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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 經濟部所屬事業機構_新進職員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#123244
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1. That wide-eyed ______ look and those full lips reminded him of a fairytale princess.
(A) temporary
(B) innocent
(C) gradual
(D) previous


2. Health experts are now ______ that even a little exercise is far better than none at all.
(A) inheriting
(B) surging
(C) preaching
(D) disposing


3. The compensation bill offers the miners or their ______ as much as $100,000 apiece.
(A) survivors
(B) knights
(C) creators
(D) outlines


4. In African languages, there is a close ______ between sounds and letters.
(A) poultry
(B) interpretation
(C) reminder
(D) correspondence


5. In her difficulty, she turned down her eyelids again and ______ over face and neck.
(A) blushed
(B) emerged
(C) intended
(D) consulted


6. Scientists could not ______ the strange lights in the sky since there was no scientific proof.
(A) travel
(B) prefer
(C) cancel
(D) explain


7. Tom seemed polite enough, but his manner was distinctly ______.
(A) florid
(B) frigid
(C) fluid
(D) fetid

8( ).

8. A _____ under international humanitarian law is a person who is not a member of his or her country’s armed forces.
(A) charity
(B) civilian
(C) colleague
(D) council

9( ).

9. The vessel showcases the impeccable British craftsmanship for which Princess is ______, with a vast teak deck and gleaming stainless-steel rails.
(A) edible
(B) captive
(C) renowned
(D) mournful

10( ).

10. While walking along a side street, John was _____ by three youths.
(A) boycotted
(B) conveyed
(C) looped
(D) mugged

11( ).

11. In most cases, rabbits can keep themselves ______ with the help of their owners.
(A) cleanly
(B) cleanliness
(C) clean
(D) to clean

12( ).

12. Read the instructions carefully before starting to ______ the form.
(A) fill out
(B) find out
(C) fit in
(D) feel like

13( ).

13. I have been in only three cities since I came to Taiwan. One is Taipei, and _____ are Taichung and Tainan.
(A) others
(B) the other
(C) other
(D) the others

14( ).

14. Kevin said that you can get into the club for free if you wear red, but I'm taking it ______.
(A) with one stone
(B) with a grain of salt
(C) with flying colors
(D) with a full deck

15( ).

15. By the end of this month, the new employees _____ a range of tasks and challenges that may turn out to be more difficult than they anticipated.
(A) will expose to
(B) will have exposed to
(C) will have been exposed to
(D) will have been exposing to

16( ).

16. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely _____.
(A) off the beaten track
(B) on the beaten track
(C) off the well-worn track
(D) on the well-worn track

17( ).

17. It is necessary ______ steps to amend our laws in order to free up these funds.
(A) take us
(B) to take us
(C) to us take
(D) for us to take

18( ).

18. The report ______ that more resources ______ devoted to teaching four-year-olds.
(A) recommends; be
(B) thinks; is
(C) suggests; are
(D) indicates; have

19( ).

19. He followed her to the family room and made sure she was safely ______ down before he left.
(A) laying
(B) lying
(C) lie
(D) to lay

20( ).

20. Antonin Dvorak ______as a major composer before he celebrated his fiftieth birthday in 1893.
(A) had emerged
(B) has emerged
(C) had been emerged
(D) has been emerged

21( ).

21. Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is impractical because it is a descending ______ ending in destruction for all.
(A) force
(B) legacy
(C) spiral
(D) boat

22( ).

22. However logical their explanation might be, the decision is simply not going to ______ with customers.
(A) flux
(B) fling
(C) flax
(D) fly

23( ).

23. If Kathy _____ to resign, who would help us with managing the project?
(A) were
(B) is
(C) be
(D) was

24( ).

24. This hotel has been standing for over 50 years, and you can really see the _____ on the furniture in the room.
(A) up and down
(B) wear and tear
(C) here and there
(D) ins and outs

25( ).

25. My father loves reading and also enjoys creating stories and _____ ideas for books and movies.
(A) calling at
(B) colliding in
(C) conjuring up
(D) coming up

26( ).

