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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - [無官方正解]110 國立臺灣大學_碩士班招生考試_化學工程學、醫療器材與醫學影像研究所:英文(B)#105536
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1. Even as COVID-19 treatments have improved and death rates have fallen, record-breaking levels of hospitalizations are already________ ICUs in many parts of America.
(A) overwhelming
(B) pursuing
(C) inheriting
(D) boosting

2( ).

2. Gestures that we use on a daily basis to portray positive emotion or agreement might mean something highly________ in a foreign land.
(A) imaginative
(B) oflensive
(C) effective
(D) extensive

3( ).

3. Tens of thousands of furious females assembled outside the mayor's office, screaming in protest of gender________.
(A) inequality
(B) degradation
(C) evaporation
(D) explosion

4( ).

4. That more and more pedestrians tend to wear wireless earbuds while crossing the roads actually puts many lives in________.
(A) jeopardy
(B) injunction
(C) harbinger
(D) hedgehog

5( ).

5. This year's election is indeed an ________,record-breaking one, as the outgoing president still claims the result as a massive fraud and refuses to congratulate the president-elect.
(A) unbiased
(B) unprecedented
(C) unsanctioned
(D) unleashed

6( ).

6. While social media is a great way to socialize with friends and family, it can also be a ________of cyberbullying.
(A) resource
(B) dictator
(C) hotbed
(D) misfit

7( ).

7. Professor Fitzgerald, who specializes in quantum physics, is________ productive, publishing at least three new research papers every year.
(A) sarcastically
(B) congenially
(C) archeologically

8( ).

8. Mr. Jacob has a________ for spotting good investments and a reputation for being bold and visionary.
(A) redundancy
(B) fad
(C) contingency
(D) flair

9( ).

9. In an attempt to________ his opponent, the tennis player used performance-enbancing drugs before the match.
(A) relcgate
(B) indict
(C) thwart
(D) condone

10( ).

10. As climate change continucs to drastically affect ecosystens, the future of biodiversity looks________.
(A) bleak
(B) avid
(C) vertical
(D) arid

11( ).

11. With________ information on the official website, Miss Kylie decided to make a call to the boutique.
(A) few
(B) a number of
(C) little
(D) this

12( ).

12. Gardening ________a moderate intensity level activity and can also contribute to the World Health Organization's recommended minimum of 150 minutes per week for all adults.
(A) is considered
(B) is seemed
(C) is regarded
(D) is viewed

13( ).

13. Uji is a city on the southern outskirts of Kyoto, and its matcha is________ among the best in the world.
(A) arguable
(B) arguably
(C) argument
(D) arguing

14( ).

14. Much ________her disappointment, Erika did not make the shorlist for the annual Chef of the Year competition.
(A) towards
(B) within
(C) on
(D) to

15( ).

15. An Instagram influencer________account has over 5 million followers was accused of spreading fake news.
(A) whom
(B) who
(C) whose
(D) to which

16( ).

16. Over 500 flowering plants in the Taipei Botanical Garden are in bloom, ________of viola and camellia.
(A) inclusive
(B) including
(C) included
(D) been included

17( ).

17. Some students plan to start their own business after graduation;________ would like to pursue further education.
(A) others
(B) the others
(C) still others
(D) another

18( ).

18. The mayor listened to the survivors of a recent caving accident with tears ________down her cheeks.
(A) rolling
(B) rolled
(C) roll
(D) rolls

19( ).

19.________not passing the bar exam, Jamie will never give up her dream of becoming a civil litigation lawyer.
(A) Unless
(B) That
(C) What if
(D) Despite

20( ).

20. As food delivery apps bring people convenience, they are also responsible for generating huge amounts ofpackaging waste, most of ________ is plastic.
(A) which
(B) those
(C) it
(D) them

21( ).

