試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 四技二專統測_共同科目:英文#119815-阿摩線上測驗
▲ 根據以下圖表,回答第 29 - 30 題
Answer the questions based on the following timetable.
▲ 根據以下圖表,回答第 31 - 32 題
After the 2022 Asian Games, Minhua, Yating, and Fuhao are motivated to join the University
Student Sports Clubs. Answer the questions based on the poster below.
▲ 根據以下圖表,回答第 33 - 35 題
Lina is planning a trip and comparing two hotels in a tourist spot. Answer the questions
based on the information below.
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 39 - 42 題
On October 9, 2023, Triton, the first weather satellite made in Taiwan successfully entered
space. It is also the fourth satellite in the world to use GNSS-R instrument to collect weather data.
Its purpose is to help us predict the weather more accurately.
This satellite is named after Triton, an ancient Greek god of the sea. The sea god commands
the wind and waves. The satellite Triton is able to gather such data as wave heights and sea wind
speeds. Triton uses a technique that collects signals reflected from the Earth’s surface. It carries
GNSS-R instrument to receive signals which are sent back from sea surfaces. The calmer the sea,
the stronger the signal, indicating weaker winds. This information is valuable as wind speed data
is not easy to collect. Such information improves the prediction of typhoon strengths and
movements. Triton observes weather changes mainly in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and
central Pacific Ocean.
Triton, started in 2014, is the fruitful cooperation between Taiwan Space Agency (TASA)
and local companies. TASA developed GNSS-R instrument and key components such as the
Onboard Computer and GPS Receiver. More than 20 local research groups and manufacturers
participated in developing the ground station equipment. The satellite is 82% developed and
produced in Taiwan.
Now that Triton is in space, we can expect it to provide more accurate information and
support disaster prevention. The success of Triton contributes to global weather forecasting. It is
also an important step forward for Taiwan’s space engineering.
試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 四技二專統測_共同科目:英文#119815-阿摩線上測驗
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