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3 Janet has been depressed since she lost her job, but we believe she'll feel better________when she is employed again.
(A) gracefully
(B) evidently
(C) eventually
(D) dynamically


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
       To survive, animals need to find food. Some predators have developed special vision in order to look for prey. Processing eyesight that can be four to five times __26__  than ours, eagles can spot a rabbit from several milesaway. Owls, __27__ hunt at night, have huge eyes for capturing plenty of light and detecting tasty treats in the dark.Like owls, cats see well at night. Their pupils become large circles to let more __28__ in. However, they can’t detect colors. Bees and butterflies, on the other hand, have a range of color vision that extends into ultraviolet – __29__that humans can’t see. For a long time, humans didn’t know how other animals see. Recent studies have shed light on a marvelous world of vision diversity. Understanding the way animals __30__ the world can tell us a lot about their survival strategies.

(A) what
(B) they
(C) those
(D) which


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
        A vampire is an undead creature that rises from its grave to feed on the blood of the living. The vampire is ofuncertain origin and can be found in the chronicles of numerous cultures around the world. In Europe, vampires are dangerous adversaries, and should therefore be treated with the utmost__31__ . Their inhuman strength and speed,combined with their rather uncultured refusal todie from most injuries, make them potentially difficult to__32__.In addition, their ability to spread their contagion when they kill means that careless hunters could themselves become vampires—and therefore a danger to their fellows. Though some vampires are__33__  than savage beasts,others are extremely intelligent. Not only can they match wits with their prey, and fight or hunt with great cunning,but some can even masquerade__34__ human beings and live seemingly innocent lives with the societies they victimize. Those vampires who do not thus dwell in villages or cities can be found in a variety of places when not out feeding—ranging from the__35__ in which they were buried to lavish castles in the case of aristocratic vampires.

(A) as
(B) if
(C) what
(D) which


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
        Mark is a young man with synesthesia. It is not a__36__ (although it sounds like one), and it does not really have any serious effects on his day-to-day life. However, it is a strange condition. Synesthesia happens when two or more of a person’s senses get __37__ . For example, Mark “tastes” words. His sense of taste__ 38__  when he hears or reads certain words, even if he is not eating anything. For him, the word “box” tastes of eggs.
       His sister is synesthetic, too, and she sees words__39__ color. Hence, when she sees the word “Tuesday” or just thinks of the word “Tuesday,” she gets the feeling of “brown.” Actually, the kind of synesthesia, where the days of the week are colored, is the most common type. Some scholars suggest that synesthesia is__40__  to the way our brains develop language and that there is a link between sounds and shapes.

(A) mixed up
(B) split up
(C) haunted
(D) hardened


(A) at
(B) in
(C) on
(D) for


