(27 秒)
試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試_從業職員_共同科目:英文#89101
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1. Ever since she watched that horror movie, Irene has being suffering from _____.
(A) diseases
(B) thrills
(C) nightmares
(D) wounds


2. Many major news stations have been _____ the presidential debates live on the evening news.
(A) televising
(B) condensing
(C) commemorating
(D) persuading


3. _____ from working overtime for three days, Justin slept for almost twelve hours.
(A) Lingered
(B) Occupied
(C) Exhausted
(D) Troubled


4. Due to global warming, many natural disasters have become more _____ and have resulted in more damage and losses.
(A) drastic
(B) drowsy
(C) memorable
(D) ineffective


5. Forgetting to have his coat with him, the man _____ in the heavy snow while waiting for the bus.
(A) refused
(B) shivered
(C) behaved
(D) exploded


6. The parcel was mailed last Monday. It _____ arrived last week, but we haven’t received it until now.
(A) inevitably
(B) eventually
(C) apparently
(D) supposedly


7. The airline tickets are non-exchangeable; they cannot be _____ for cash, but you may be able to apply its value toward a future flight.
(A) released
(B) respected
(C) rehearsed
(D) redeemed


8. Kevin had to work extra hours in order to pay the monthly_____ for his new car.
(A) belongings
(B) installments
(C) perspectives
(D) establishments


9. You _____ clean your teeth twice a day to avoid tooth cavity or other problems.
(A) rather
(B) do
(C) had better
(D) have better


10. The company says the package was mailed two weeks ago but it _____ hasn’t arrived.
(A) yet
(B) still
(C) already
(D) only


11. My daughter loves curry as much as her father _____.
(A) is
(B) will
(C) do
(D) does


12. _____ the disease is highly contagious, the government has advised the public to take cautions to protect themselves.
(A) With
(B) As
(C) Whereas
(D) Due to


13. The principal _____ with Tim’s parents for more than half an hour. Tim is now feeling very worried.
(A) talks
(B) talked
(C) has talked
(D) was talking


14. Before John left for Germany, he said he would stay in contact, but he _____ called _____ wrote.
(A) both; and
(B) either; or
(C) neither; nor
(D) not only; but


15. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens _____. From the saying, we know friends should sharpen and improve each other.
(A) other
(B) another
(C) the other
(D) one another


     The sun is a huge, fiery globe of gas. Every now and then, it sends out massive waves of charged particles that      16       speeds upwards of a million kilometers an hour. These charged particles interact with our magnetic northern and southern poles,    17    a breathtaking light show that enthralls all its viewers.
     These light shows are known as auroras. Since Earth’s magnetic field is strongest at its poles, auroras appear most brightly near the North and South Pole. They are not    18    because they occur at any time of the year. Auroras appear as slowly moving curtains, bands, spots of color, and a variety of other shapes that shift across the sky. They can also exhibit more than one color at a time. The colors, ranging from purple to green,   19    on the altitude of oxygen and nitrogen penetrated by solar energy. The most common color on view is green because it is at lower altitudes and people can see green the easiest. Photographing the breathtaking auroras is not difficult, but photos don’t do them   20    . Viewing auroras is something that needs to be experienced in person.

【題組】 16.
(A) at
(B) by
(C) in
(D) from


(A) serving as
(B) checking out
(C) reporting to
(D) resulting in


(A) regional
(B) seasonal
(C) universal
(D) normal


(A) to depend
(B) depend
(C) depending
(D) dependent


(A) harm
(B) wonders
(C) justice
(D) favors


     If you’ve ever tried famous Taiwanese dishes Gua bao (刈包), aka the Taiwanese hamburger, and Oyster Vermicelli Noodles (蚵仔麵線), or the dessert which can only be best translated as ice cream burritos (花生捲冰淇淋), you’ve probably eaten cilantro. Not just in Taiwanese cuisines, this plant is actually used in cuisines around the globe, including South Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American. Its seeds, called coriander, are found in the plant’s fruit and used as a spice, and its leaves are used as an herb. It gives a fresh, citrus-like taste to foods.
     Although many people think cilantro is tasty, some people hate it so much that there’s even a website called ihatecilantro.com. People who don’t like cilantro usually compare its taste to soap or dirt. It is likely that this widespread disgust with the herb is related to genetics. A study by an American behavioral neuroscientist in the early 2000s found that 80% of pairs of identical twins shared a common like or dislike for the herb, while fraternal twins only agreed about half of the time. In 2012, the genetic testing firm 23andMe did a study on the subject and found that about 12-14% of participants with European ancestry reported that cilantro had a soapy taste, whereas only 4-8% of Latino, East Asian, and South Asian participants did. The people who hated cilantro shared a genetic variation that affects a receptor of the gene OR6A2, which detects the compounds in cilantro’s characteristic flavor.
     While some people hate cilantro, it does have health benefits. Coriander can help lower cholesterol levels. Moreover, cilantro contains a natural compound that helps fight off food poisoning caused by salmonella. Cilantro’s essential oils also aid in digestion. Whether you find yourself loving or hating this fragrant ingredient, there’s no denying that cilantro’s distinct taste has made its mark on the world.

【題組】21. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Taiwanese cuisine has made its mark on the world.
(B) There are cultural differences in the use of cilantro.
(C) Genes may explain likes and dislikes of a certain herb.
(D) Using herbs creates pleasant food tastes and improves health.


【題組】22. How does the writer support the argument in the second paragraph?
(A) By sharing personal experiences.
(B) By pointing out possible problems.
(C) By giving examples in different places.
(D) By citing results from scientific studies.


【題組】23. What is true about Gua bao, Oyster Vermicelli Noodles, and Taiwanese ice cream burritos?
(A) They have a shared ingredient.
(B) They are sold at fast-food restaurants.
(C) They are very popular around the globe.
(D) They are all eaten as a dessert in Taiwan.


【題組】24. Which of the following words is NOT used to describe the taste of cilantro?
(A) spicy
(B) soapy
(C) fragrant
(D) citrus-like


【題組】25. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of cilantro’s health benefits?
(A) Aiding digestion.
(B) Boosting your bones.
(C) Relieving food poisoning.
(D) Reducing cholesterol levels


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試_從業職員_共同科目:英文#89101-阿摩線上測驗

Chan Kan Hao剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了16分