
(B) Coastal net traps
(C) Angling
(D) Rocket-propelled harpoons


40 ________for your help, the boy might have drowned.
(A) Has it not been
(B) Had it not been
(C) Were it not
(D) Was it not


In diet-obsessed America, it’s hard to say an encouraging word about lipids—a term biochemists use to include all fats and oils. Yet life would be utterly impossible without them. Cell membranes, as we have seen, depend critically on a two-ply lipid layer to keep out unwanted elements. The insulating sheaths of nerve cells are built from fats, which is one reason why growing babies with rapidly developing nervous systems need a fair amount of fat—and why breast milk contains so much of it. Fat makes up only 12 percent of a newborn’s weight, but increases to nearly 30 percent by the end of a child’s first year. Fats also help generate a number of important hormones collectively called steroids—compounds structurally related to cholesterol—such as estrogen and testosterone. Of course, they also make effective padding to keep you warm and to cover vulnerable body parts such as the kidneys. Although physicians recommend that adults rely on lipids for no more than 20 percent of their daily intake, most Americans eat a lot more fat—chiefly from meat, eggs, cheese, assorted fried “junk foods,” and various plant sources such as nuts, peanut butter, and vegetable oils. Dietitians now recommend that men have 15 percent body fat by weight, and women no more than 20 percent, although social custom has dictated spectacularly different ratios over the centuries. Many cultures have regarded female plumpness as a sign of fertility—for the excellent reason that conspicuous body fat suggests that a woman has a good supply of nutrients to feed a fetus and nurse a newborn.
【題組】40 In the second paragraph, what does the word “plumpness” mean?
(A) breast
(B) reproductive power
(C) rounded body
(D) weight


14 Though women _______ men in the workforce, the gender gap at the top is still wide.


6 The Customs levies duty, on ad valorem, specific or tariff quota basis, on goods imported into the ________of the Republic of China, in accordance with the Customs Act, Enforcement Rules Governing the Implementation of the Customs Act, Customs Import Tariff and other regulations concerned.


12. The Minister of Foreign Affairs offered a _____for settling the border dispute.


457. Anyone seeing the misery of those war victims on TV can hardly stay _____.
(A) sympathetic
(B) apathetic
(C) telepathic
(D) pathetic


711. His______ to Christianity aroused controversies among his Buddhist relatives.
(A) coverage
(B) conversion
(C) counterpart
(D) conviction


770. She may be ______ about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.
(A) fortunate
(B) cynical
(C) impressive
(D) valuable


36 America’s traditional _________toward British colonialism and imperial patterns of trade remained a constant source of friction between the two allies in the years immediately after World War II.


33 New immigrants not only need to adjust to a new culture, they also, often, must ________ with traumatic experiences from their past.
(A) come to terms
(B) come in handy
(C) catch up
(D) team up


39 Professor Lin was knowledgeable and experienced. Everyone in the class _____ him.
(A) looked up to
(B) looked forward to
(C) looked out for
(D) looked ahead to


40 At the roots of my hair a ______ sensation began and ran down the surface of my flesh, leaving me goose- fleshed and cold.
(A) tingling
(B) tempering
(C) twittering
(D) twinkling


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American who emigrated to New York City in 1884, was a scientist and visionary who developed the basis for alternating current (AC) that most of us use today and pioneered numerous technologies that improve our everyday lives. Without his contribution to the AC electric power, we would be fifty years behind technologically than where we are today.
       In 1884, Tesla left Europe and worked for Thomas Edison, the developer of direct current (DC). It was said that Edison promised Tesla $50,000 to fix the problems with his DC system. When Tesla succeeded and demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was a joke, saying “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” This prompted Tesla to quit and he ended up in a battle with Edison. Today, Tesla’s AC system is predominantly used to power most of the world’s electricity. DC motors are still used for some industrial machines, but often require more maintenance. 
         It is not just AC power that Tesla worked on. Motors, radios, X-rays, neon signs were advanced by his extraordinary mind. History often touts Italian entrepreneur Guglielmo Marconi as the inventor of radio, but actually he was using technology from seventeen of Tesla’s patents. The two inventors became embroiled in a patent war. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court revoked Marconi’s radio patents in favor of Tesla. Unfortunately, Tesla and Marconi had already passed away by the time the court handed down their decision.
       Tesla also invented one of the world’s earliest remote control and was a pioneer of X-ray technology. He took some of the first X-ray images of the human body and was one of the first scientists to hypothesize that X-rays could be harmful. The brilliant inventor contributed to reusable energy as well. Nine out of the twelve patents used to build the world’s first hydroelectric station, erected at Niagara Falls, New York, belonged to Tesla. He helped pave the way toward clean energy because he understood the physics behind energy and what might be possible in the future.
       Often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century,” Tesla was involved in many more discoveries and creations. When he died in 1943, there was so much interest in what he was working on that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his hotel room within hours of his death. Experts say Tesla envisioned his inventions improving people’s lives. Indeed, his innovative ideas were milestones of technology. The great pioneer believed “Invention is the most important product of men’s creative brain.”

【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT true about Tesla?
(A) He put forward ideas to make X-rays safer.
(B) He created one of the first remote controls.
(C) His AC system is more widely used than Edison's DC system.
(D) His patents were applied in the design of the first hydroelectric station.


45 Instead of avoiding conversation, Lisa and Daniel are willing to have an honest, ________ talk about the crisis in their marriage.
(A) candid
(B) finite
(C) timid
(D) static


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5251~5275)-阿摩線上測驗