III. Cloze (36%):
 Questions 21-25 refer to the following passage.
 Sales of some vegctables have soared by up to 300 percent following the decision by a group of New World supermarkets in New Zealand to do away with plastic packaging.
 The project -__21__ . "food in the nude" - was pioneered by a New World supermarket in Bishopdale, Christchurch, and now, with up to nine stores on board, giving up plastic wrapping for almost all fruit and vegetables has led to stunning sales figures. Bishopdale store owner Nigel Bond says the initiative was part of the war__22.__ plastic. While he was initially concerned that his idea could backfire, it has instead resulted in positive customer__23.__ with customers bowled over by the new displays.
 Getting rid of__24.__ fresh produce reminds Bond of his childhood, he says, when going to the greengrocer meant enjoying the smell of fresh citrus or spring onions. Plastic wrap sanitizes and __25__. people of this experience, he says.

【題組】 21.
(A) knowing as
(B) known as
(C) knows as
(D) is known as

22( ).

(A) with
(B) in
(C) into
(D) on

23( ).

(A) immersion
(B) exposure
(C) integrity
(D) feedback

24( ).

(A) wrapping-plastic
(B) wrapped-plastic
(C) plastic-wrapping
(D) plastic-wrapped

25( ).

(A) derives
(B) derides
(C) deprives
(D) deceives

26( ).

Questions 26-29 refer to the following passage.

Thanks to conservation efforts, India's tiger population has increased by over 30 percent in the

past four years, from 2226 to 2967. Described by Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi,__26.__ a

"historic achievement', these figures suggest that India is on track to meet its 2010 St. Petersburg

Declaration target, _ 27. __his country pledged to double its wild tiger population by 2022. At the time,

India had an estimated 1 700 wild tigers.

The figures are based on a survey __28.__ every four years by wildlife officials who trek across

380,000 square kilometers of land looking for evidence of the tiger population.

According to Modi, forest cover in India has grown in the last five years, along with increased

numbers of protected areas. He adds that India is now one of the biggest and most secure __29.__ of the tiger, making it an increasingly safer home for 70 percent of the world's tigers.

(A) for
(B) by
(C) as
(D) onto

27( ).

(A) in which
(B) which
(C) that
(D) in that

28( ).


(A) conducted
(B) conducting
(C) which conducted
(D) which conducts

29( ).

(A) reservoirs
(B) habitats
(C) preservatives
(D) conservatories

30( ).

Questions 30-34 refer to the following passage.

The Lumiere Brothers opened their Cinematographe, at 14 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, to

100 paying customers over 100 years ago, on December 8, 1895.__30.__ the eyes of the stunned,

thrilled audience, photographs came to life and moved across a flat screen.

So ordinary and routine has this become to us __31.__ it takes a determined leap of the

imagination to grasp the impact of those first moving images. But it is worth trying, for to understandthe initial shock of those images is to understand the extraordinary power and magic of cinema, theunique, fascinating__32.__ that has made film the most dynamic, effective art form of the 20th century.

One of the Lumiere Brothers' earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a

railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens_ 33.__ the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists,described the film as a "work of genius". "As the train approached," wrote Tarkovsky, "panic started inthe theater: people jumped and ran away. That was the moment __34.__ cinema was born. Thefrightened audience could not accept that they were watching a mere picture. Pictures were still, onlyreality moved: this must, therefore, be reality. In their confusion, they feared that a real train was aboutto crush them."

(A) Afer
(B) Before
(C) Onto
(D) Without

31( ).

(A) which
(B) that
(C) but
(D) no matter

32( ).

(A) drawback
(B) distinction
(C) orientation
(D) quality

33( ).

(A) Otherwise
(B) Elsewhere
(C) Hence
(D) Yet

34( ).

(A) when
(B) how
(C) what
(D) where

35( ).

Questions 35-38 refer to the following passage.

Just about 100 years ago, there arose an industry in the state of Arizona that seems very odd to us today. Wc know of cattle ranches and sheep ranches, but would you believe...ostrich ranches? Thisbudding business became popular as women found ostrich feathers a joyous addition to their wardrobes.

Ostriches are easy to raise. They eat and drink less than cattle, and their eggs are _ 35.__ to feed

ten people! During the heyday of ostrich ranching, feathers were sold for as much as $300 a pound, so itis easy to see why that business was so attractive.

