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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 警察四等 - 警察專業英文#69827
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26 BAC is primarily used as a measurement of_____ for legal or medical purposes.


27 Murder and _____ are the most serious homicides which can result in lengthy prison terms or a death sentence.


28 The likelihood of a crime being _____ could be reduced by the presence of uniformed officers in marked cars.


29 Drug_____ target students both as carriers as well as clients. It’s high time for teachers and parents to work against and eradicate this evil force.


30 Police investigators across the globe are using _____ from surveillance cameras in their investigations of crimes.


31 Major activities of these criminal gangs include drug trafficking, human smuggling, money _____ , extortion and kidnapping.


32 Intelligence analysts collect, review and interpret a range of information from overt and_____ sources, and deliver valuable analysis.


33 On Saturday, Belgian law enforcement units _____ over 70 youths who smashed shop windows and police vehicles.
(A)will be detained
(B)were detained


34 To pursue justice, it is important to_____ the person responsible for the crime.


35 Lock your door immediately upon entering the vehicle. Make this your first action even before you put the key in the _____ .
(D)steering wheel


36 Don’t wear_____ . If you wear them, you won’t hear an approaching car or attacker.


37 A key aspect of police patrol is providing high_____ for the police force in a neighborhood.


38 In the United States, scholars estimate that somewhere between 42 and 55 percent of suspects confess to a crime during _____ .


39 Police patrol might have an optimum view of an area and spot _____ activities or circumstances.


40 One of the main roles of the police is to detect and investigate crimes and help _____ offenders.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
     The type of activity police investigators engage in and material gathered 41 , depending on whetherinvestigations use the reactive or proactive method. 42 , they all go through similar stages. 
     Every investigation is different and may require a different route through the process, e.g., in some cases theidentity of the offender is known 43 and the investigation quickly enters the suspect management phase. 44 ,the identity of the offender may never be known or is discovered only after further investigation. When receiving reports, counter staff should ensure that 45 record, retain and reveal all material and pass itto the investigating officer.

【題組】 41


【題組】 42
(B)As a result
(C)As a matter of fact


【題組】 43
(A)in the end
(B)from the outset
(C)without doubt
(D)out of necessity


【題組】 44
(A)At last
(B)In others
(C)For this
(D)Since then


【題組】 45


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
     A psychologist suspected that there were subtle cues that were influencing the police questioning process in interviewing eyewitnesses, which causes misremember. She watched videotape after videotape of witness interviews, looking for these cues but she couldn’t see anything. There were so many activities in each interview—all the facial expressions, the different ways the questions were posed, the fluctuating emotions—that she couldn’t detect any patterns.
    So she came up with an idea: she made a list of a few elements she would focus on—the questioners’ tone, the facial expressions of the witness, and how close the witness and the questioner were sitting to each other. Then she removed any information that would distract her from those elements. She turned down the volume on the television, so instead of hearing words, all she could detect was the tone of the questioner’s voice. She taped a sheet of paper over the questioner’s face, so all she could see was the witnesses’ expressions. She held a tape measure to the screen to measure their distance from each other.
    And once she started studying these specific elements, patterns leapt out. She saw that witnesses who misremembered facts usually were questioned by cops who used a gentle, friendly tone. When witnesses smiled more, or sat closer to the person asking the questions, they were more likely to misremember.

【題組】 46 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
(A)Interviewing eyewitnesses is a job better done by a psychologist.
(B)Police interrogation strategy could be enhanced by using videotapes.
(C)The questioner’s outfit would affect the witness’s remembering ability.
(D)Witnesses tend to misremember less when facing a stern officer.


【題組】 47 Which of the following is one of the cues that the study in the passage tries to look for?
(A)The eyewitness’s bespectacled face.
(B)The eyewitness’s muscular motions.
(C)The eyewitness’s habit.
(D)The eyewitness’s way of posing questions.


【題組】 48 Which of the following is best to explain the underlined phrase “a tape measure”?
(A)A measurement taped with marks.
(B)A marked measurement to tape things.
(C)A tape measured with marks.
(D)A tape marked with measurements.


【題組】 49 Which of the following is true about witnesses?
(A)They tend to remember things with subtle clues.
(B)They tend to misremember when interviewed casually.
(C)They tend to ignore the obvious but remember the details.
(D)They would be influenced by police interviewing protocol.


【題組】 50 What is the main idea of the passage?
(A)Witness memory loss.
(B)Police’s cues to improve witnesses’ memory.
(C)Disremembering process in interviewing witnesses.
(D)Finding clues of misremembering.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 警察四等 - 警察專業英文#69827-阿摩線上測驗
