(3 分6 秒)

II. Vocabulary (6-20 題,共 15 題) 6. The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory, advocated by Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, are varied and _________ multiple disciplines.
(A) spread
(B) extent
(C) span
(D) stretch


7. Intercultural Bilingual Education, a language-planning model employed throughout Latin America in public education, _________ as a political movement asserting space for indigenous languages and culture in the education system.
(A) arose
(B) raised
(C) rose
(D) aroused


8. Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite _________ consequences.
(A) reverse
(B) inverse
(C) adverse
(D) diverse


9. Mazu, a Chinese sea goddess, is the ________ form of the purported historical Lin Mo Niang and she was thought to roam the seas, protecting her believers through miraculous interventions.
(A) feigned
(B) deigned
(C) defined
(D) deified


10. Situated largely on the Caribbean Plate, the Caribbean comprises more than 700 islands, islets, reefs and bays, which generally form island arcs that ________ the eastern and northern edges of the Caribbean Sea.
(A) picture
(B) delineate
(C) illustrate
(D) portray


(3) Less than 20 years after appearing in the groves of academy, predatory conferences now outnumber legitimate congresses held by scholarly societies. Today, one can attend multiple predatory conferences every month of the year in nearly any major city, from Tokyo to Toronto and Sydney to Helsinki. Competition between predatory companies has become so 31 that even smaller cities have become targets. The sheer number of predatory conferences, sometimes called questionable conferences, combined with the increasing sophistication of the organizing companies, means any unknown conference should be viewed as predatory until 32 otherwise. Some predatory organizers started out as predatory publishers and expanded into conferences. Others focus exclusively on conference organizing, although they may also 33 papers to predatory publishers. The main reason predatory conferences have become such a big problem is that researchers and institutions are doing basically nothing to address the problem. Researchers in countries or fields that place emphasis on conference presentations even purposely use predatory conferences to 34 their CVs to win university jobs and promotions. Many academics, in addition, think predatory conferences are not worth worrying about, especially if their research field places less importance on conference presentations and proceedings publications compared to journal publications. 35 , predatory conferences do threaten the foundations of the ivory tower. Lacking real peer review, they allow anyone to present and publish poor, plagiarized or phony research. Furthermore, as predatory conference organizers have grown, they have been buying legitimate publishers and conference organizers, blurring the line between predatory and legitimate.
(A) apathetic
(B) fierce
(C) poignant
(D) stabbing


(A) prove
(B) proving
(C) to prove
(D) proven


(A) chisel
(B) spade
(C) funnel
(D) twirl


(A) pad
(B) pat
(C) peck
(D) pet


(A) Hence
(B) If so
(C) In addition
(D) Nevertheless


(46-50 閱讀三) People spend about a third of their lives asleep and cannot survive without it. Scientists have long understood the importance of getting enough sleep and the key part played by light exposure can sometimes be overlooked. The reason light is so important is that it sets our circadian rhythm, or body clock, via specialized light sensors within the eye. Our eye detects the light and dark cycle within our environment and adjusts the body's circadian rhythm so that the internal and external day coincide. This is so powerful that that people who have very severe eye damage can find their body clock is thrown off, leading to sleep problems. Jet lag is the most obvious example of the effect light can have. Exposure to light in the new time zone helps our body clock to local time, telling us the right time to sleep. We have become a light deprived species, and this has far reaching consequences for the quality of out sleep, and consequently our well-being. The optimum amount varies form person to person, but we do know that our bodies need exposure to very bright light that the majority of indoor lighting does not provide. One notable side effect is Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD), a form of depression thought to affect 2-8 % of Europeans, which is linked to lack of sunlight exposure. Minimizing light exposure before you go to bed, and trying to get us much morning light as possible, are simple steps that could help most people to regulate and improve their sleep.
【題組】46. What is the article mainly about?
(A) Light is the key to a good night’s sleep.
(B) Body clock is linked to mood disorder.
(C) Sleep and wake up early can boost your health.
(D) Life is really harder for night owls.


【題組】47. What does “it” refer to in the first paragraph?
(A) sensor
(B) sleep
(C) light
(D) clock


【題組】48. What is the function of the circadian rhythm?
(A) It can impair motor balance.
(B) It decreases spontaneous locomotion.
(C) It yields sleep producing hormones at night.
(D) The brain detects light to reset the body clock.


【題組】49. What is true about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
(A) SAD only impacts people living in gloomy climates.
(B) SAD only comes along with cold temperatures.
(C) SAD is based on a lack of light.
(D) SAD happens only in the winter.


【題組】50. Based on this article, what helps you sleep better at night?
(A) Do not drink any liquids before bed.
(B) Increase light exposure during the day
(C) Do not eat late in the evening.
(D) Get a comfortable bed, mattress and pillow.


