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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1051~1075)
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The accused woman proved her ___ of the crime.
(A) eloquence
(B) attendance
(C) innocence
(D) arrogance


11.Mary won’t forgive George for his rudeness ( ) he apologizes first.
(A) but
(B) unless
(C) if
(D) lest


As computers are getting less expensive, they are _______ used in schools and offices today.
(A) widely
(B) expectedly
(C) consciously
(D) influentially


It rained so hard yesterday that the baseball game had to be _______ until next Saturday.
(A) surrendered
(B) postponed
(C) abandoned
(D) opposed


The weather has recently been ____________ and this may cause illnesses.
(A) greedy
(B) domestic
(C) anxious
(D) unstable


32.It is a _____ that the kid fell from the tenth floor and survived with only some abrasions.
(A) misery
(B) muscle
(C) medal
(D) miracle


34.It is customary that Chinese _____ red color with good luck.
(A) associate
(B) communicate
(C) operate
(D) resolve


35.Although the company did not make profits this season, the manager is still _____ about the prospect.
(A) imaginative
(B) optimistic
(C) realistic
(D) objective


35 The money we have saved in this account is to be used for one ________ purpose: the purchase of a new house.
(A) spiritual
(B) sticky
(C) specific
(D) savage


2 The MRT system has greatly______ this area; I can’t even recognize the location of my old school.
(A) captured
(B) situated
(C) succeeded
(D) transformed


27 Unfortunately, the police were unable to gather enough evidence during their _____ of the serial murders.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
        Cleanliness has long been next to godliness for the hygiene-conscious Japanese, but fortune-tellers are now advising those who want to succeed in life to start by scrubbing the smallest room.
        Cleaning the Toilet to Attract Luck published this month is the latest in a series of books advising readers on how to attract good fortune using a brush and an array of cleaning fluids. “Don’t just wipe the floor, polish it,” the book instructs. “It’s important to maintain a positive mood while cleaning.” The books are inspired by Buddhist teachings and feng shui, a traditional Chinese belief that people’s fortunes are determined by their surroundings. 
        The idea that Lady Luck may be hiding in the lavatory has been taken up by magazines and television programs. “I won the lottery! I married my ideal person! I got pregnant!” read some of the claims on the cover of another book on the topic, published last year
        The idea that a clean toilet can bring good fortune, or even make you more beautiful, has existed in Japan for many years, according to Yuka Soma of Makino Publishing in Tokyo, editor of one of the toilet books. But she is still waiting for a big stroke of luck. “I’ve always cleaned my toilet every day, so it never really gets dirty,” she said. “At least it’s easy that way and it probably helps keep my family healthy,” she said.

【題組】48 Why is there a craze for cleaning the toilet in Japan?
(A)To improve personal hygiene.  
(B)To show how diligent a woman is.
(C)To attract good luck.
(D)To beautify people’s surroundings. 


14 I don’t think what you say is ____to the topic; please get back to the subject.
(A) ridiculous
(B) relevant
(C) resistant
(D) reluctant


第 43 題至第 46 題為題組 
    A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, “Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there.” 
   Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, “I think somebody is reading your letters before they go out of the prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What should I do now?” The farmer wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes, of course.”

