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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 台灣電力公司_新進僱用人員甄試:英文#78721
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16. The dog must be ___. It hasn’t eaten anything all day.
(A) starving
(B) fill
(C) overweight
(D) stupid


17. Jack finally ___ after the manager blamed him for a mistake he did not make.
(A) signed out
(B) resigned
(C) quited
(D) quieted


18. Will and Gloria are ___ because his son married her daughter.
(A) parents
(B) a couple
(C) in-laws
(D) outlaws


19. The prices of ___ are way too high in Taiwan. It’s very difficult for young people to buy a home.
(A) real estate
(B) departments
(C) property
(D) households


20. Scientists have concluded that smartphones are ___, and that’s why many people cannot live without them.
(A) funny
(B) pleasurable
(C) addictive
(D) uncontrollable


21. Vince decided to move down south where it’s sunny most of the time because he was fed up with the high ___ in northern Taiwan.
(A) activity
(B) living cost
(C) crowdedness
(D) humidity


22. The demonstrations in Hong Kong are increasing in both ___ and intensity, and the government is having problems handling them.
(A) frequency
(B) time
(C) places
(D) speed


23. Nowadays, most electronic devices are designed to be ___, so that consumers can learn to operate them without any difficulty.
(A) in ease
(B) user-friendly
(C) in comfort
(D) of wisdom


24. John and Cathy are looking for a new home. School is their first ___ because they have young children.
(A) factor
(B) thinking
(C) consideration
(D) idea


25. Hi-tech jobs pay well, but the ___ can be very heavy.
(A) work hours
(B) work weight
(C) work projects
(D) workload


26. Marie took a 2-year ___ to go to the US to get a master’s degree.
(A) holiday
(B) leave of absence without pay
(C) vacation
(D) no work


27. James plans to do volunteer work after he retires. He probably will ___.
(A) visit orphanages
(B) sell fruit
(C) be a policeman
(D) drive a truck


28. Many Chinese factories have moved to Vietnam or Cambodia to get away from the ___ of the USChina trade war.
(A) affect
(B) punishment
(C) victim
(D) impact


29. Everybody wants a high-pay job, but very few think about whether they have the ___.
(A) quality
(B) identity
(C) qualification
(D) status


30. Tina has been upset all day because she got a ___ for double parking.
(A) bill
(B) fine
(C) sheet
(D) check


31. Telecom business is very competitive and every company keeps ___ special packages to attract consumers.
(A) offering
(B) affording
(C) sending
(D) delivering


32. Sophie spends nearly two hours ___ between home and work each day.
(A) transferring
(B) trafficking
(C) transportation
(D) commuting


33. The Italian place was packed, so we decided to go to the French restaurant next door. What is the closest to “packed” in meaning?
(A) ready to travel
(B) out of business
(C) full
(D) closed down


34. Henry is not the most efficient in the office, but he is the most ___ employee.
(A) best
(B) trustworthy
(C) nicest
(D) questionable


35. New workers have to attend an orientation for two days to ___ with the company’s regulations and operations.
(A) get known
(B) get familiar
(C) get train
(D) get learning


36. To install the new software, your computer must ___ the requirements.
(A) have
(B) be
(C) face
(D) meet


37. The tickets to the movie were ___. Therefore, we went dancing instead.
(A) stopping
(B) ended
(C) sold out
(D) not sell


38. From the top of the mountain, everything is green ___ the eyes can see.
(A) as long as
(B) as far as
(C) as closely
(D) as great as


39. Besides working full time in a trading company, Peter also drives a taxi in the evening in order to ___.
(A) get even
(B) make wealthy
(C) get pay
(D) make ends meet


40. I ran into my high school buddy ___ a couple of months ago, but I don’t remember the exact time.
(A) sometimes
(B) sometime
(C) some time
(D) some times


41. We are ___, so there is no need to rush.
(A) in time
(B) take a break
(C) almost late
(D) ahead of schedule


42. Since the company is in ___ financially, no banks are willing to give it a loan.
(A) bad shape
(B) no good name
(C) poor quantity
(D) terrible place


43. Nancy is seeing someone new. This means she ___.
(A) has new glasses
(B) has a new boyfriend
(C) has had an eye surgery
(D) has new religious belief


44. Mary has the habit of eating a big meal when she has pressure from work. ___, she has gained 10 kilograms in six months.
(A) As a consequence
(B) In a result
(C) By accident
(D) On the outcome


45. “Flight CX200 will be taking off in 30 minutes. Please ___ at Gate 17.”
(A) get the plane
(B) book the plane
(C) board the plane
(D) find the plane


46. Carl takes Japanese lessons on Mon., Wed. and Fri. In other words, he attends the class ___ during the week.
(A) on another day
(B) every other day
(C) one day after another
(D) on weekends


47. Tom ___ managing his money; that’s why he is always broke.
(A) cannot
(B) unable
(C) has trouble
(D) is a problem


48. Tony is about to retire ___ he is approaching 65 years old.
(A) since
(B) because of
(C) when
(D) means


49. Sally doesn’t mind traveling ___ because she has a black belt in karate.
(A) herself
(B) along
(C) on herself
(D) alone


50. Frank found he was overweight two years ago and decided to become a vegetarian. ___ he has dropped more than 15 kg.
(A) Until then
(B) From than
(C) Since then
(D) Just than


51. The next presidential election in Taiwan ___ in January 2020.
(A) take place
(B) will be held
(C) is presented
(D) will appear


52. Jay is unhappy because ___ and has to repeat the course.
(A) he failed the test
(B) the test failed him
(C) his test failed
(D) the failure tested


53. You had better leave right now unless you want to ___ the train.
(A) catch
(B) miss
(C) jump
(D) race


54. Which is the best answer to “I need a hand”?
(A) You can use mine.
(B) Good luck.
(C) Sure, what is it?
(D) Sorry to hear that.


55. The meaning of the English saying “The end justifies the means” is that as long as the result is good, it doesn’t matter what you do. Which of the following is closest to “the means” in meaning?
(A) the skill
(B) the importance
(C) the meaning
(D) the method


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 台灣電力公司_新進僱用人員甄試:英文#78721-阿摩線上測驗

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