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14. People find that indulging in addictive activities temporarily _____ some psychological needs, making them feel good for a short time.
(A) satisfy
(B) satisfies
(C) satisfied
(D) being satisfied


III. Cloze Test: Choose the best answer for each blank in the passage. As the nation’s opioid crisis worsens, the authorities are confronting a resurgent, unruly player in the illicit trade of the deadly drugs, 21 that threatens to be even more formidable than the cartels. In a growing number of arrests and overdoses, law enforcement officials say, the drugs are being bought online. Internet sales have allowed powerful synthetic opioids such as fentanyl — the fastest-growing cause of overdoses nationwide — to reach living rooms in nearly every region of the country, as they arrive in small packages in the mail. The authorities have been 22 in their efforts to crack down on the trade because these sites generally exist on the so-called dark web, where buyers can visit 23 using special browsers and make purchases with 24 currencies like Bitcoin. The problem of dark web sales appeared to have been 25 in 2013, when the authorities took down the most famous online marketplace for drugs, known as Silk Road. But since then, countless successors have popped up, making the drugs readily available to tens of thousands of customers who would not otherwise have had chances to reach them.


(A) in
(B) one
(C) so
(D) a drug


Passage 2 
   Coral reefs are dying around the world. In particular, coral mining, pollution, digging of canals, and accessing islands and bays pose serious 21 to their fragile ecosystems. Coral reefs also face high dangers from diseases, 22 fishing practices and warming oceans. In order to find answers to these problems, researchers study the various factors that impact reefs. The list of factors is long, 23 the ocean's role as a carbon dioxide sink, atmospheric changes, ocean acidification, viruses, algal blooms and others. Reefs are threatened well beyond coastal areas. 
   Estimates assembled from coral reef specialists from around the world 24 that 19% of the coral reef habitat has already been destroyed, and that a further 17% is likely to be lost over the subsequent 10–20 years. Only 46% of the world’s reefs can be regarded as being in good health. About 60% of the world's reefs may be at risk due to destructive, human-related activities. The threat to the health of reefs is particularly alarming in Southeast Asia, where 80% of the reefs are endangered. By the 2030s, 90% of reefs are expected to be 25 from both human activities and climate change; by 2050, all coral reefs will be endangered.

(A) ecofriendly
(B) degrading
(C) destructive
(D) deceptive


12. To be honest, today’s dinner was just so-so. It wasn’t such a good one _____ promised by the boss.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) as
(D) what


21-25: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passage. 
  Automakers typically display dozens of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles every year at the Washington Auto Show. But the prevalence of electric vehicles (EVs) at the car show would only 21 their deep unpopularity with American people. Despite EVs’ crucial role in reducing air pollution, they only take up just around 2% of car sales in the US last year. In stark contrast, gasguzzling SUVs, sedans, and trucks make up more than 70% of the market. So why American consumers generally do not find EVs 22 ? A recent research shows that Americans’ lack of interest in EVs can be attributed to the 23 of reliable sources of information they trust about how EVs can improve the environment. Environmental psychologists 24 that more American would purchase more EVs if they receive sufficient credible information about their benefits at the point of decision. Prospective consumers may not care too much about how EVs can minimize greenhouse gas 25 , but they would definitely respond to possibilities about how EVs will save them big bucks in the future.

(A) paucity
(B) spectrum
(C) invitation
(D) density
(E) hazard


Questions 36-40: Choose the BEST answer from the box below for each blank in the passage. 

