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45 My sister has a lot of fun _____ her English with a pen pal in the U.S.
(A)of practice
(C)to practice
(D)of practicing


請回答第 36 題至第 40 題 There are many, many words in the English language. But there are still lots of things that we don’t have names for! For example, what should we call all the coke, popcorn, and candy that 36______ the floor after a movie is finished? There is no name for that! Wouldn’t it be useful if there 37______ a word we could use to describe it! Well, this site has a word for it: CINEMUCK! But it’s a made-up word because you won’t find 38______ in any dictionary. Actually, lots of real words 39______ made-up words. You’ll find a long list of made-up words and their definitions at this funny site. Now, go to the site and see if you can guess why a certain word 40______ to describe something?
【題組】 36
(A)cover with
(B)sit down
(C)stick to
(D)walk across


25 My teacher was so careless that she____ many mistakes in my essay.
(A) caught
(B) detected
(C) made
(D) missed


38_____________ hearing the news of her husband’s sudden death in car crash, Lucy burst into tears.
(B)As soon as  
(D)As long as 


39 The cleaning staff ________ to work on the weekend should inform security guard by Friday noon.


39 They _____ at the descriptions of the genes of eighty-four girls, and from the list, chose their two favorites.
(C)have looked
(D)are looking


22 Daphne and Eric____________ married eight years ago. They have lived a happy life.
(A)had got
(B) have got
(C) would get
(D) got 


40 Amy______ the scholarship because of her outstanding academic performance over the years.
(C)was awarded
(D)is to award


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Professor Dr. Juliane House, in her research journal, clearly differentiates between “languages for communication” and“languages for identification” and does not see any threat posed by ELF (English as Lingua Franca) to other national andregional languages. Her point is valid when a Sri Lankan talks to a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi talks to an Iranian, becauseall of the speakers use English as a neutral global language solely for communication purposes. However, the socio-cultural prejudice and superiority of the language may arise when an English person is conversing with a non-nativespeaker. Although the contemporary sway of English language over others is beyond any cavil, based upon the fact thatit is also the language of the Americans, the most developed and influential nation on the global map in the fields ofeducation, economics, defense technology and world trade, the fact remains that the seeds of English language’sflourishing crop were sown by the unjustifiable British colonialism and forced occupation over weaker nations.Moreover, if people living in the developing countries have started believing that their educational, economic and socialgrowth and future prospects totally depend upon developing English language proficiency, I am sorry to say, they arepsychological slaves and under threat. This dominance of language is utterly illegitimate. In relation to the issue, we are,definitely, exposed to the risk of a socio-cultural decline because in the audio-visual labs and libraries of our educationalinstitutions as well as language learning centers, the students are shown English movies, cartoons and TV serials andprovided English storybooks, etc., to develop their listening and reading skills and for building their vocabulary. Nonecan deny the fact that a nation’s literature, folk tales and entertainment media are the most vibrant sources of promotingits cultural norms, moral values and social ethics, and the positive and constructive process of learning a global language.

【題組】49 What is the potential risk in using English as a medium for education?
(A) The decline of a nation’s social and cultural development.
(B) The marginalization of children from underprivileged families.
(C) The overwhelming frustration for those who have no talents for language.
(D) The widespread discrimination against those who cannot master English.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Scientists believe they have found help for older people suffering from poor eyesight. The solution is shining a special red light in the eyes for three minutes. Doctors say a three-minute daily __41__ of the special red light for two weeks could help improve age-related vision problems. The study was __42__ out by a team from University College London. Researchers conducted tests on 24 men and women aged between 28 and 72. They said some cells that help us__43__ light had deteriorated in the older people. Doctors say their red light improved the __44__ of these people to detect different colors, particularly blue. The vision of these older people improved by as much as 22 percent. The research team is now looking for a__45__ partner to produce the special red light with the right wavelength and reliable quality. Doctor Jeffrey, the co-author of the study, said that the populations are aging rapidly and people should get ready for this.

(A) political
(B) numerous
(C) agricultural
(D) commercial