However, women's fashions changed after World War I, and the market for ostrich plumes

__36__ . Growers had to confront a shrinking market. The price tumbled to about $10 for a bird. As

ostrich feathers become __37.__  in the fashion world, ostrich ranching came to an end.

Interestingly enough, ostrich ranchers may be coming back into vogue because __ 38. tell us

that ostrich meat is low in cholesterol. We may not go wild over the feathers, but pass the lean meat,

please. Hold the mayo, too.

(A) large enough
(B) enouigh large
(C) largely enough
(D) enough largely

36( ).

(A) felled
(B) ascended
(C) cremated
(D) plummeted

37( ).

(A) superior
(B) superficial
(C) superlative
(D) superfluous

38( ).

(A) nutritionists
(B) abortionists
(D) hedonists
(C) percussionists

39( ).

VI. Reading Comprehension (24%):

Questions 39-42 refer to the following announcement.

【題組】39. What type of business is the Metro?
(A) An automobile repair shop
(B) An eating establishment
(C) A parking facility
(D) A counseling clinic

40( ).

【題組】40. What is the purpose of the announcement?
(A) To update workers on security procedures
(B) To inform patrons of changes
(C) To invite members to the opening of a facility
(D) To offer information on a possible merger

41( ).

【題組】41. Which inference from the announcement is incorrect?
(A) The Gabricl's business was previously closed for some time.
(B) Guests are allowed to remove face coverings once they sit.
(C) The employees didn't use to sanitize hands before the Green phase.
(D) Customers who patronized the business before September 22, 2020 will now find seating capacity adjusted.

42( ).

【題組】42. For those who proceed to page 2, what information is most likely to be found?
(A) You can call the restaurant for pick-up and delivery orders at (215) 361-1603.
(B) Never put minors in harmful situations that may lead to injury.
(C) Women should do at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity a weck during pregnancy.
(D) Make sure to plug your printer into a USB port directly on your computer.

43( ).

Questions 43-46 refer to the following passage.
        Making oneself relax in bubbling spring water is not only fulfilling - it's healthy, too! For centuries, people have been aware of the healing properties of mineral baths. Yet if simply soaking in them is so beneficial, why not drink them as well? That was the reasoning behind one of the world's most popular types of beverages known today as soft drinks. 
       Inspired by the creativity of his good friend Benjamin Franklin, scientist Joseph Priestley created the main ingredient of the popular beverage by discovering a method for mixing water with certain gases. He placed a bowl of water above a vat of fermenting beer. The beer then gave off carbon dioxide, which is mixed with the water, and bubbling soda was born.
        Priestley began to serve the soda water to his friends, who were contented with its pleasant tangy taste. Medicinal and other pleasant-tasting herbs were soon added to it, gradually increasing its popularity as a health drink. 
       Over the next several decades. Priestley's carbonated water, also called soda, took on many different flavors. Adding citric acid to it led to carbonated lemonade. Flavoring it with ginger root resulted in ginger ale. All claimed to have some sort of healing property, and were only available in drugstores.
       In 1832, John Matthews invented the soda fountain, and soda really took off. His machine mixed carbonated water with lavored syrup. The soda fountains inside drugstores became popular hangouts for people secking "health" drinks.
        It took more than 50 years, however, for the carbonated drinks we know today to appear. Soda's popularity soon cxploded, becoming a favorite among people of all ages. Lively hangouts called soda cafes, serving soda, food, and a rocking good time, soon replaced drugstore soda fountains. 
       Most recently, diet, sugar-free, and caffeine free alternatives have been added to the already large selection of soft drinks. The thirst for them has turned the soft drink industry into a billion-dollar business. And all over the world, people seeking a quick pick-me-up continue to gulp down the bubbling drinks.

【題組】43. What are the key components of bubbling soda?
(A) Water and beer.
(B) Water and carbon dioxide.
(C) Water and medicinal herbs.
(D) Mineral water and syrup.

44( ).

