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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第42期正期學生組新生入學考試_共同科目:英文#116869
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1. There is a sign saying “No trespassing.” This area is a private place, so people cannot enter this place without the owner’s _________.
(A) passion
(B) network
(C) evidence
(D) permission


2. You should dress up yourself on this formal __________. To show respect to the host, no slippers or casual clothes are allowed.
(A) occasion
(B) portion
(C) identity
(D) appeal


3. Chen Shu-Chu is a person of _______ character. Although she is just a vegetable vendor, she donates lots of money to the charitable organizations without expecting anything in return.
(A) brutal
(B) jealous
(C) noble
(D) curious


4. In the Indian culture, cows are thought to be _______ animals. They are respected in religious activities.
(A) naive
(B) sacred
(C) courageous
(D) anxious


5. You will get sunburned if you are ________ to the scorching sun for too long without applying sunscreen.
(A) infected
(B) hesitated
(C) exposed
(D) resided


6. The capable student was ________ the chairperson of the Student Association. He will be in charge of the coming school anniversary.
(A) exchanged
(B) marveled
(C) contacted
(D) nominated


7. Feeling like an outsider in the family, John doesn’t know how to chat with his siblings easily and always has a sense of _________.
(A) delight
(B) loneliness
(C) achievement
(D) direction


8. Our homeroom teacher was _________ when she knew two students skipped class and smoked on campus.
(A) plural
(B) ideal
(C) furious
(D) attractive


9. After the cruel murder, all the elementary schools should take measures to ________ anyone suspicious from entering the campus.
(A) prevent
(B) mention
(C) guide
(D) harvest


10. On Christmas Eve, all flights were cancelled _______ the heavy snowstorm. Many tourists were disappointed about the delay of their family reunion.
(A) regardless of
(B) according to
(C) in addition to
(D) as a result of


11. The novelist ________ many speech invitations to concentrate on writing his next new novel.
(A) brought down
(B) turned down
(C) stepped down
(D) calmed down


12. The supervisor plans to talk to his team ________ the meeting. He thinks a pre-discussion is needed to facilitate the meeting.
(A) senior to
(B) junior to
(C) prior to
(D) inferior to


13. It is dangerous for us to ________ without grasping the whole picture. We need to clarify all the uncertain points before we make decisions.
(A) cost an arm and a leg
(B) bridge the gap
(C) strike a balance
(D) jump to the conclusions


14. Though the couple had been married for three years, they _______ a divorce.
(A) ended up with
(B) came up with
(C) kept track of
(D) ran out of


15. The disadvantage of this job is that the heavy workload and long working hours ________ of my family life.
(A) come to power
(B) make a fortune
(C) get in the way
(D) catch a glimpse


16. Astronauts will experience loss of appetite at the beginning of their time in space because their bodies are trying to ________ the new environment.
(A) be resistant to
(B) accustom to
(C) become used to
(D) getting used to


17. I had to give a three-minute speech in public, but the microphone broke down. ________ with horror, I couldn’t say a word.
(A) Paralyze
(B) To paralyze
(C) Paralyzed
(D) Paralyzing


18. I make plenty of lifelong friends in my high school, ________ give me mental support when I feel down.
(A) some of them
(B) all of whom
(C) many of which
(D) either of whose


19. The blind lawyer was rejected by over twenty law firms because of his disability, _______ he had a Harvard Law degree.
(A) even though
(B) even
(C) only if
(D) as though


20. The famous fashion designer, Jason Wu, preferred to play with dolls and dressed them up, _______ play sports when he was a little boy.
(A) rather than
(B) instead of
(C) while
(D) despite


21. _________, this basketball player still had excellent performances and got the MVP of the match.
(A) Short as he was
(B) He was short
(C) While he is short
(D) Short although he is


22. ________ that the leader of the labor union decided to protest against the unfair treatment to the workers.
(A) So furious he was
(B) Such was his fury
(C) Furious was he
(D) His fury such was


23. I lost my wallet on the MRT. It ________ stolen.
(A) must be
(B) can’t have been
(C) must have been
(D) will be


24. _________ you believe it or not, I have witnessed the terrible car crash.
(A) No matter
(B) Whether
(C) Whatever
(D) However


25. _________ it was raining, Jason still insisted on his camping plan.
(A) In spite of
(B) For fear that
(C) In case of
(D) Despite the fact that


