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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1926~1950)
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請依下文回答第46題至第50題。 Changes in information technology are both threatening and enhancing the ability of a business to develop long-term relationships with its customers, requiring relationship marketing. The Internet allows a customer to contact a business any time of the day or night from any location to gather information, make purchases, or obtain information on the status of accounts. This information can be (46)___  to the needs of the individual customer. This has shifted (47)___  to the customer because the Internet allows buyers to easily find information on competitive products and services. Companies can also more easily find new customers and serve existing customers by using databases to develop personal (48)___  and then targeting customers with customized information that can meet specific needs. Amazon.com, (49)___  , personalizes e-mail, customizes web pages, and offers products based on a buyer’s past purchases. Dell develops purchase portals for businesses, allowing for customized purchasing and invoicing. The Internet is (50)___  a hyper-competitive environment where information technology is used as a vital part of marketing strategy and relationship development.


【題組】50 
(A)carrying away 
(B)doing without 
(C)bringing about 
(D)remarking upon


Please accept my sincere apology. I didn’t mean what I said; it’s only a _____ .
(A)bite of lip
(B)lip service
(C)slip of the tongue


38 The task of the scientist is to see what the case is rather than to make up a case.
(A)The task of the scientist is to see and to invent.
(B)The responsibility of the scientist is to look for a case.
(C)The task of the scientist is to investigate instead of inventing a case.
(D)The task of the scientist is seeing and believing.


The _____ of his new album has brought the pop singer a huge fortune as well as worldwide fame.
(A) salary
(B) release
(C) bargain
(D) harvest


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Next time you watch a digital ad in a mall, be aware that the ad could be watching you! Small cameras and special software are installed in the ad’s screen. They track who is looking at the ad and for how long. The software works out age and gender before serving up an ad specifically for that demographic. Men are shown razor ads, women can see cosmetics ads, and teens can learn about the latest video games. This targeted advertising creates a personalized digital city for consumers. Some people don’t like it, though. In Germany, a supermarket chain used loyalty cards implanted with RFID tracking chips to learn about its customers’ shopping habits. The chips let the store know customers’ purchasing histories and even their movements inside the stores. The chips were removed after people complained their privacy was being invaded. These new technologies are raising red flags about how far companies are willing to go to make a profit. Consumers have no idea when they’re being watched, and there’s no regulation in place to deal with these practices. Privacy campaigners urge companies to tell consumers what details are being collected, how it is done, and why. Even though it is meant to make data-analyzing convenient, the spying ends up being a little creepy.
【題組】49 Why are these new technologies raising red flags?
(A) People don’t want to spend too much money.
(B) People often aren’t happy that they’re being watched.
(C) People start to feel annoyed by advertisement letters.
(D) People are jealous of the big companies’ profits.


14 Do not go where the path leads; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
(A) Don’t just follow conventions; dare to try new ways for others to follow.
(B) Go where a path and a trail will appear.
(C) Follow your instinct.
(D) Just go on the right path and everything will be alright.


請依下文回答第 29 題至第 32 題 
       Kill the mosquito and you kill the disease. That is the usual approach to controlling malaria. And if done properly, it works. The problem is that the insecticides employed to do the killing destroy lots of other things as well. An old dream of those who seek to eliminate malaria is thus a way of selectively killing only what transmits the parasite: mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, most notably Anopheles gambiae. And that, more or less, is what is proposed by Nikolai Windbichler and Andrea Crisanti of Imperial College, London, in a paper in Nature Communications. They think they have worked out how to stop A. gambiae females being created in the first place. That would break the chain of transmission in two ways: immediately, because it is only females that drink blood and so pass the parasite on; and in the longer term because without females a population cannot reproduce. 
       The researchers’ trick is to engineer into the mosquitoes a gene for a protein called a homing endonuclease. These genes are peculiar, and are probably a type of genetic parasite. They cut particular sequences of DNA in a way that damages the chromosome such DNA is found in. In extreme cases, that destroys the chromosome. (In less extreme cases, the process of repair often copies the endonuclease gene into the repair site; hence the name “homing,” and also the suspicion of parasitism.) 
       Dr. Windbichler and Dr. Crisanti have found a homing endonuclease in a species of slime mould that, by a strange coincidence, cuts a sequence of DNA found repeatedly in the X chromosome of Anopheles gambiae, destroying the chromosome completely. 

【題組】31 What was the function of the genes Dr. Windbichler and Dr. Crisanti engineered into A. gambiae mosquitoes?
(A)They copied the chromosome of their host.
(B)They repaired the chain of transmission of malaria.
(C)They damaged the DNA sequences of the particular chromosome.
(D)They helped reproduce the X chromosome of A. gambiae.