【題組】44. Who invented soda?
(A) Benjamin Franklin.
(B) John Mathews.
(C) Joseph Priestley.
(D) It's not mentioned.

45( ).

【題組】45. What did soda fountains and soda cafes have in common?
(A) They both served healthy drinks only.
(B) They both provided space for people to socialize.
(C) They were both invented by John Mathews.
(D) Neither appeared before the 20th century.

46( ).

【題組】46. What does the passage imply about soda?
(A) Drinking soda is as beneficial to health as taking a mineral bath.
(B) Soda is not as popular a drink as it once was.
(C) Few varieties of soda are offered to consumers nowadays.
(D) People used to believe soda had healing properties.

47( ).

Questions 47-50 refer to the following news report. 
       Welcome to the world of "unboxing videos," one of the many p peculiar genres res on You Tube, the Google-owned video hosting site where viewers watch more than 6 billion hours of video every month. Unboxing videos are exactly what they sound like: People opening boxes and narrating their actions. The volume of unboxing videos has boomed in recent years. Easy to make and surprisingly hypnotic to watch, the videos have become a lucrative little corner of the Internet for the people who film them.
      The most popular unboxings are for expensive gadgets, like the iPhone, Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Competition for these views is fierce. Tech-news sites rush to post their own slideshows and videos of brand-new Apple products being birthed from their high-end packaging. - [I] - Companies have even started uploading their own unboxing videos to official YouTube channels, like this clip of the new Xbox One from Microsoft that has been watched more than 3 million times.
        Since 2010, the number of YouTube clips with "unboxing" in the headline has increased 871%, Last year alone, 2,370 days, or 6.5 years, worth of unboxing footage was uploaded to the site. The traffic is coming from all over the world, with an uptick in recent interest from such far-flung places as India, Brunei, Sri Lanka, and Trinidad and Tobago. film them.
        - [2] - The people who post the videos are not just bragging about their latest purchases. They make money off ads displayed at the start of a clip or that pop up while they're playing. YouTube's payment system is complicated, but one unboxer said he can make $2 to $4 for every 1,000 views. Older videos don't necessarily fall off the search rankings, so a creator in it for the long haul can make more money as they add videos over time.
        Creators only get paid per "monitized" view. That means visitors have to actually watch enough of the video for ads to appear. To keep people from abandoning a video before they've seen an ad, the videos have to be engaging, well shot and more than just SE0-keyword spar. Unboxers look at Google Ad Words and YouTube search's auto suggest function to uncover popular search terms and name their videos aceordingly. They might borrow the products, or buy and return them after the video is shot. - [3] -
       To keep viewers engaged, unboxers often bring a unique style to their product category. Some put their own personalities front and center, turning their faces into a trusted brand that brings back followers. Others have a specific shooting style that might favor time-lapse style footage set to catchy music, or close-up shots that pan lovingly over the unblemished surface of a new product.
        In addition to pulling in search traffic, good unboxers can get large volumes of subscribers to their YouTube channels. - [4] - Consistency and focus are key to Iuring in those repeat viewers, so some people will have multiple channels, one for cach narrow c category.

【題組】47. An "unboxer" is someone who________.
(A) embeds ads in footage
(B) monitors net traffic on You Tube
(C) uploads short films of user experience
(D) provides video-editing service

48( ).

【題組】48. The report indicates that __________.
(A) Unboxer has become a popular career choice for the younger generation
(B) Search engines like Google sends the most searched keywords to popular unboxers regularly
(C) Excellent videography skill is an essential part in an engaging unboxing video
(D) High-tech companies ban their employees from making unboxing videos

49( ).

【題組】49. In which of the position marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? "Companies will even ship free samples to the more popular channels."
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

50( ).

【題組】50. The word "uptick" in paragraph 3, line 3, is closest in meaning to_
(A) reduction
(B) increment
(C) fluctuation
(D) franchise

試卷測驗 - 110 年 - [無官方正解]110 國立臺灣大學_碩士班招生考試_化學工程學、醫療器材與醫學影像研究所:英文(B)#105536-阿摩線上測驗