        In recent years, the concept of sustainability __(26)__ significant momentum. In 2015, the UnitedNations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, establishing the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) as a framework for fostering global __(27)__ . Among the 17 SDGs, Goal 10, which aims toreduce inequality both within and between countries, is particularly relevant to the indigenouscommunities’ __(28)__ justice and equality. For these communities, addressing inequalities involvessecuring land rights, ensuring __(29)__ culturally respectful education, achieving fair representation ingovernance, and equitably sharing the benefits of resources found on and beneath their lands. It goeswithout saying that achieving genuine sustainable development necessitates the inclusion and activeparticipation of all societal groups, __(30)__ indigenous peoples.

(A) is gained
(B) was gained
(C) had gained
(D) has gained

27( ).

(A) pros and cons
(B) peace and prosperity
(C) cause and effect
(D) trial and error

28( ).

(A) quest for
(B) questing for
(C) demand to
(D) demanding for

29( ).

(A) subject to
(B) opposed to
(C) access to
(D) reaction to

30( ).

(A) include
(B) including
(C) included
(D) to include

31( ).

       Fake news by amplification occurs when small-scale events become amplified through the __(31)__ actions of everyday users, mass media gatekeepers, and social media __(32)__ . Events that are amplifiedrisk becoming __(33)__ as they circulate, with users __(34)__ their own context and interpretations. Theresulting fake news is difficult to __(35)__ because it goes beyond questions of fact and enters the realm ofinterpretation, enabled by widespread networked belief.

(A) divergent
(B) emergent
(C) convergent
(D) exurgent

32( ).

(A) algebras
(B) logarithms
(C) theorems
(D) algorithms

33( ).

(A) extorted
(B) retorted
(C) distorted
(D) bistorted

34( ).

(A) supplying
(B) applying
(C) complying
(D) multiplying

35( ).

(A) encounter
(B) counter
(C) recounter
(D) discounter

36( ).

        The Great Migration is the largest herd movement of animals on the planet. The numbers areastonishing: over 1.5 million wildebeests, zebras, and antelopes move in a constant cycle through theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of nutritious grass and water. Guided by survival instinct, eachwildebeest will cover 800 to 1,000 km on its individual journey along age-old migration routes. Hungrypredators, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs, and crocodiles, ensure the strongestsurvive in this natural spectacle. This is also known as ‘the greatest show on Earth.’
         The animals travel from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in southern Serengeti, Tanzania, throughthe Serengeti, into the Masai Mara in Kenya, and then back again. The journey is beset with danger: youngcalves are snatched by predators, the slow ones are brought down by prides of lion, brave beasts break legson steep river slopes, crocodiles take their share of the stragglers, and the weak and exhausted drown.
         As for the three major animals of the migrant grazers, they have different grass-eating habits: as onegroup eats the top of the tallest grass, the next group will eat away some of the medium-height grass untilfinally it is almost completely eaten, and the herds move on. This means each group sticks to its kind withonly a tiny overlap in their distributions. The grasses of the plains have the highest protein contentthroughout the Serengeti and are also high in calcium.
         It is unclear how the wildebeests know which way to go. However, it is generally believed that theirjourney is dictated primarily by their response to the weather. They probably follow the rains and new grassgrowth. Some experts believe the animals react to lightning and thunderstorms in the distance. It has evenbeen suggested that wildebeest can locate rain more than 50 km away.

【題組】36. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) It mainly introduces African wildlife that can move freely on the vast rolling plains of the Serengeti.
(B) It mainly indicates the solutions to the problem of some roads crossing the path of the Great Migration.
(C) It mainly describes the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.
(D) It mainly shows that the Great Migration is slowly collapsing due to widespread habitat loss.

37( ).

【題組】37. According to this article, why can the wildebeests know their routes in the Great Migration?
(A) They tend to choose the routes away from hungry predators.
(B) They rely on their reaction to the earth’s magnetic fields.
(C) They can find cut shorts to return to Tanzania.
(D) They can detect rain more than 50 km away.

38( ).

【題組】38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “dictated” in Paragraph 4?
(A) permitted
(B) directed
(C) teased
(D) fastened

39( ).

【題組】39. According to this article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Cheetahs, hyenas, and lions belong to the predators in the Great Migration.
(B) The stragglers can be eaten by crocodiles.
(C) The Great Migration of the African animals takes place in Kenya and Tanzania.
(D) The major grazers compete with one another for grass eating.

40( ).

【題組】40. According to this article, what nutrients can the grass-eating animals get from the grasses of the plains?
(A) proteins
(B) water
(C) carbohydrates
(D) vitamins

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 經濟部所屬事業機構_新進職員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#123244-阿摩線上測驗
