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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1176~1200)
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A young man was running along the street in a great hurry. Another man in the street wondered why and asked the man, “Where are you hurrying to?” Then the young man stopped unwillingly and said, “I’m going to the Taipei station. As I don’t have enough money, I’m running after the bus. In this way I can save twenty dollars.” “Oh, I see. I’m also going there…Shall we go together?” Then the two began to run after a bus. They ran for some minutes and one of them said, “Now stop, my friend. I’ve got an idea. If we run after a bus instead of getting on it, we can save fifteen dollars each, right? But if we run after a taxi, we can save more!” “Oh, you are right. I haven’t thought of such a simple thing.” Then, they found a taxi and started to run after it. Everyone in the street looked at them and laughed.
【題組】Why did everyone in the street look and laugh?
(A) The two men were running after the bus.
(B) The two men were talking on the street.
(C) The two men were running after a taxi.
(D) The bus was running after a taxi.


Learning to play a musical instrument often motivates a child to be disciplined and focused; ______ , it can impart a feeling of social worth.
(A) moreover
(B) and
(C) despite
(D) so


The world's polar bear population thought to have recovered since hunting was largely banned or ___ throughout the Arctic 25 years ago.
(A) relieved
(B) released
(C) required
(D) restricted


He could not stand the teenager’s ____rude behavior.


Passenger1:Excuse me. Where can I get on the next train for Tai-chung? Passenger2:Platform 1, right here. ______ because I'm taking the same train.
(A)I hope you understand it,
(B)You'd better go early,
(C)I have no idea,
(D)There's no mistake about it,


Besides lung cancer, another _____ of smoking is wrinkles, a premature sign of aging.
(A) blessing
(B) campaign
(C) consequence
(D) breakthrough


My brother left the house ___ without breakfast because he was so late for school.


36 The hotel’s goodnight gift, a chocolate bar ____in gold paper, was placed on the pillow.
(A) heaped


34 I have been thinking about this for a week and this is the only solution I can _____ .
(A) come up with
(B) come down with
(C) make up for
(D) make up with


34 As the misty moonlight gradually covered the night with a sheet of white veil, a couple sat down by the quiet lake enjoying the moment of_____ .


1 Susan won a_____ because of her excellent academic performance. She doesn’t have to find a part-time job to pay her way through college.
(A) scholarship
(B) trophy
(C) uniform
(D) proposal


第 47 題至第 50 題為題組  We crave chills. It’s why we get a rush when we see Jason take his axe to some unsuspecting teen in “Friday the 13th” or why we can’t seem to look away when Carrie, dripping with pig’s blood, sets her high-school class on fire. The real question is: why do we pay for the pleasure of being scared? On this, there are various schools of thought. Some believe that fans of horror (be it movies or books) don’t actually experience fear, but are excited instead, while others believe that people are willing to endure the terror because they know there is no real threat, that they are essentially safe. Still others feel that moviegoers are willing to be scared in order to feel a sense of relief at the end. Whatever the reason, movie studios like Seven Arts Pictures, a Los Angeles-based indie movie production company, are counting on customers who are willing to pay to be frightened, by releasing a horror movie like “Night of the Demons. ” In the movie, three friends attend a party held in a mansion where, years prior, six people disappeared and the owner hung herself. “We think that people have a fascination with the dark side, ” said Peter Hoffman, CEO of Seven Arts. “So even though a horror movie might be illogical on an intellectual level, people still like to be uncomfortable on an emotional level. It’s about people facing their fears,” he added. This explanation makes sense and explains why we keep creepy haunted houses busy at Halloween, why we tell ghost stories around the campfire and why we turn out for horror movies like they were giving away free popcorn. It’s because we like it.
【題組】50 Which one of the following is a suitable title for this passage?
(A) Horror Movies are Bad for Your Emotional Health
(B) Why We Pay to Be Scared
(C) How to Enjoy a Horror Movie
(D) Why Horror Movies are Losing Audience


35 Tina always has a stomachache after a big meal because she has poor ____.
(A) digestion
(B) circulation
(C) pulsation
(D) pressure


32 Native Americans have a cultural_____ that extends back over 1,000 years.
(A) average
(B) heritage
(C) exchange
(D) visage


13 The infection is highly_________ , so don’t use public towels at restaurants or spas.
(A) agreeable
(B) contagious
(C) efficient
(D) generous


31 Typically, as people grow older, their brain functions such as memory and concentration begin to___________ .
(A) inherit
(B) decline
(C) skyrocket
(D) suffice


33 Napping is encouraged for night-time workers as 30-minute naps help them feel _____.
(A) refreshed
(B) overcome
(C) fulfilled
(D) listless


255. The island was untouched and _____ developed before the unprecedented discovery of rare creatures.
(A) gently
(B) barely
(C) amazingly
(D) effectively