V. 閱讀測驗
        Ecotourism has become one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry, growing annually by 10–15% worldwide. Ecotourism can be defined as a form of tourism, which is associated under the genre of pristine, fragile visit and also undisturbed natural areas, where you have the liberty to enjoy the forest or nature at its best.
       The main aim is to create a low impact and mostly small-scale groups are allowed for the same reason. The major goal of eco-traveling is to make people realize the importance of natural preservation and natural lifestyle to create a balance in our fast-paced modern society. Apart from educating the travelers, eco travel can also help in collecting funds for various forms of ecological conservation, which can easily benefit the economic development of the local region, along with the empowerment associated under the zone of local communities.
        However, doubts are also raised by many critics. Since ecotourism can bring needed funds to conservation efforts around the globe, it can also put stress on wildlife and local populations, if not handled correctly. The more visitors a fragile ecosystem has each year, the more likely the traffic is to damage habitats and affect the local environment. Another major disadvantage is that it may bring outside investment and development to a region at the cost of local jobs and infrastructure. This will destroy local industry and agriculture as workers find better wages serving guests and can lead to an economic downward spiral. 
        Tourism departments must strike a balance between access to rare wildlife and protection of endangered plants and animals. If tourists cannot see rare habitats and their occupants, there is no reason to visit the area, but too much traffic can have a negative effect. If poorly regulated, instead of protecting those areas, visitors may possibly destroy them in the name of “green travel.”

【題組】26. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Ecotourism helps boost the local economy and benefits the local industry.
(B) Ecotourism is a double-edged sword whose impact is hard to determine.
(C) The presence of tourism departments in rare natural habitats can cause some problems.
(D) Tourists will damage the fragile environment, so they should be regulated properly.


【題組】27. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
(A) Ecological conservation includes protecting the natural habitats, the endangered species and local communities.
(B) Ecotourism has become a popular trend of travel around the world and more people join this kind of activity.
(C) Travelers of ecotourism not only learn more about environmental protection but also collect trash themselves.
(D) The meaning of green travel may be similar to the concept of ecotourism.


【題組】28. What does “their occupants” in the last paragraph refer to?
(A) People who occupy the land.
(B) People who grow plants there.
(C) Tour guides who work there.
(D) Animals which live in these areas.


【題組】29. Where is this article most likely to been seen?
(A) In a ship’s log.
(B) In a fashion magazine.
(C) In a forum of travel-planning.
(D) In a political editorial.


【題組】30. What’s the author’s attitude toward ecotourism?
(A) Neutral.
(B) Positive.
(C) Negative.
(D) Indifferent.


31. The delegate in the United Nations delivered a speech to ________ the issue of climate change.
(A) address
(B) deal with
(C) come about
(D) conduct
(E) cope with


32. The driver’s carelessness _________ this tragic car accident claiming dozens of people’s lives.
(A) led to
(B) caused
(C) resulted in
(D)stemmed from
(E) brought about


33. Some people ________ looking attractive as their priority, even spending 30,000 dollars per month on cosmetics.
(A) see
(B) regard
(C) view
(D) think
(E) deem


34. Yesterday I ________ my kindergarten friend. I could hardly recognize him since he had changed so much.
(A) came across
(B) encountered
(C) focused on
(D) acquainted
(E) bumped into


35. There are many imaginary scenes in the Harry Potter books, ________ the Diagon Alley and the Platform 9 ¾ .
(A) involved
(B) included
(C) including
(D) inclusive of
(E) excluded


36. 請選出正確的句子: 陪審團是由各行各業的人所組成的。
(A) The jury is consisted of people from different walks of life.
(B) The jury is composed of people from different walks of life.
(C) The jury makes up for people from different walks of life.
(D) The jury contributes people from different walks of life.
(E) The jury is made up of people from different walks of life.


37. 請選出正確的句子: 如果我是經理,我會馬上延攬 Alice 到我的團隊。
(A) If I were the manager, I would immediately recruit Alice into my team.
(B) If I was the manager, I will recruit Alice into my team right away.
(C) Were I the manager, I would immediately recruit Alice into my team.
(D) If I had been be the manager, I would recruit Alice into my team right away.
(E) If I were to be the manager, I will immediately recruit Alice into my team.


38. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 鈴聲一響,所有的學生就衝向籃球場。
(A) No sooner had the bell rung than all of the students rushed to the basketball court.
(B) By the time the bell rang, all of the students had rushed to the basketball court.
(C) All of the students rushed to the basketball court as soon as the bell rang.
(D) The moment the bell rang, all of the students rushed to the basketball court.
(E) All of the students have rushed to the basketball court since the bell rang.


39. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 著迷於日出,John 準備好為了這個美景啟程出發。
(A) Fascinated with the sunrise, John is ready to set out for the fantastic view.
(B) Ready to set out for the magnificent view, John is fascinating to the sunrise.
(C) Although enchanted with the sunrise, John is ready to set out for the spectacular view.
(D) Despite being enchanted with the sunrise, John is ready to set out for the majestic view.
(E) Enchanted with the sunrise, John is ready to set out for the impressive view.


40. 請選出翻譯正確的句子: 令我父母開心的是,我的學業表現符合他們的期待。
(A) Joyful as my parents are, my academic performance meet their expectations.
(B) My parents are pleasant so that my academic performance lives up to their expectations.
(C) To my parents’ delight, my academic performance meets their expectations.
(D) Much to my parents’ joy, my academic performance lives up to their expectations.
(E) With my parents’ happiness, my academic performance fails to meet their expectations.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第42期正期學生組新生入學考試_共同科目:英文#116869-阿摩線上測驗
