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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 普通考試_各類科:英文#121309
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31 Researchers should try to _____ in their own writings the sources of their data wherever necessary.
(A) decay
(B) grind
(C) quote
(D) tease


32 After a bitter _____ over how to educate their children, the couple unfortunately got divorced.
(A) query
(B) quarter
(C) quota
(D) quarrel


33 The company’s new model of automobile batteries is _____ to its competitors in design and function.
(A) divorced
(B) pregnant
(C) superior
(D) volcanic


34 The Mediterranean diet is believed to promote heart health and _____ blood sugar levels.
(A) induce
(B) suspect
(C) deposit
(D) regulate


35 Environmental and _____ factors can both contribute to the development of cancer in humans.
(A) frequent
(B) genetic
(C) positive
(D) restful


36 His _____ and expertise in the field earned him a promotion to a leadership position.
(A) confrontation
(B) conflict
(C) conference
(D) competence


37 These two nations finally _____ to war after their negotiation failed.
(A) resisted
(B) refrained
(C) resorted
(D) retracted


38 This nice apartment which has a good _____ to the MRT station was sold at a very high price.
(A) decoration
(B) garden
(C) studio
(D) access


39 The strike was called to _____ better wages and working conditions for the employees.
(A) deceive
(B) demand
(C) deploy
(D) depart


40 To book a hotel room, you will need to make a 50% _____ in advance with your credit card.
(A) decision
(B) defense
(C) demand
(D) deposit


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       A recent study from Brazil finds a connection between vegetarianism and mental health issues. The study,in which 14,216 people between 35 to 74 years old were surveyed, shows that individuals following vegetariandiets are more __41__ to depression. In fact, those who don’t eat meat are twice more likely to have a depressiveepisode than meat consumers.
       While there is evidence __42__ to a lack of meat consumption causing more mental health issues, there aresome conflicting studies that find no correlation between vegetarian diets and mood effects. According to thesestudies, it might be too straightforward to __43__ that the former is causing the latter via nutritional deficiency. Ahealthy diet goes __44__ identifying as a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. There are other __45__ not examined butare plausibly linked to both vegetarianism and depression. One thing for sure is that a balanced intake accompaniedby regular exercise is essential in maintaining physical and mental health.

(A) attainable
(B) conceivable
(C) susceptible
(D) tangible


(A) point
(B) points
(C) pointed
(D) pointing


(A) assume
(B) perform
(C) execute
(D) transform


(A) except for
(B) less than
(C) nothing but
(D) far beyond


(A) propaganda
(B) formations
(C) variables
(D) brochures


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
        Most food staples are inexpensive, plant-based foods, usually full of calories for energy. There are more than 50,000edible plants in the world, but just 15 of them provide 90 percent of the world’s food energy intake.Rice, corn, and wheatmake up two-thirds of this. Food staples traditionally depend on what plants are native to a region.
        Rice is a food staple for more than 3.5 billion people around the world, particularly in Asia, Latin America, andparts of Africa. Rice has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years. Scientists believe people first domesticated ricein India or Southeast Asia. Rice arrived in Japan in about 3,000 years ago. The Portuguese most likely introduced it intoSouth America in the 16th century. Today, the world’s largest rice producers are China, India, and Indonesia. Outside ofAsia, Brazil is the largest rice producer.
        Corn is native to Central America, where it was domesticated by the Aztecs and Mayans. The United States is theworld’s largest corn grower, producing more than 40 percent of the world’s corn. Corn is often used to produce corn oil,sweeteners such as corn syrup, and cornstarch, which is used as a sweetener and thickening agent in home cooking. Also,alcohol from fermented corn is the source of bourbon whiskey.
          Wheat was first domesticated in the Middle East. Wheat grows well in temperate climates, even those with a short growingseason. Today, China, India, the United States, Russia, and France are among the largest wheat producers in the world. Themajority of breads are made with wheat flour.Wheat flour is also used in pasta, pastries, crackers, breakfast cereals, and noodles.
          In addition to cereal grains, roots, and tubers are common food staples, particularly in tropical regions. Yams are animportant food in the rainforests of West Africa. Potatoes are native to the cold climate of the Andes Mountains. Theywere introduced to Europe by explorers of the 16th century and are now a food staple in Europe and parts of the Americas.

【題組】46 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) People first grew corn in Central America.
(B) Potatoes were first domesticated in Europe.
(C) Wheat was first cultivated in the Middle East.
(D) People in India or Southeast Asia grew rice first.


【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following best describes the role a food staple plays in human society?
(A) A product that is manufactured mainly for exportation.
(B) A town used as a center for the sale of commodities in bulk.
(C) A small piece of wire used to fasten sheets of paper together.
(D) A food that makes up the dominant part of a population’s diet.


【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a product made from corn?
(A) Corn oil.
(B) Liquor.
(C) Sweeteners.
(D) Breakfast cereals.


【題組】49 Which of the following is closet in meaning to the word “temperate” in the passage?
(A) Mild.
(B) Dull.
(C) Harsh.
(D) Thrifty.


【題組】50 Which of the following is most likely to be the source of this passage?
(A) A geographic magazine.
(B) An interior design brochure.
(C) An exhibition pamphlet.
(D) A product manual.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 普通考試_各類科:英文#121309-阿摩線上測驗
