2 在肌肉及脂肪組織,可被胰島素調控,進行葡萄糖吸收的載體蛋白為何?
(A)葡萄糖載體蛋白 1(glucose transport protein 1, GLUT1)
(B)葡萄糖載體蛋白 2(glucose transport protein 2, GLUT2)
(C)葡萄糖載體蛋白 3(glucose transport protein 3, GLUT3)
(D)葡萄糖載體蛋白 4(glucose transport protein 4, GLUT4)
3 糖解作用(glycolysis)產生的 NADH(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)是藉由何種系統進入粒
(A)經由 glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle system 或 citrate-aspartate shuttle system
(B)經由 citrate-aspartate shuttle system 或 malate-aspartate shuttle system
(C)經由 glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle system 或 malate-aspartate shuttle system
(D)經由 malate-aspartate shuttle system 或 malate-succinate shuttle system
4 纖維素(cellulose)是以何種型式的醣化鍵(glycosidic bond)聚合而成的多醣?
(A)α 1-4 glycosidic bond (B)β 1-4 glycosidic bond
(C)α 1-6 glycosidic bond (D)β 1-6 glycosidic bond
22 人體於何處分泌內在因子(intrinsic factor)及進行維生素 B12 之吸收?
(A)胰臟 β-cells 與胃壁細胞(parietal cells of the stomach)
(C)胃主體細胞(chief cells of the stomach)與十二指腸表皮細胞
(D)胃壁細胞(parietal cells of the stomach)與迴腸表皮細胞