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【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(326~350)
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When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm clock in the morning, but now the baby decides when they should wake up. Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby.
(A) spent their evenings watching TV or reading 
(B) spent their evenings watch TV or read
(C) spent their evenings watch TV or to read
(D) spent their evenings watching TV or read


If this matter cannot be resolved, I will be forced to ______ the contract. 
(A) cancel
(B) canoe
(C) conclude
(D) consult


The _______ weight limit for each small packet is 2 kg. In other words, items over 2 kg are not accepted. 
(A) maximum
(B) minimum
(C) large
(D) height


Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing, but spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life. That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV ______16______ information from more than 11,000 people older than 25 years. The ______17______ found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. Also, every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute ______18______ in their life expectancy. It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly ______19______ . The more TV you watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop ______20______ such as diabetes or heart problems. Moreover, the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising promotes worsens the problems.


She is ________ speaking German language.
(A)capable of 
(B)in case of 
(C)full of 
(D)catch up


I like to eat fried chicken with black pepper and ________.
(A) envelop
(B) garage
(C) ketchup
(D) food


According to scientists, a person’s attention is attracted _____________ by static objects as by moving objects. 
(A) much not so 
(B) not so much
(C) so not much
(D) so much not


There are some things you should know when you plan to study in the U.S. For example, Americans like to make small talk. “Small talk” includes topics, such as sports, weather, jobs, or past experiences. Most people don’t talk about religion, politics, or personal feelings with strangers. Sex and bodily functions are not discussed. This emotional distance does not mean people dislike you, but personal lives are discussed only with close friends and family. There are few ritualistic exchanges in English, but you should know that “How are you?” and “How’s it going?” are greetings, not questions about your life. “See you later,” or “See you soon,” are ways of saying good-bye, not appointments. People in the U. S. are curious. They will ask you a lot of questions. Some of them may appear ridiculous, but try to be patient in answering them. You may be the first person from your country whom they met, and they will have very little understanding of your life. Most people are sincerely interested in learning about you. But loud conversations usually mean people are angry. Most conversations are moderate in volume with few gestures. Do not speak too loudly or too quietly, and keep your hands under control. Once you understand more about Americans, you will find it easy to deal with them.
【題組】Why do Americans ask you many questions when you travel to the U. S.? 
(A) They want to know you more. 
(B) They try to be polite to you. 
(C) They have been to your country. 
(D) They like to help you with English.


Oanh was in my computer class last semester, but she didn’t look like a student at all. She often wore t-shirts to school that had words on them such as “Love me” and “Kiss me,” and she used a lot of cosmetics. She colored her fingernails with violet fingernail polish. When she walked in the classroom, every student could smell her perfume. Her hair stuck out and was dyed with different colors every week. I thought I didn’t have anything in common with her, but I was wrong. I found out she was Vietnamese one night in the
computer lab.
First, we talked about class and homework, and I watched her try to debug a program. Then I began to talk to her about more personal subjects. The more I talked to her, the more I admired her. Oanh’s mother had abandoned the family, and Oanh’s father had become sad and useless. Oanh took care of her whole family. Although her appearance was like a Vietnamese punk rocker, Oanh was a strong and responsible person. I have learned not to judge others from their appearance. I hope that in the future I can convince Oanh to give up her rock and roll hairstyle.

【題組】Which of the following description about Oanh is NOT correct? 
(A)She used a lot of cosmetics. 
(B)She had her hair dyed. 
(C)She was from Vietnam. 
(D)She didn’t like computer class.


I ________ a shower when the phone rang. So I could not answer it in time.
(B)was taking
(C)had taken
(D)have taken


It is hard for me to ________ with vendors. I usually take the first price they offer.


Why do we dream? Nobody knows, but everybody _____21_____. We dream during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. In eight hours of sleep, people usually have four REM periods. But we _____22_____ very little. We usually remember only 20 or 30 seconds of REM sleep. There are many ideas about dreams. Some psychologists believe we dream because we need a safe way to do things we can't do where we're _____23_____ . Some think we dream in order to work out our problems. _____24_____ believe dreams don't have any special meaning. They are simply thoughts that come to us when we _____25_____. Whatever you believe, dreams prove one thing—some people have wonderful imaginations.


34. Most residents in Pintung county rely ________ agriculture for their livelihood.
(A) on
(B) from
(C) into
(D) of


29. Employees of this company are required to________off all the lights before leaving in order to save the energy.
(A) loosen
(B) pepper
(C) switch
(D) wander


31. I don’t like ghost stories because they are ________. And I am usually too scared to sleep alone after reading them.
(A) dreadful
(D) tentative


29. The recession has led to many small businesses going ________. 
(A) thoughtful


11. The teacher takes ________ regularly, counting each child and matching the child's name and face to the group list.
(A) attendance
(B) disbelief
(C) nightingale
(D) residence


18. You had better wear a mask. This disease can be ________ through contact with patients.
(A) ignored
(B) equipped
(C) restricted
(D) spread


37. I don’t know Michael. I have neither talked to him _____ met him in person.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) so
(D) either


22. James is a shy student _____ likes reading, especially historical novels.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) whose


7. I must _____ this poor and unfair request from my boss.
(A) climb
(B) refuse
(C) protect
(D) guess


8. People in this country are suffering from hunger because of a _____ of food and water.
(A) garage
(B) village
(C) marriage
(D) shortage


29. With house prices rising so high, most young people cannot _____ to buy an apartment in Taipei.
(A) divide
(B) afford
(C) recognize
(D) connect


31. There is a high _____ of accidents driving in the storm.
(A) risk
(B) selection
(C) material
(D) award


        Nola Ochs was born in Kansas in 1911. Her life was not extraordinary by most measures. She grew and married, had children and grandchildren, taught in rural schools, and lived the quiet Midwest life. But she was different in one notable way: After her husband died in 1972, Nola began taking classes and eventually earned her associate degree at age 77.
       “I still wanted to go to school. It was fun to go to classes. And if I had an assignment to do in the evening, that occupied my time in a pleasant way,” she recalled. After some years went by, Nola again got the bug to learn.
       Learning takes time, and moving through courses must be done on your own time, at your own pace. When Nola had 30 hours of school left to complete, she moved 100 miles away from her farm, got an apartment and attended classes in person. She graduated with her granddaughter in 2007.
      Nola could have been finished then with her long life of learning. She was, after all, 95 years young. Nola decided to keep going. She lived in the student dorms and got her master’s degree in liberal studies with an emphasis on history three years later, at age 98.
       A hundred years yields a lot of wisdom. But it’s the process that can teach us all. Learn everything you can. Share your crops with the neighbors. And never, never give up on yourself. At 105, Nola finished her memoir.

【題組】47. Why did Nola enjoy attending classes?
(A) She wanted to make new friends.
(B) She wanted to become a teacher.
(C) She was forced to attend by her family.
(D) She found it to be a pleasant way to spend her time.


【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(326~350)-阿摩線上測驗
