三、閱讀測驗【共 15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分】 Here are some statistics that may heighten your interest in the Pacific Basin. Half of the
world’s wealth and over half of its population live in the thirty-four countries and twenty-three
island states that embrace the Basin, which itself consists of seventy million square miles.
Ninety-five percent of the world’s natural silk can be found there as well as eighty-eight percent of
its natural rubber, twenty-two percent of its oil resources, and sixty-four percent of its cotton. Well
over a thousand languages are spoken in the area, and it is the source of some of the richest
religious and cultural traditions in the world.
The most rapidly expanding economy in the region is Taiwan, with South Korea expected to
be amongst the richest countries in the world in the twenty-first century. Not enough can be said
about the market potential of China. As these countries continue to develop, their manufacturing
capabilities will become increasingly complex, and their market for advanced technology will
expand. The telecommunications industry, for instance, will soon take off.
It is the educated labor force as well as the work ethic that accounts for the growing
manufacturing power of the Pacific nations. Lying on the trade routes to both East and West, this
area has a unique advantage, something that few businesses can ignore.
1. Who is this report most likely intended for?
(A) Companies wanting to expand their market reach
(B) The Department of Labor
(C) Translators for the Pacific region languages
(D) Natural rubber manufactures