【題組】43 Why was it a bad time for the potato farmer to go to prison?
(A) It was the time when the policemen found his money and gun.
(B) It was the time when he lost his money and gun.
(C) It was the time for him to dig the ground and plant the new potatoes.
(D) It was the time to harvest potatoes.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 “Exercising may be the best antidote to chronic pain,” say doctors at a new clinic for dealing with pain. “People with chronic pain need to stop lying around, go out more and start exercising.” To most people, the intuitive reaction to acute pain is to stop moving and to try to protect the source of pain. But it seems that this is often counterproductive, especially in the case of back pain, which after headaches and tiredness, has become the third most common reason for people to visit their doctors. Painful backs now account for millions of days off work. Lack of exercise slowly decreases the flexibility and strength of muscles, so it is more difficult to take pressure off the site of pain. Exercise is essential. It releases endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” chemicals, which are natural painkillers. In fact, these are so important that researchers are now looking for drugs that can maintain an optimum level of endorphins in the body. Most patients are prescribed drugs rather than exercise. However, since finding the cause of backache is not so easy, doctors frequently do not know the exact cause of the discomfort, and as the pain continues, patients end up taking stronger doses or a series of different drugs. 
 A generation of new pain clinics now operates on the basis that drugs are best avoided. Once patients have undergone the initial physical and psychological check up, their medication is cut down as much as possible. Taking patients off drugs also prepares them for physical activity by making them more physically and mentally alert. In some pain-relief clinics, patients begin the day with muscle contraction and relaxation exercises, followed by an hour on exercise bikes. Later in the day, they practice t’ai chi, a Chinese system of calisthenics, self-defense, and meditation. This compares with an average of two-and-a-half hours’ physiotherapy a week in a conventional hospital program. “The idea is to strengthen and to increase stamina, flexibility and confidence,” explains Bill Wiles, a consultant pain doctor in Liverpool. “Patients undergoing this therapy get back to work and resume healthy active lifestyles much sooner than those subjected to more conservative treatment”.

【題組】25 According to the passage, why does new therapy help patients resume healthy active lifestyles sooner than conservative treatment?
(A) Because it directly treats the source of pain.
(B) Because it prescribes stronger doses and a series of different drugs.
(C) Because it enhances patients’ physical and psychological conditions.
(D) Because it gives patients the drugs that act locally on the inflammation, such as aspirin.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 In the book Mostly Harmless, by Douglas Adams, a man from Earth travels to a strange planet. The people on the planet don’t have technology. At first, the man thinks he can become the people’s leader because he knows about technology. However, he soon realizes he can’t create technology by himself. As Adams writes in the book, “By himself, he couldn’t build a toaster. He could just make a sandwich, and that was it.” In 2010, a British designer named Thomas Thwaites was inspired by the story. After reading it, he decided to build an electric toaster by himself, using raw materials. To begin his “Toaster Project,” Thwaites looked at all toasters in a store. He bought the cheapest toaster because he thought that it would be the easiest to build. He took it apart to see what it was made of. Although the toaster seemed simple, it had 400 different pieces! These pieces were made from about a hundred different materials from all over the world.
【題組】18 Why did Thwaites decide to make a toaster by himself?
(A)Making a toaster was a project for his work.
(B)He gained the idea from the book, Mostly Harmless.
(C)He did not make enough money from designing.
(D)He thought he knew everything but technology.


231. It was kind of the young man to _____ his seat to the old lady on the crowded bus.


247. A flashmob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place, _____ a surprising act for a short time, and then disappear in an instant.
(A) absorb
(B) stain
(C) remove
(D) perform


425. It is believed that smile is a _____ language. You can easily communicate your friendliness by smiling at people wherever you go.
(A) various
(B) universal
(C) tribal
(D) transparent


550. Without a good working environment and a high salary, many _______ of this company want to quit.
(A) examinees
(B) examiners
(C) employees
(D) employers


3 Do we have an_________ plan in place if this one doesn’t work out?


1 The agency hosts various activities and programs that spotlight the excellence and _____ of the country.
(A) diversity
(B) depletion
(C) salvation
(D) similarity


9 Newly arrived immigrants face various challenges adapting to life, including the language _____ and the feeling of loneliness.
(A) barrier
(B) courier
(C) chamber
(D) savior


40 Vitamin D is _____ by the body after exposure to sunshine.
(A) absorbed
(B) depleted
(C) extracted
(D) swallowed


3 The dispute is a contest between these two countries over _______control of the region.
(A) territorial
(B) respiratory
(C) luxurious
(D) admirable


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1051~1075)-阿摩線上測驗
