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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5376~5400)
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Many cities are trying to cut down on crime by increasing the number of police on ___.
(A) patrol
(B) routine
(C) uniform
(D) control


You can't sneeze and keep your eyes ____ at the same time.


We shouldn't let pleasure ___ with business.
(A) interfere
(B) interrupt
(C) intercept
(D) interfuse


All of the people at the conference are ___.
(A) mathematical professors
(B) mathematics professors
(C) mathematics teacher
(D) mathematics' professors


After workers had demonstrated in protest at the pension reform, many of them appeared to have _____ accepted that the forthcoming policy was inevitable.


 Evaluating job applicants on the basis of embedded life interests is a useful macro approach to matching job candidates with jobs they excel at. People with a life interest in the application of technology    39      how things work and are curious about finding better ways to use technology to solve business problems. People with     40     analysis background excel at running the numbers and see it as the best way to figure out business solutions. Theory and concept people enjoy thinking and talking about abstract ideas. People with a life interest in creative production are imaginative thinkers, comfortable and engaged during brainstorming sessions. Many of them have an interest in the arts and       41       creative industries such as entertainment. Individuals with a life interest in coaching and mentoring like to teach. Many like feeling useful to others; some genuinely take satisfaction from the success of those they counsel. Individuals with a life interest in enterprise control like to be in charge. They are happiest when they have authority over their little piece of universe in decision-making. They ask for as much responsibility as possible in any work situation. Because many people have more than one interest, these classifications of life interests may     42       in an individual. So do not try to pigeonhole individuals too narrowly.



30 In many countries, foreign visitors are usually _____ to have a tax refund when they purchase products that amount to certain values of money.


36 Most tourists would not visit Europe in the winter because it is tough to _____ with bad weather conditions there.
(A) augment
(B) contend
(C) persist
(D) conceive


30 Fighting against smuggling and illicit entry/exit, the personnel of the Coast Guard shall _______ any suspect they discover in the course of duty to the authorities.
(A)drop off
(B)pick out
(C)turn down
(D)hand over


44 Eight kinds of beer and freshly shucked oysters make the hotel an oasis for travelers trekking through the remote area.
(A)Travelers receive eight kinds of beer and freshly shucked oysters at the hotel for free.
(B)The hotel is not the only place with cold beer and fresh oysters in the remote area.
(C)Because the area is so remote, travelers are extremely satisfied with the beer and fresh oysters the hotel offers.
(D)Because the hotel has beer and oysters, travelers come from all over the world to try them out. 代號:2301 頁次:8-7


請依下文回答第 17 題至第 21 題 
        In two states in India, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh, farmers have discovered a new kind of pesticide. Instead of paying large sums of money to international chemical companies for chemical pesticides, they are spraying their cotton and chili pepper field with Coca-Cola. 
        In the past month there have been reports of hundreds of farmers spraying cola on their fields. Thousands of others are expected to make the switch to cola from the usual pesticides as word spreads about the new spray. A farmer in Andhra Pradesh interviewed by a local newspaper said he was very satisfied with his new cola spray, which he applied this year to several acres of cotton. He observed that the insects on his cotton plants began to die soon after he sprayed his field with cola. 
        Local agriculture officials would not comment on this new development, except to note that the cola spray cost considerably less than the pesticides produced by Montsanto, Shell and Dow Chemical. The Coca-Cola Company already is in legal difficulties in Andhra Pradesh state, where it has been accused of taking water away from farmers for its bottling plants. So far, representatives of the Coca-Cola Company have refused to comment on the new use of their product. It is not known if or how sales of the soft drinks have been affected, though it is likely that the company may try to profit from this new market.

【題組】20 What reason can be inferred to explain the Coca-Cola Company’s refusal to comment on the new use of its product?
(A) The company wants to keep it a secret and apply for a patent.
(B) The company is getting lawyers to sue these farmers.
(C) The new use has not been approved by local officials yet.
(D) The product might be harmful to humans as it can kill insects.


23 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights is a minimum standards agreement. According to Article 1 of this Agreement, Members may implement in their law_____ protection than is required by this Agreement.
(A) extinct
(B) narrower
(C) more distinctive
(D) more extensive


32 The methods of communication used 50 years ago were_____  by today’s standards.
(A) primitive
(B) forwarded
(C) mediated
(D) literal


5 I cannot go to the movies with you because I have a previous _____ with my client.
(A) compensation
(B) occupation
(C) assignment
(D) engagement 


一、詞彙題:請選出各題最適當的英文單字或片語。(24 分)
【題組】7. When Sylvia asked him what he intended to do, he answered her very ___.
(A) curtly
(B) scantily
(C) shapely
(D) friendly


10 Which of the following statements about the “multiple dependent claim” is (are) correct? I. it shall refer to more than one other claim in the alternative only. II. it may be serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claim. III. it shall be construed to incorporate by reference all the limitations of each of the particular claims in relation to which it is being considered.
(A)I only
(B)  I and II only 
(C)  I and III only
(D)II and III only 


38 The research laboratory receives ____from the government; without the support few significant findings will turn out.
(A) subsidies
(B) substances
(C) subindices
(D) substitutes


15 Her response seemed_____ , but was in fact planned carefully and rehearsed beforehand.
(A) sophisticated
(B) spontaneous
(C) spectacular
(D) subsequent


22 ____________is king in Paris. Restaurants provide varied and refined menus to tempt the palate.
(B) Gastronomy


20. Tell me what happened at the end of the love story.Don’t keep me in ____.


請依下文回答第 46 題至 50 題: 
    The festival of San Fermin, or the Running of the Bulls as it is more commonly known outside Spain, is held in honor of Saint Fermin in Pamplona in Spain every year from 6th to 14th July. It is also traditionally held in other places such as towns and villages across Spain and Portugal, some cities in Mexico, and southern France during the summer.
   The origin of the run can be traced back to the 14th century in northeastern Spain, where bull breeders needed to transport their bulls from the fields outside the city to the bullring, where they would be killed. To speed up the transporting process, workers would hurry the cattle using tactics of fear and excitement. Later this practice turned into a competition, as young adults would attempt to race in front of the bulls. It seemed that the modern-day celebration has evolved from this as well as individual commercial and bullfighting fiestas.
   The Pamplona bull run is the highest-profile event of the San Fermin festival. The first bull running is on 7th July, followed by one on each of the following mornings of the festival, beginning every day at 8 a.m. sharp. It all starts with a rocket fired to confirm that the gate of the bullring has been opened. After runners pray to San Fermin, a second rocket announces that the bulls, typically six, have left. The bulls and the runners then proceed along the route. A third rocket is set off once all the bulls have entered the bullring. When the bulls are in the bullpen, the final rocket ends the run.
   The vast number of participants nowadays adds to the already considerable danger of running alongside wild bulls weighing in the region of 700 kg each. Although plenty security and first-aid personnel are on hand, there is really little they can do to prevent people from injury, or even death, during the running of the bulls.

【題組】49 What does tactics mean in the second paragraph?
(A) Collections.
(C)  Feelings.  


34 Trash is a problem that has _____ humans since they moved into cities. And dealing with it is messy and expensive.
(A) embarked
(B) enacted
(C) plagued
(D) obliged


3 There is an announcement______ that he will take a new position in the company.
(A) in effect
(B) in fact
(C) to the effect
(D) with effect


34 It is _____ that an ancient artifact shows wear and tear after thousands of years.
(A) imprudent
(B) inevitable
(C) generous
(D) grateful


32 We do not know much about this topic, which still remains a_______ field for further research.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5376~5400)-阿摩線上測驗
