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35 Apart from sheer size, India and China differ from neighboring “trading states” in another critical aspect: their ambition to be the regional superpower in South Asia and East Asia_____ 
(A) aggressively
(B) individually
(C) provincially
(D) respectively


39 A _____ 
hairline at the forehead is a part of the male aging process.
(A) conceding
(B) interceding
(C) proceeding
(D) receding


42 It seems a very simple thing to tell the truth, but, beyond all questions, there is nothing half so easy as lying.
(A) Though it may appear simple, telling the truth is not as difficult as telling lies.
(B) Though it may appear simple, telling the truth is certainly far more difficult than telling lies.
(C) Though it may appear difficult, telling the truth is definitely less questionable than telling lies.
(D) Though it may appear easy, telling lies is believed by honest people to be the most difficult thing.


43 Try to improve or optimize one of these global financial crisis parameters and you end up paying somewhere else along the line.
(A) Improving one or two of the global financial crisis parameters is very likely to create more crisis parameters in the end.
(B) The global financial crisis parameters are so intertwined that you can gain some here and lose some there.
(C) To improve the global financial crisis parameters, you need to take care of them all at the same time instead of one at a time.
(D) You need to pay close attention to the global financial crisis parameters before you can even improve or optimize one of them.


44 It is ironic that the very institutions carrying out the research that informs the public of global climate change are often not terribly good at acting on their own understanding.
(A) The fact that research institutions, which provide us with information on global climate change, are not really good at applying their knowledge in actual practice is satirical.
(B)Global climate change is terrible and it is ironic that much research has been done by research institutions but the public has found little use of the research result in their everyday life.
(C) It is terrible to see that research institutions, which conduct research on and inform the public about global climate change, often fail to do what they preach.
(D) That institutions carrying out the research which informs people about global climate change do not recycle natural resources in the research processes is ironically expected.


45 As luck would have it, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(A) Fortunately, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(B) Unfortunately, there was typhoon on the day of graduation.
(C) I had good luck on the day of graduation.
(D) I had bad luck on the day of graduation.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
       Although the epoch of the crusades ignited a genuine economic and cultural revolution in western Europe, in the Orient these holy wars led to long centuries of decadence and obscurantism. Assaulted from all quarters, the Muslim world turned in on itself.Henceforth modernism became alien. Should cultural and religious identity be affirmed by rejecting this modernism, which the West symbolized? Or, on the contrary, should the road of modernization be embarked upon with resolution, thus risking loss of identity? Neither Iran, nor Turkey, nor the Arab world has ever succeeded in resolving this dilemma. Even today we can observe a lurching alternation between phases of forced westernization and phases of extremist, strongly xenophobic traditionalism.
    The Arab world—simultaneously fascinated and terrified by these Franj [Franks], whom they encountered as barbarians,but whom subsequently managed to dominate the earth—cannot bring itself to consider the crusades a mere episode in the bygone past. It is often surprising to discover the extent to which the attitude of the Arabs (and of Muslims in general) towards the West is still influenced, even today, by events that supposedly ended some seven centuries ago

【題組】46 The crusades had a negative impact on the Muslim world, and this idea is suggested by the word _____ in the passage.
(A) genuine
(B) revolution
(C) holy
(D) decadence



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