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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1126~1150)
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I feel that if there is, in this world, one person whom we can touch totally and unabashedly, we will never die of loneliness. One person! I don’t say fifty, a hundred, a thousand. It does not matter who that person is, woman to woman, man to man, someone you can go to and who will listen. The problem is: although most of us can select the joy of intimacy, many people choose not to. Some believe that intimate relationships are risky. They believe that intimacy will hurt, and that it is going to make the greatest demands on you, bring out your deepest feelings, and make you feel miserable sometimes. Moreover, it seems that our modern society does not reinforce intimacy. One out of every four marriages ends in divorce. As George Leonard says, “we can orbit the earth, we can touch the moon, but this society has not devised a way for two people to live together in harmony for seven straight days without wanting to strangle each other.” It is said that intimacy is out of date, but I would like to assert that intimacy is absolutely essential or we are all going to go mad. Go ahead and live in isolation, if you can. I believe that you can judge your level of mental health to the degree that you can form meaningful and lasting relationships.
【題組】According to the passage, why do many people choose not to have intimate relationships?
(A) Loneliness brings joy.
(B) Mental health is very important.
(C) Intimate relationships sometimes hurt.
(D) Modern society reinforces independence.


32 Mother Teresa_____ her life_____ aiding the sick and the homeless. Her selfless love has been highly praised by the world
(A)regarded . . . as
(B)released . . . from
(C)transformed . . . into
(D)devoted . . . to


Mary is ____.She is a bit too strong.
(A)on a diet
(B)at a diet
(C)on a dieting
(D)going for dieting


Miracles sometimes ____ , but one has to work terribly for them.


13.Alice: Hey, Allen, why didn’t you have lunch with us? _____________ Allen: No. I had a late breakfast.
(A) What was the matter?
(B) Weren’t you hungry?
(C) Would you care for a cup of coffee?
(D) Have you had your breakfast?


13 Drinking is legal and ________ accepted in every culture. People everywhere drink alcohol on various occasions.
(A) barely
(B) likely
(C) rarely
(D) widely


Teachers don’t like students ______ are late to school.


When you take photos, you can move around to shoot the target object from different _____.
(A) moods
(B) trends
(C) angles
(D) inputs


The manager decided to offer a bargain price to increase sales and discourage ____________.
(A) designers
(B) roosters
(C) competitors
(D) scholars


The security guard had to ___ the crazy fan when she jumped on stage at the concert.


37 The club demands a membership ______ of NT$1,000 a year.
(A) fare
(B) fee
(C) salary
(D) toll


37 Several witnesses were asked to _____ the suspect who had robbed an old man.
(A) imagine
(B) interview
(C) identify
(D) inspect


31 The prosecutor started inquiring into the cause of the fire and ______ the crime for several weeks.


31. What impresses students most when they read early American literature is the spirit of the American Dream and their_______ in self-made success.
(A) diffidence
(B) confinement
(C) confidence
(D) disrespect


4. My doctor said my disease was caused by _____ and I had to take medicine to kill them.
(B) bacteria
(D) phenomena


39 Debby: I’ve got two complimentary tickets for the première of the movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Would you like to join me?
Pam: I’d be glad to, but__________
Debby: What a shame. Never mind. I’ll ask Laura if she can go with me.
(A) I don’t have money.
(B) I’m in no mood to study.
(C) I have to brush up on my physics tonight.
(D) I insist on going Dutch.


1 Since Henry has been out of work for three months due to the recession, he cannot _____ to go on vacation this year.
(A) enrich
(B) object
(C) indicate
(D) afford


36 Tom: I enjoy working part-time at the cafeteria. I can earn some money and have some free meals. 
 Jane: Yeah, I know. It’s like_____ .
(A) you are what you eat
(B) one man’s meat is another man’s poison
(C) you scratch my back and I scratch yours
(D) you kill two birds with one stone


29 Many women took ____________surgery to make themselves look prettier.
(C) realistic


303. Due to the ambition to win the gold medal, the boss thought the significant task would be assigned to George since he was a very ____ person.
(A) petulant
(B) reliable
(C) visual
(D) miserable


726. A pain-killer can only provide ____ relief from pain, but not real treatment.
(A) permanent
(B) temporary
(C) vacant
(D) timid


4 The producer believed that big names in the show business could lift his TV show’s poor rating, so he decided to invite as many _____ as he could to join the show.


31 This company has been ___________ . It makes products ranging from aircraft engines to insurance, medical technology and plastics.


5 Although he is just a(n)_________ photographer, his photos have been published in the National Geographic Magazine for several times.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       France’s environment minister, Barbara Pompili, said in a recent news conference that bears, tigers, elephants and other wild animals will no longer be allowed in traveling circuses in the coming years. __41__ , the minister said that starting immediately, France’s three marine parks will no longer be able to bring in or breed dolphins and killer whales. “It is time to open a new era in our relationship with these wild animals,” Ms. Pompili said, arguing that animal __42__ is a priority. She said the measures will also bring an end to mink farming, in __43__ animals are raised for their fur. The __44__ does not apply to wild animals in other permanent shows and in zoos. The French government will __45__ an aid package of more than 8 million euros to help animal shows transition to a new business model. In France, many cities already do not allow circuses with wild animal shows to pitch their tents.

(A) rescue
(B) interfere
(C) dismiss
(D) provide


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1126~1150)-阿摩線上測驗
