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會內測驗:110 年 - 110 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_專業職(二)外勤_共同科目:英文(重複)#100680
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38. John’s mother made him _____ his room even though he was reluctant to do so.
(A) to clean up
(B) clean up
(C) cleaning up
(D) cleaned up


39. I found one shoe. Do you know where _____ one is?
(A) the other
(B) another
(C) other
(D) any


40. I don’t know Michael. I have neither talked to him _____ met him in person.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) so
(D) either


        Scientists are thrilled about some tiny, furry finds. They have discovered two new species of lemurs on Madagascar, an island __41__ off the southeast coast of Africa.
        The endangered animals are found only in Madagascar and a few of the country’s nearby islands. Madagascar __42__ some of the world’s most exotic plants and animals. Lemurs live mainly in forest trees and are active at night.
        One of the newly discovered creatures has wide eyes, is small enough to fit in a hand, and __43__ from tree branch to tree branch in the dark. Its name means “good man” in Malagasy, the official language of Madagascar. The animal was __44__ scientist Steve Goodman, who has been studying the tiny creatures in Madagascar for 20 years.
         The other species is a giant mouse lemur with a bushy tail. Its name in Malagasy means “child.” The scientists chose that name to __45__ Madagascar’s children to care for the many plants and animals in their country.
         Finding a new lemur species is rare because many of the tiny creatures have become extinct. The recent find means that there are now 49 known species of lemurs in the wild.

(A) locating
(B) to locate
(C) located
(D) been located


(A) is based on
(B) is home to
(C) is happy with
(D) is made of


(A) bounces
(B) bouncing
(C) bounced
(D) bounce


(A) filled with
(B) dressed in
(C) noted for
(D) named after


(A) remind
(B) ignore
(C) imagine
(D) select


         In the early days of his life, Eddie Chapman was a petty criminal that lived in England. He ran away from the army, stole, and even formed his own gang. His crimes landed him in jail, where he had little hope of continuing his criminal assets. He didn’t stay in jail, however. When the Germans invaded England in the summer of 1940, Chapman, then 25, wrote them a letter stating his intentions to join the Germans as a spy to avoid troubles with the law in England.
         After some consideration, the Germans proceeded to break Chapman out of jail, trained him, and sent him on a mission to blow up a British airplane factory. But, it seemed that Chapman still had some love for his country. Upon parachuting from a plane en route to completing his mission, Chapman turned himself in to the local police, and managed to convince the British that he was still on their side.
         To fool the Germans, the British faked damage to the plane factory, and taught Chapman what to say when he went back to the Germans to appear successful. And Chapman did manage to appear successful. The Germans loved the double-agent so much that they awarded him with a war award, gave him vast sums of money, and even gave him promotion.
        The British, however, did not love Chapman quite as much. As Chapman was not secretive about his sources of income, the British saw him as a liability, and eventually dismissed the spy in 1944. Chapman then returned to his former life of crime, assuming that as he now held secrets to the British, he could probably bargain his way out of the arms of the law. The following years were spent avoiding punishment from the British law enforcement.
       Chapman eventually settled down in 1953 after he managed to release his war stories. He got married, had a daughter, and quietly lived the rest of his life as a businessman until his heart gave out in 1997.

【題組】46. What is the purpose of the article?
(A) To tell how the British tricked the Germans.
(B) To tell the life of a successful spy in World War Two.
(C) To tell how ungrateful the British could be to their spies.
(D) To tell how a criminal could earn respect from the government.


【題組】47. How did Chapman manage to capture the attention of the Germans in the beginning?
(A) He managed to contact the Germans from jail.
(B) He managed to steal money from the Germans.
(C) He fought the Germans when they invaded England.
(D) The Germans had already heard of his troubles with the law.


會內測驗:110 年 - 110 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_專業職(二)外勤_共同科目:英文(重複)#100680-阿摩線上測驗
