60.信用狀要求提示提單時,而信用狀規定之裝載港及卸貨港分別為 Keelung 及 Kobe,則下列何種提單上之記載視為瑕疵?
(A) place of taking in charge:Keelung CY port of loading:Keelung port of discharge:Kobe
(B) port of loading:Keelung port of discharge:Kobe place of final destination:Osaka
(C) port of loading:Keelung port of discharge:Kobe
(D) place of taking in charge:Taipei port of loading:Keelung port of discharge:Osaka
64.依 UCP600 規定,倘運送單據記載下列何者將視為不潔提單?
(A) The goods may be loaded on deck (B) The goods has been rusted
(C) Shipper's load and count (D) Said by Shipper to contain