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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1826~1850)
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He wasn't going to the movies, ______?
(A)wasn't he
(B)was he
(C)wouldn't he
(D)didn't he


My mother was 82 and living in Keoluk when, unaccountably, she insisted upon attending a convention of old settlers of the Mississippi Valley. All the way there, and it was some distance, she was young again with excitement and eagerness. At the hotel she asked immediately for Dr. Barrett of St. Louis. He had left for home that morning and would not be back, she was told. She turned away, the fire all gone from her, and asked to go home. Once there she sat silent and thinking for many days, then told us that when she was 18 she had loved a young medical student with all her heart. There was a misunderstanding and he left the country; she had immediately married, to show him that she did not care. She had never seen him since and then she had read in a newspaper that he was going to attend the old settlers’ convention. “Only three hours before we reached that hotel he had been there,” she mourned. She had kept that pathetic burden in her heart 64 years without any of us suspecting it. Before the year was out, her memory began to fail. She would write letters to schoolmates who had been dead for 40 years and wonder why they never answered. Four years later she died.
【題組】43 Why didn’t the author’s mother meet with Dr. Barrett at the hotel?
(A) Dr. Barrett refused to meet with her.
(B) Dr. Barrett was not the person she looked for.
(C) Dr. Barrett had left a few hours before she arrived.
(D) Dr. Barrett had been dead for years before she arrived.


Economic ___ contributed to the worsening poverty and unemployment of the country.
(A) depression
(B) creativity
(C) diplomacy
(D) appreciation


These two lines are at right ___ to each other.
(A) angles
(B) angels
(C) anger
(D) anguish


A: Is there a department store near here? B: Yes, O'Neil's is nearby. A: _________ B: It's about five minutes from here by car.
(A) How to get there?
(B) How long is it?
(C) How long will it be?
(D) How far is it?


Cover the chicken with foil when you put it in the oven, _____ it will take a long time to cook.
(A) otherwise
(B) whereas
(C) while
(D) until


37 The capital police arrested two _______ and recovered an abducted businessman safely from their possession.
(C)drug dealers


Teacher:What's your excuse for being late today? Student:I had a heartburn this morning and I went to see a doctor. Teacher:______You have a different excuse each day.
(A)I wish I were as imaginative as you are.
(B)How come you always have the same excuse?
(C)What did the doctor say?
(D)Do you feel better now?


He is filling out a visa application ____________ because he is going to visit South Africa next month.
(A) farm
(B) firm
(C) form
(D) fame


4 The price of each new product is _____by its production cost and market value.
(A) reiterated
(B) yearned
(C) determined
(D) inverted


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
       The elevators are the primary means of vertical transportation in most high-rise buildings and potentially can play a vital role in the event of an emergency, such as a fire. The dominant practice around the world, however, is to discourage the use of elevators during a fire. The major reason for this practice is the unpredictability of the condition of the emergency and the danger of entrapping passengers as well as rescue workers (e.g. firefighters) in the elevator. 
      To safeguard the use of elevators in a fire emergency, the US National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) is working with the elevator industry to develop new elevators that function during fires. The new elevators are designed to be used both as a rescue vehicle, carrying firefighters to the site of the blaze, and as a secondary method (after stairwells) for evacuating building occupants. NIST is investigating software and sensing systems that can adapt to changing smoke and heat conditions so that the elevators can maintain safe and reliable operation during fire emergencies. Such changes could also allow elevators to be operated with remote control from the ground floor during fires, thus freeing urgently needed firefighters from elevator operation duties. NIST is also testing more reliable elevator-dedicated emergency power systems and waterproof elevator components to be used in the new generation of elevators.
      Besides hardware and software improvements, NIST also incorporates its expertise in virtual reality simulation into the making of the new elevators. Virtual reality simulations help test scenarios for coordinating firefighting activities, and for elevator and stairway evacuation. By including elevators into its graphic computer models, NIST will help fire safety experts identify the most effective operational procedures for specific fire conditions. Furthermore, NIST fire researchers hope to collaborate on emergency elevator operations standards with colleagues from around the world. Global standardization should reduce confusion during an emergency, enabling people to take evacuation actions with confidence.

【題組】46 What is the main reason for NIST to develop the new elevators?
(A) To secure better cooperation with their colleagues from around the world.
(B) To relieve firefighters of elevator operation duties in a fire emergency.
(C) To improve their research in technology by working with the elevator industry.
(D) To use elevators for rescue and evacuation purposes in a fire safely and effectively.