  In the past, scholars used to conceptualize our brain in a dichotic view. While the left hemisphere is responsible for the analysis and processing of language-related information, the right hemisphere takes care of non-linguistic information such as music. 36 For instance, an eminent female neuropsychologist, Diana Deutsch, argues that our sensitivity to rhythm and melody helps us learn to talk; language and music are interconnected “partners in the brain” and are complementary in our cognitive maturation process. Her claim is motivated by the following scientific observations. 
  Stefan Koelsch and his colleagues presented people with sequence of chords and used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to monitor their brains. 37 Notably, active neuron activity was detected in the core brain area traditionally associated with language processing. This finding entails that the brain areas governing music and language overlap. This neurological overlap can be attributed to an etymological common ground between the two—they are governed by systematic rules, in which constituent elements (e.g., music note vs. word) are hierarchically organized into sequences (e.g., melody vs. sentence). 
  Researchers from Northwestern University found that an awareness of music can make people more attuned to the melody of speech. In a 2007 investigation, these researchers exposed English speakers to Mandarin speech sounds and employed electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the electrical responses in their auditory brain stem. 38 The researchers observed that those who had received some musical training consistently exhibited a much stronger electrical response to the speech in the auditory brain stem than those who had no music training. 
  Focusing on prenatal babies, some German neuroscientists found out that both language and musical prosodies can penetrate the womb. 39 Babies smile when hearing high-pitch discourse that indicates approval and praise, and become depressed when hearing low-pitched prohibitions. 40 Not only can exposure to music enhance our language skills, but the speech we hear also influences our perception of music.

(A) These participants all did not understand the novel sounds of that language they heard. 

(B) They found that exposure to music note prompted activity on both sides of the brain. 

(C) Both inputs continue to influence human’s perception of pitch after birth. 

(D) The melody of the pitch and words both help convey the message to them. 

(E) However, the above prevailing view was challenged by some researchers by the late 1990s.



(B) In the past two years, scores of scientific studies have suggested that trillions of murmuring, droning, susurrating honeybees, butterflies, caddisflies, damselflies and beetles are dying off. Most of the studies describe declines of 50% and more in different measures of insect health over decades. The immediate reaction is consternation. Because insects enable plants to reproduce, through pollination, and are food for other animals, a collapse in their numbers would be catastrophic. “The insect apocalypse is here,” trumpeted the New York Times last year. Yet only a handful of databases record the abundance of insects over a long time. There are no studies at all of wild insect numbers in most of the world, and reliable data are too scarce to declare a global emergency. Where the evidence does show a collapse—in Europe and America—agricultural and rural ecosystems are holding up. Plants still grow, attracting pollinators and reproducing. Farm yields also remain high. As some insect species die out, others seem to be moving into the niches they have left, keeping ecosystems going, albeit with less biodiversity than before. People rely on healthy ecosystems for everything from nutrient cycling to the local weather, and the more species make up an ecosystem, the more stable it is likely to be. The scale of the observed decline raises doubts about how long ecosystems can remain resilient. An experiment in which researchers gradually plucked out insect pollinators from fields found that plant diversity held up well until about 90% of insects had been removed. Then it collapsed. As one character in a novel by Ernest Hemingway says, bankruptcy came in two ways: “gradually, then suddenly.”

【題組】35. Which of the following phrases can best interpret the contextual meaning of the word “apocalypse” in the 1st paragraph?
(A) A prophetic revelation
(B) A very serious event resulting in great destruction and change
(C) The complete final destruction of the world
(D) None of the above


3. Deforestation as well as soil, air and water pollution are usually the main _____ of species endangerment.
(A) exploitations
(B) culprits
(C) stigmas
(D) entailments


       Many things have changed in astronomy over the past half-century. Until about 30 years ago, there was a great    31    of charts and catalogues. Telescopic equipment was limited and there were few books on practical astronomy. Today, the range of off-the-shelf telescopes and equipment covers almost everything one could need. Electronic calculators and computers have revolutionized almanacs and chart production, and    32    the analysis of observations and the publication of results.
       All these advances must surely make this the golden    33    of amateur astronomy. Well, perhaps, but a great deal has been lost as well. Now one may have to travel 80 km to find a sky comparable to that found in urban areas 60 years ago. The daytime skies are now    34    by aircraft condensation trails which can    35    for hours and often spread out to form amorphous clouds, making solar observations impossible and hampering night-time observation too.

(A) rule
(B) age
(C) goal
(D) parachute



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