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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全)_共同科目:英文#123146
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21.The museum has a large ________ of ancient artifacts from different cultures.
(A) deal
(B) group
(C) piece
(D) collection


22.After the car accident, Jason finally ________ how much his wife loved and supported him.
(A) realized
(B) chased
(C) chose
(D) raised


23.Many young people are now choosing to adopt a vegetarian diet to ________ the environmental impact of meat production.
(A) increase
(B) minimize
(C) neglect
(D) justify


24.The teacher reminded the students to ________ their assignments via the online portal before the deadline.
(A) submit
(B) neglect
(C) postpone
(D) desert


25.So far it’s still very difficult for scientists to make accurate ________ about earthquakes.
(A) predictions
(B) constructions
(C) isolations
(D) productions


26.Human actions are ________ the environment and we should do something to save the natural world.
(A) disordering
(B) controlling
(C) affecting
(D) sustaining

7( ).

27.Excessive ________ on computers will reduce a person’s ability to spell English words correctly.
(A) expression
(B) procedure
(C) welfare
(D) reliance

8( ).

28.Judy is ________ for never being punctual, so I always tell her that things start a half hour before they actually do.
(A) prosperous
(B) notorious
(C) disastrous
(D) numerous

9( ).

29.It is easy to tell that Timmy is ________ of the two brothers.
(A) tall
(B) taller
(C) the taller
(D) tallest

10( ).

30.Since the members are not able to meet now, we have put ________ the meeting until tomorrow.
(A) down
(B) on
(C) through
(D) off

11( ).

31.If I ________ you, I would apologize to her immediately.
(A) was
(B) am
(C) were
(D) be

12( ).

32.I asked Jimmy to study hard, but he refused to do ________.
(A) as
(B) so
(C) them
(D) this

13( ).

33._______ of them knew the correct answer, so the teacher explained it again.
(A) Either
(B) Any one
(C) None
(D) All

14( ).

34.________ we have two children, a larger car would better meet our needs.
(A) Now that
(B) What
(C) Which
(D) That is

15( ).

35.Mike: How do you stay in shape?
Lucy: ____________ It's a fun way to exercise.
Mike: Cool! Maybe I'll join you next time.
(A) I love eating fast food.
(B) I don't exercise at all.
(C) I like to sleep in.
(D) I go dancing every week.

16( ).

36.Paul: Do you play any sports?
Karen: ____________ It's good for my health and keeps me active.
Paul: Nice! Maybe we can play together sometime.
(A) Yes, I play tennis regularly.
(B) No, I'm not into sports.
(C) I watch sports on TV.
(D) I don't like sports.

17( ).

37.Kevin: Have you tried the new restaurant in town?
Lisa: Yes, I went there last night. The food was delicious!
Kevin: What did you like the most?
Lisa: ____________
(A) The service was slow.
(B) The dessert was amazing.
(C) The prices were too high.
(D) I didn't enjoy the meal.

18( ).

38.Peggy: I have been coughing badly for a while.
Oscar: ____________
Peggy: Yeah. I did. The doctor warned me not to smoke.
(A) The medicine didn't work.
(B) The situation is getting better.
(C) Did you tell your parents?
(D) Did you go to the doctor?

19( ).

39.Guest: Oops! Excuse me, I dropped my salad fork on the ground.
Waitress: No problem, ma'am. ____________
(A) You are a special guest.
(B) My boss will be angry.
(C) I will bring you another one right away.
(D) The meal is for free.

20( ).

40.Ellen: Why have you been standing here for such a long time?
Cathy: I am wondering how to fetch the box on the top of the shelf. ____________
Ellen: No problem. It’s my pleasure.
(A) Who put the box in that way?
(B) Could you give me a hand with that?
(C) Where is the box found?
(D) How can I do for you?


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全)_共同科目:英文#123146-阿摩線上測驗