第 42 題至第 46 題為題組  In earlier time periods, the absence of dramatic transition to adult life allowed a more intensive interaction among different age groups within the family and the community, thus providing a greater sense of continuity and interdependence among people at various stages of life. But, as greater differentiation in stages of life began to develop, social and economic functions became more closely related to age, and the ages of family members became more streamlined, a greater segregation between age groups emerged.  The major changes that have led to the isolation of older people in society today were rooted not so much in changes in family structure or residential arrangements, as has generally been argued, as in the transformation and redefinition of family functions and values. Under the impact of industrialization, the family surrendered many of the functions previously concentrated within the household to other social institutions. The retreat and growing privatism of the modern middle-class family led to the drawing of sharper boundaries between family and community and intensified the segregation of different age groups within the family, leading to the elimination of older people from visible family roles. The transfer of social-welfare functions, one concentrated in the family, to institutions in the larger society further contributed to the segregation of older people. The care of dependent, sick, delinquent, and elderly members of the community, which had been considered part of the family’s obligation in the pre-industrial period, was gradually transferred to specialized institution such as asylums and reformatories. The family ceased to be the only available source of support for its dependent members, and the community ceased to rely on the family as the major agency of welfare and social control.
【題組】46 Which of the following word is closest in meaning to “segregation”?
(A) selection
(B) seclusion
(C) separation
(D) seduction


34 Laura has a_____ to put things off until the last minute.
(A) disparity
(B) fecundity
(C) tendency
(D) vivacity


12 The city mayor decided to_________ a cell-phone etiquette campaign to improve people’s cell-phone manners.
(A) launch
(B) nullify
(C) persecute
(D) testify


7 This medicine is good for heart disease. But its possible _____effect is low blood pressure. Once this problem occurs, please consult your doctor right away.
(A) acid
(B) main
(C) side
(D) unique


Heroism often requires little more than the common sense of a 6-year-old. Three days after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Susan Williams, the mother of first-grader De’Monte, decided she had to get her family out of their flooded neighborhood. But when a small rescue helicopter finally touched down at the neighborhood, the pilot said he could take only a handful of children; he would come right back for the parents. Reluctant and seeing the floodwaters about to swallow their home, Williams tearfully put De’Monte, 6, and his 5-month-old brother Da’Roneal aboard, along with two cousins and three neighbor children, all ranging in age from 14 months to 3 years. The chopper flew off–but it didn’t return for the parents. 
 When the kids was dropped off on the city’s west side, and they became lost in the chaos there, De’Monte kept a cool head and a brave heart. Clutching Da’Roneal, he had the other kids (one was wearing only diapers) hold hands in a chain as they wandered to find a safe place. He kept them together and unharmed until rescuers discovered them and took them to a Baton Rouge, Louisiana shelter. They thought the kids were now orphans. But once in the shelter, De’Monte saved the day again. Thanks to good coaching by his mom, the boy gave rescuers enough information-names, addresses, phone numbers, personal descriptions–so that in a few days they were able to locate all the children’s parents.

【題組】80 Why was De’Monte called a hero?
(A) He was cool and brave to leave his parents and take care of his brother alone.
(B) He was so brave that he was not afraid to take a helicopter with small baby kids.
(C) He was only six, but he was able to protect smaller kids and help the rescuers find the parents of all the children.
(D) He was so well-trained that he was able to deal with natural disasters like hurricanes.


3 Marathon runners who run for a long period should _____ their diets with sports drinks.
(A) constitute
(B) supplement
(C) constraint
(D) scramble


18. Her white dress ____the redness of her sunburned arms.
(B) affirmed


56. A fast-food restaurant is the place _______, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.   
(A) which   
(B) where   
(C) there   
(D) what


33 The water is _____ ; you can easily see everything clearly through it.
(A) additional
(B) affordable
(C) polluted
(D) transparent


10 Your visa expired 7 months ago. It is not  _______  anymore. You need to apply for a new one.
(A) vacant
(B) valid
(C) variable
(D) verified


2 The Department of Finance has issued a new set of accounting _____ and guidelines for business.
(A) prosecution
(B) procedures
(C) pressure
(D) preservation


9 The young writer’s first novel was an unexpected success. It won him international _______ and was translated into more than 30 languages.
(A) recognition
(B) stimulation
(C) contribution
(D) transformation


12 Eager to be the first nation to explore the space, the USSR _____ the first man-made satellite, Sputnik, into orbit around the Earth in 1957.
(A) enlightened
(B) floated
(C) launched
(D) pitched


43 The _____ Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Lunar New Year, traditionally marks the end of the New Year holiday.
(A) Leather
(B) Lamb
(C) Lantern
(D) Lamp


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1826~1850)-阿摩線上測驗