32 Many children are ______of the harm caused by fast food, and they consume too much sugar and fat.
(A) illegal
(B) tolerant
(C) ignorant
(D) conscious


118. The recent flood completely _____ my parents’ farm. The farmhouse and fruit trees were all gone and nothing was left.
(A) ruined
(B) cracked
(C) hastened
(D) neglected


190. The U.S. government doesn’t _____ with terrorists. Don’t expect Washington to strike a deal with the terrorists in exchange for hostages.
(A) negotiate
(B) rebel
(C) consult
(D) engage


243. _____ the rest of the cake _____. It is for Derek.
(A)Leave; alone
(B)Run; into
(C)Sit; back
(D)Spice; up


258. It is relatively easy to____ one’s mother tongue. A second language, however, is another story.
(A) acquire
(B) enquire
(C) inquire
(D) require


315. He studied hard only to fail in the exam. It’s difficult for him to accept the fact that the result was just____ to his expectation.
(A) contrary
(B) general
(C) obvious
(D) extensive


411. Our current accomplishments are the_________results of good teamwork.
(A) long-lasting
(B) long-lasted
(C) long-last
(D) lasted-long


420. Most people agree that education should be a right of every individual in our society, not a(n) _____ of the rich.
(A) occupation
(B) revolution
(C) privilege
(D) survey


468. It can be expensive and _______ to file a lawsuit.
(A) time-consuming
(B) significant
(C) fictional
(D) experimental


796. Very young children should not be left to play alone without ______. There should always be adults around them lest something dangerous happen.
(A) suspicion
(B) suspense
(C) supervision
(D) superstition


96 至 100 題為題組 Road running is one of the most popular and accessible athletic activities in the world. It refers tothe sport of running on paved roads or established paths as opposed to track and field, or cross countryrunning. The three most common 96 for road running events are 10K runs, half marathons (21.1K),and marathons (42.2K).Road running is unique among athletic events because it97 all ages and abilities. In many cases first time amateurs are welcome to participate in the same event as running club members and even current world-class 98 . Sometimes it may also include wheelchair entrants.Road running often offers those 99 a range of challenges such as dealing with hills, sharp bends, rough weather, and so on. Runners are advised to train prior to participating in a race. Another important factor contributing to success is a suitable pair of running shoes. Road running is often a community-wide event that highlights or raises money for an issue or project. 100 , Race for the Cure is held throughout the U.S. to raise breast cancer awareness. This race is also run in Germany, Italy, and Puerto Rico.
【題組】 96.
(A) journeys
(B) distances
(C) destinations
(D) measurements


32 In Philadelphia, a new kind of trash can is______ waste management via cutting down on air pollution and potentially saving the city millions in the process.
(A) revolutionizing
(B) comprehending
(C) comforting
(D) rendering


36 A recent study found that a positive attitude towards learning in early grades is ___________ to success.


38 The company claimed that the employee was ________ from his position for incompetence.
(A) disclosed
(B) dismissed
(C) disgraceful
(D) disdainful


10 The Rukai tribe people, with a population of only 11,000, live in the mountainous southern region in Taiwan and are ________ as skilled hunters, artisans, and farmers.
(A) reassured
(B) registered
(C) rehearsed
(D) renowned


10 In some countries parents found guilty of _______ their children will be fined or put in jail.
(A) promising
(B) neglecting
(C) permitting
(D) reflecting


40 As your supervisor_______ , you ought to spend more time on something worth researching into.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Maybe you refuse to open an umbrella inside your house or walk under a ladder that’s on a sidewalk. These aresuperstitions, or a belief that something bad will happen even if there’s no reason to think that it will.
       One big superstition in the United States is that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Happening up to three times a yeardepending on the calendar, the day seems to make people more careful or avoid things they usually aren’t afraid to do.Of course, no one can prove that more misfortune takes place on Friday the 13th. We just tend to notice it more if badthings happen on that day. But if Friday the 13th is only a superstition, why do people actually believe in it?
       It’s hard to know exactly when Friday the 13th became thought of as unlucky, but it likely comes from the Christianreligion. For example, in the Bible, Judas—a person who is said to have betrayed Jesus—was the 13th guest at the LastSupper. Also in the Bible, many unfortunate things happened on Fridays. So it made sense that people who read the Biblegot nervous around Friday the 13th.
       It’s also possible that 13 is considered “cursed” because it’s the number after 12, which many people see as a number thatcompletes things. Think about it—12 months are in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 12 pairs of ribs in a body, etc. So it’s possiblethe number 13 makes people uneasy because it causes them to think about the unknown—beyond the number 12.
        In other countries, Friday the 13th isn’t unlucky. For instance, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th is considered the day to dread.And in Italy, people fear the 17th day of the any month. Why? It is because the Roman numeral XVII (17) can berearranged to spell “VIXI,” which means “my life is over” in Latin. But, like in the United States, no one can prove thatmore terrible things occur on those days, either.
        People who are super afraid on Friday the 13th might have condition called triskaidekaphobia, which is a fear of thenumber 13. For most people, being afraid of Friday the 13th is just a superstition, something that we can have funpretending to fear because we know there’s really nothing to fear.

【題組】50 In what section of a magazine would the passage most likely appear?
(A) Food.
(B) Myth.
(C) Health.
(D) Ethics.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1926~1950)-阿摩線上測驗