請依下文回答第 7 題至第 10 題: 
   Do you have difficulties getting work done because computer games or online chatting occupy a great deal of your time? Do you value chat-room friends more than real friends because most of your friends are from online contacts? The habits you develop from your computer use may cause significant problems in your life. For instance, feeling irritable or depressed when not using the computer, losing jobs or failing courses due to the lack of productivity on work or school assignments, and finally, feeling socially inept, since you lose the ability to interact with people face to face.
   Symptoms, such as obsessively checking e-mail, losing track of time while on the computer, and neglecting family, work, friends, or even personal health and hygiene, are all indications of computer addiction. This addiction can be described as compulsive.
   Not all people who spend hours each day on the computer, however, are considered addicted. That is, a person who spends 8 hours or more a day on the computer may not automatically be regarded as a computer addict while another person who spends less than 6 hours a day could suffer from an addition. It is important to note each case is distinct and, therefore, the number of hours spent on the computer is not considered to be the main factor in identifying computer addiction. Rather, the kinds of activities, the level of compulsion, and other ways of using the computer are the real determining factors.
   A person who is obsessed with the computer is likely to have the following experiences or feelings: craving for the use of computer excessively; feeling anxious or gloomy when computer time is interrupted; telling lies to hide that you are actually playing games online; and neglecting friends, family, or responsibilities when online. Physical discomfort, such as back and neck aches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, difficulty focusing your vision, dry eyes, and severe headaches may also be observed. Look out for these signs and get proper treatment, so you will regain control of your life.

【題組】10 Which of the following is not the consequence of computer addition?
(A)losing track of time
(B)having back and neck aches
(C)having problems with relationships
(D)having a burning desire to attend courses


7. Once a person becomes a parent, he or she has to _____ more responsibilities.
(A)come to
(B)pay off
(C)take on
(D)ring out


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
   Katsushika Hokusai is a Japanese artist of the Edo period (1603-1868). Born in Edo, modern Tokyo, in 1760, he is best known for the woodblock print series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. The series, made in the 1830s, depicted Mount Fuji from different locations and in different seasons. He created the series as a response to a domestic travel boom and as a part of a personal obsession with Mount Fuji. Under the Wave off Kanagawa is the most iconic work of the series. Portraying water is not easy, but Hokusai captured its decisive moments. What enabled him to work in this way was his experience of residing in the Sumida area, with all its rivers and canals, and observing the flow of the Sumida River day by day.
   Hokusai was born in the Sumida district and lived there for almost 90 years. But he was never in one place for long. He found cleaning distasteful and allowed dirt and grime to build up in his studio. When the place became unbearable, he simply moved out. All told, the artist changed residences 93 times throughout his life.
   Constantly seeking to produce better works, Hokusai once commented: "All that I have done before 70 is not worth taking into account. At 75, I will have truly learned the pattern of nature, of animals, of trees and birds. At 80, I shall progress further. At 90, I shall penetrate the mystery of life itself. At 100 I shall be a marvelous artist. When I am 110, each dot and line will possess a life of its own." Hokusai, however, never got to see whether his prediction held true. He died at the age of 88. Prior to his death, he was said to have remarked: "If the son of heaven gives me just another five years, I will become a true artisan."
   During Hokusai's life, the Japanese government enforced isolationist policies to prevent foreigners from entering and citizens from leaving. When Japan opened its boarders in the 1850s, Hokusai's works crossed the ocean and influenced many Western artists such as Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gough, and Claude Monet. Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji are particularly famous overseas. The composer Debussy was influenced by Under the Wave off Kanagawa when he composed the symphonic works La Mer in 1905. The painter Henri Riviere was also inspired and created a series of lithographs called the Thirty-six Views of the Eiffle Tower. In 1999 Hokusai was the only Japanese person given a place in Life Magazine's "The 100 Most Important Events and People of the Past 100 Years."

【題組】43 What is the last paragraph mainly about?
(A)Hokusai's influence on Western artists.
(B)Western painters' obsession with Mount Fuji.
(C)Western artists' interests in collecting Hokusai's works.
(D)The impact of isolationist policies on Hokusai's career.


【題組】44 What can be inferred from the passage?
(A)Hokusai was afraid of getting old.
(B)Hokusai never stopped seeking perfection.
(C)Hokusai was proud of his own achievement.
(D)Hokusai believed that water is the source of all life.


40 She is very much living in her own world and quite _____ of what is happening in the society.
(A) talkative
(B) ignorant
(C) far-fetched
(D) dreamy


4 Please arrive 20 minutes earlier for your scheduled _____. For cancelation, please let the front desk know two hours in advance.
(A) announcement
(B) appointment
(C) assembly
(D) argument


27 Lina is the leader of this group project; she needs to ______ and help improve her group members’ work performance.
(A) boycott
(B) duplicate
(C) retrieve
(D) supervise


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1176~1200)-阿摩線上測驗
