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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1101~1125)
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Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you? That’s what the people in Egypt did a long time ago. This ancient system of writing is called hieroglyphics. In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea. These picture words were carved on temple walls and in other places where people gathered. They told stories about the Egyptian gods and rulers. They told stories about animals. The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes and other business information. You might find it hard to read Egyptian hieroglyphics even if you understood the pictures, because the picture words were written from right to left.
【題組】Each picture in ancient Egyptian writing stood for ______ .
(A) a sentence
(B) an idea
(C) a name
(D) an animal


A young man was running along the street in a great hurry. Another man in the street wondered why and asked the man, “Where are you hurrying to?” Then the young man stopped unwillingly and said, “I’m going to the Taipei station. As I don’t have enough money, I’m running after the bus. In this way I can save twenty dollars.” “Oh, I see. I’m also going there…Shall we go together?” Then the two began to run after a bus. They ran for some minutes and one of them said, “Now stop, my friend. I’ve got an idea. If we run after a bus instead of getting on it, we can save fifteen dollars each, right? But if we run after a taxi, we can save more!” “Oh, you are right. I haven’t thought of such a simple thing.” Then, they found a taxi and started to run after it. Everyone in the street looked at them and laughed.
【題組】Why did the man think that if they ran after a taxi, they could save more?
(A) Because if they got on a bus, it would cost more.
(B) Because if they took a taxi, it would cost more.
(C) Because taxi fare is cheaper than bus fare.
(D) Because a taxi is smaller than a bus.


4 Mr. Lee does not plan to move to Japan ________ . He will stay there for only six months.


42 Anna: Do you like swimming? Laura: Yes, I’ve been learning it for three years. Anna: ______________ Laura: Far from it.
(A)I’m sick and tired of it.
(B)I wonder how far the swimming pool is.
(C)Please show me how to swim.
(D)I think you must be a good swimmer now.


A: I can't make it this Friday. I have a doctor's appointment. B: Is something wrong? A: ____ It's just a regular check-up.
(A) I believe so.
(B) I doubt it.
(C) I hope not.
(D) I think so.


Thousands of athletes from different countries will take part in ______.
(A)Olympics the
(B) the Olympics
(C) Olympic the
(D) Olympic Game


Since the typhoon, the basement has been filled with water. We have to ________ the water as soon as possible.
(A) reserve
(B) repair
(C) retire
(D) remove


This company spends more money on advertising ____company in Taiwan.
(B)other than
(C)than any other
(D)while other


Mr. Li is a senior ___ at a local bank. He keeps and examines financial records of people and companies.


7 Mary _____ her son to stop smoking by showing him medical studies on the dangers of tobacco consumption.
(A) conveyed
(B) emphasized
(C) persuaded
(D) interrupted


8 George _____ with anger when he saw his girlfriend kissing a handsome young man.
(A) expired
(B) exported
(C) exploded
(D) expected


1 Most religions teach that we should have ______ for the poor, the weak, and the unfortunate.
(A) association
(B) bisection
(C) compassion
(D) obsession


38 Mr. Collins speaks with a strong _____. We have difficulty understanding his lecture.
(A) access
(B) accent
(C) assent
(D) account


34 The old man could_________ hear the policeman because he was hard-of-hearing.
(A) almost
(B) barely
(C) closely
(D) easily


8 Although they have been tamed, circus tigers can _______attack their trainer.


9 FoodCloud is a nonprofit food-sharing service that connects businesses, such as supermarkets or bakeries, with charities seeking food____ .


第 43 題至第 46 題為題組 A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting thenew crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she couldmanage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to dothe digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, “Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money andthe gun there.” Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, “I think somebody is reading your letters before they go out ofthe prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What should I do now?” The farmer wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes, of course.”
【題組】 45 What did the farmer do to the policemen?
(A) He asked the policemen to do the favor for him.
(B) He exchanged money and gun for the digging.
(C) He wrote a letter to the policemen.
(D) He played a trick on the policemen.


201. Students are not allowed to run in the _____.


461. Harry Potter series are one of the best-selling _______ around the world.
(A) colonies
(B) fictions
(C) steps
(D) biospheres


485. Shooting a movie is a difficult and complicated _______.
(A) progress
(B) series
(C) announcement
(D) notice


543. He came to our company five years earlier than me. Thus, he is _______ to me here.
(A) available
(B) virgin
(C) relative
(D) senior


第 36 題至第 40 題為題組 The earthquake that struck Coalinga, California in 1983 caused an estimated $10 million in property damage and injured 94 people. Damage was most severe in Coalinga, 36 the 8-block downtown commercial district was almost completely destroyed. It took residents by surprise. That’s because scientists cannot yet predict the exact spot and time an earthquake will occur. They do know, 37 , that quakes occur along faults—cracks in the earth’s rocky crust. Here, movement of the crust causes built-up energy to be suddenly released. This release of energy is felt as an earthquake. To try to predict 38 a quake will occur, scientists use a variety of sensitive instruments—underground, on the surface, and in space. These instruments measure changes that might signal a coming quake. 39 , in a recently designed instrument, light from a laser flashes across a fault in California. A mirror will reflect the light back to the laser. If the land shifts, the time it takes the light to make a round-trip changes. Scientists study past earthquakes for patterns of activity that can 40 warning signs. Their observations, they believe, are providing keys to more accurate earthquake predictions.
(A) where and when
(B) wherever and however
(C) whenever and why
(D) however and why


39 My sister has a ______memory. She remembers every single thing she sees and hears, and she never forgets.
(A) remarkable
(B) pristine
(C) compulsive
(D) reluctant


2 New Scientist is a science magazine for everyone, both young & old, _______ & professional.


32 Delegates from different countries participated in the forum to discuss how to _____ their trade relations and promote economic growth.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1101~1125)-阿摩線上測驗
