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【精選】 - 郵局◆英文2025~2021難度:(21~25)
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       Have you ever visited the beach? Did you recall seeing a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground? If the answer is affirmative, you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these __26__ to find a variety of metals. Metal detectors emit magnetic waves which go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal, and the device beeps. This enables the person with the device to know that some sort of metal is __27__ .
       The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. In the old times, the devices were big and cost a lot of money. Moreover, they __28__ a lot of power. Worst of all, they didn’t work well. Later, people kept trying to make such devices better. With much effort, metal detectors got smaller. Today, they are light and cheap, and they can work effectively. That is why people bring them to the beach. Metal detectors help people find lost items, such as rings lost in the water or phones buried in the sand. However, very often, such a search is __29__ and the workers only find junk. In addition, metal detectors protect people. They help to __30__ guns out of some places, like airports, courthouses, or even schools. Guards use special wands, functioning as metal detectors, to find if there is any metal on a person. Evidently, these devices have become very helpful in modern-day lives.

(A) devices
(B) pools
(C) ear sets
(D) movements


       Cosmetics have existed throughout human history. The ancient Greeks, the Egyptians, and Romans all used various kinds of makeup. Some of these cosmetics were used to improve one’s appearance, while others were used to protect one’s skin. However, in some cases, things used for makeup were dangerous or even deadly! Skin care treatments including perfumes, lotions, and cosmetic masks were common in ancient Egypt by rich and poor alike. As the inventor of some of the earliest sunscreens, Egyptians also developed oils and creams for protection against the sun and dry winds. Egyptians, as well as other ancient cultures, used various powders on their skin for beauty as well. Thousands of years ago, Egyptians wore black kohl around their eyes, Romans put white chalk on their faces, and Indians painted red henna on their bodies.
       Even though most of the ancient cosmetics were harmless, however, in the name of beauty, some people apply hazardous chemicals and toxic materials to their skin. During the Italian Renaissance, women wore white powder made of lead on their faces. Of course, doctors today know lead is like a poison for our bodies. Also around the time of the Renaissance, women in Italy put drops of belladonna in their eyes. These belladonna drops were made from a plant whose poison affects the nerves in the body. By putting belladonna drops in her eyes, a woman’s pupils will become very large, which was thought to make women more beautiful. Actually, this is where the plant’s name comes from. In Italian, belladonna means “beautiful woman.” 
       When Elizabeth I was queen in the late 1500s, some rather harmful cosmetics were also being used by women in England. In particular, women were using special hair dye made with lead and sulphur. The dye was designed to give people red hair, the same color as the queen’s hair, but over time, the dye made people’s hair fall out. Finally, just like the queen, women using this dye ended up bald and had to wear wigs.

【題組】 1. Which culture is NOT mentioned for the use of cosmetics in ancient times?
(A) Roman
(B) Italian
(C) Indian
(D) Egyptian


【題組】3. What kind of material is “kohl,” “chalk” or “henna”?
(A) powder
(B) oil
(C) lotion
(D) poison


       On September 11th, 2001, tragedy struck the city of New York when terrorists crashed airplanes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. From the ashes of those iconic buildings, however, would rise a new city landmark – the glimmering One World Trade Center.                      Construction on 1 WTC began in April of 2006, but it wasn’t until May of 2015 that the doors were finally open to the public. This was due to the numerous challenges facing architects, engineers, and construction crews while they worked on the project. First and foremost were the cleanup efforts in and around the area where the twin towers came down. This is the site that would come to be known as Ground Zero. This alone took eight long months.
     After the cleanup, architects and engineers had to put their heads together to determine how they would make this new structure fit in with the infrastructure that was already in place. Beneath the site there were already train and subway tracks to take into consideration, all at different depths. To make things even more complicated, construction of 1 WTC could not interrupt train or a subway service. This meant they would have to work around the train and subway tunnels. It wasn’t easy, but after analyzing everything that was there underground in four dimensions, the team was able to figure it out.
    Yet another challenge was the sheer size of the building, and how to put together its massive beams and columns, some weighing as much as 72.5 metric tons. In order to get this done, two of the largest cranes ever used in the history of New York City had to be brought in to lift them up.
    The result of all this time, planning, and effort is one of the safest and strongest towers ever built. In the end, the estimated price tag for the building was US$3.9 billion. However, for many New Yorkers, seeing a new tower rise up where the twin towers once stood is something no one can put a price on.

【題組】7. What do those iconic buildings (in the first paragraph) refer to?
(A) The famous skyscrapers across Manhattan.
(B) The landmark monuments across the U.S.
(C) The prestigious museums near WTC
(D) The twin towers of the old WTC


【題組】9. What is NOT true about 1 WTC?
(A) It is a very solid and sturdy building.
(B) The construction cost was extremely high.
(C) It is worthless in the eyes of many New Yorkers.
(D) The construction of it took an unprecedented step.

第二題:中翻英【20 分】
台灣逐漸邁入 M 型社會,新貧家庭不斷增加。據統計台灣有超過 37 萬名弱勢兒童,其中 15 萬多人過著貧窮與高風險的生活。由於父母沒有能力供他們參加校外課輔班,放學後 也無人陪伴教導,導致許多孩子放棄學習,在外遊蕩,流連不良場所,成為社會隱憂。


【精選】 - 郵局◆英文2025~2021難度:(21~25)-阿摩線上測驗
