(56 秒)
科目:全民英檢◆中級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)
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1. I have great admiration ______ that charity organization. They have done so much good.
(A) along
(B) between
(C) toward
(D) within


5. This student ______ getting a lot of homework every day, so he didn't complain.
(A) has to
(B) had to
(C) used to
(D) is used to


6. You ______ cook some sauce to go with the steak to make it tastier.
(A) as well as
(B) more or less
(C) might as well
(D) not so much as


8. Stop making so many excuses. I don't ______ a single word you're saying.
(A) afford
(B) buy
(C) confuse
(D) dare


Questions 16-20
       Meditating has many ___(16)___ for both the mind and body. To meditate means to think deeply or focus on something calmly, often to achieve a state of relaxation or mental clarity. Regular meditation can help ___(17)___ stress, improve concentration, and ___(18)___ emotional health. It encourages mindfulness, which means being fully present in the moment. Meditating can also enhance selfawareness, allowing you to understand your thoughts and feelings better. Additionally, it can improve sleep and ___(19)___ overall well-being. By ___(20)___ a few minutes each day to meditate, you can experience these positive effects and enjoy a calmer, more focused life.

(A) pulling over
(B) setting aside
(C) pushing aside
(D) giving away


Questions 21-22

21. What is the main intention behind starting Sunny Lemonade Stand?
(A) Help the sister
(B) Make big money
(C) Do charity
(D) Make people happy


Questions 33-35
      Every day, I take small steps to help protect our environment. First, I always recycle paper, plastic, and glass to reduce waste. I also use a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic ones, which helps cut down on single-use plastics. In the mornings, I switch off lights and unplug devices when not in use to save energy. I choose to walk or bike for short trips rather than driving, which helps reduce air pollution. Additionally, I use eco-friendly cleaning products to avoid harmful chemicals. These daily actions may seem small, but they all contribute to a healthier planet. By making these choices, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

【題組】33. Which is the best title for this article?
(A) Tips to Protect the Environment
(B) My Efforts to Protect the Environment
(C) How to Recycle Easily
(D) The Benefits of Environmental Protection


今日錯題測驗-全民英檢◆中級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)-阿摩線上測驗
