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【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(226~250)
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13. Women’s confinement to their home and dependence on personal servants for their every need left them powerless and ______ to their husbands and other males in the family.
(A) numb
(B) exclusive
(C) risky
(D) reluctant
(E) subservient


22. K. Danner Clouser warns that medical students ______ by those who live in the medical world are easily trapped in conceptual ghettos, a world segregated from the common world of the patients.
(A) who trained
(B) trained
(C) have trained
(D) have been trained
(E) are being trained


21. _____ the vastness of their technology, the aliens perished because they failed to notice a defect in their plans.
(A) In addition
(B) Therefore
(C) While
(D) Since
(E) Despite


36. The columbine flower, is native to nearly all of the United States, can be raised from seed in almost any garden. (選錯誤)
(B) is native to
(D) from
(E) in almost


III. Reading Comprehension. 30 points Please read the following three excerpts/passages closely and then choose the best answer for each of the questions according to the contents. 【單選題】每題 2 分,共 15 題,答錯 1 題倒扣 0.5 分,倒扣至本大題零分為止,未作答,不給分亦不扣分。 Scuba diving has never been easy for me. When I was in fifth grade, the father of one of my classmates died in a scuba-diving accident. His death, along with the scenes I had watched in James Bond’s movies of men left to drown hundreds of feet under water with severed air tubes, did not give me the impression that scuba diving was a safe sport. However, in eighth grade, my father asked me if I would take scuba-diving classes with him. Although I was reluctant, the important consideration was that he would be there to support me and that we would do it together. It seemed that as I grew older, we spent less time together. I wanted this opportunity to be with him. After hours of pool work and classes, I was ready to go for my certification. My first problem was getting to the dive site. I have a slight fear of boats, which probably stems from my first boat ride, during which I developed a major case of seasickness. 第 4 頁,共 6 頁 This was a small obstacle compared to what was about to come. I spent the first fifteen minutes of the dive standing on the rocking deck of the dive boat, staring at the rough ocean, weak with fear. I was only able to dive into the water after a good pep talk from both my father and my dive master. I repeated the word “relax” to myself over and over and plunged in. Even now, after five years of scuba diving, I still feel a little uneasy before submerging. However, once I have taken a deep breath and broken the surface of the water, curiosity and astonishment at the variety on the ocean floor calm my apprehensions. No sounds or disturbances break the perfect tranquility. Enormous purple fans wave in the current, and orange and red sponges just out of the coral like poppies in the meadow. When I am underwater, I can hover above the colorful, craggy coral, flying like Superman, watching schools of fish dart around in search of food, oblivious to my presence. Underwater, I am able to leave behind my worries and observe the peaceful beauty of nature. The experience does not end with my surfacing but continues with the stories my father, the other divers, and I tell afterward. There is a high level of camaraderie among all divers. We sit around like old pirates in a dank tavern, laughing as we talk about the stingrays who search for food in our hair (an experience that was once described as “like being mugged by E.T.”) or about the dive master who found a bicycle down by one of the wrecks and started to ride it around. My fellow divers do not know that I have not yet left behind my fears of diving, because once I submerge, I inhabit a different world with them. Like learning to scuba dive, learning to read was also not easy for me. Most early-reading programs rely heavily on the teaching of phonetics. However, I have a learning disability that makes understanding sound/symbol relationships difficult. This made learning to read through the use of phonetics impossible. I was lucky, however, because I was accepted into Fenn School’s Intensive Language Program. For two years (fourth and fifth grades), six other boys and I worked together, learning how to compensate for our learning differences. In this class, I developed a trait that I am very proud of: the ability to work hard—not only in my studies, but in everything I do. But continuing even when the waters were rough, and drawing on the support of my parents and teachers, I learned to read and found an amazing world opened to me. Just as my fellow divers do not know that I am anxious about scuba diving, most of my classmates do not know that I have a learning disability. They just think that I am a diligent worker, but I know that, as with scuba diving, there is a lot more to the story.
【題組】41. The author found, initially, scuba diving neither fun nor safe because of all of the following reasons except _____.
(A) the accident that claimed the life of a classmate’s father
(B) the seasickness he suffered during his first boat ride
(C) the drowning scenes presented in James Bond movies
(D) the rough ocean he saw before diving into water
(E) the companionship he shared with fellow divers


But at the time Darwin’s book caused a conceptual earthquake. It wholly decries all ideas, from whatever religion or none, which up to that time had taken it for granted that humankind was special, superior and apart. In the course of doing this, in a book of striking clarity and easy access, Darwin forced a profound rethink of the workings of life, just as Newton’s discoveries forced a rethink of the workings of the universe. It exerted and still exerts a radical impact on scholarship and on all the ramifications of the information society we now acknowledge to be so important. It has had a great influence on political philosophies ever since, often through willful but not altogether blind misunderstanding, for the worse. And it has been seen as the destroyer of the Christian, even the humanitarian and atheistic, justification for morality and ethics. According to Daniel Dennett, Professor of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University, Massachusetts: “If I could give an award for the single best idea anybody ever had, I would give it to Darwin, because his idea just unifies in a stroke these two completely disparate worlds, until then, of the meaningless mechanical physical sciences, astronomy, physics and chemistry on the one side and the world of meaning, culture, art and of course the world of biology. One stroke shows how to unify all the sciences.” Richard Dawkins, the Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, says, “[Darwin] discovered a principle which with hindsight seems enormously simple; it is hard to believe that anybody did not think of it before and yet nobody did, not really.”
【題組】48. According to Daniel Dennett, which of the following best describes Darwin’s contribution to the scholarship?
(A) His idea is the best single idea in the history of natural science.
(B) His idea separates physics from chemistry.
(C) His idea differentiates meaningless world from the meaningful.
(D) His idea unifies what was once taken as two disparate worlds: the meaningless mechanical world and the meaningful cultural one.
(E) His idea crisscrosses the empirical science and social science.


II. For each sentence, choose one underline part that contains faulty English.
【題組】28. In the field of classical music, Mozart has earned a reputation that is very greater than that of any other composer. 


22. Stronger measures have been taken to _____ violent crimes and drug trafficking.
(A) set up
(B) bring down
(C) give in
(D) check out
(E) hang up


3. Students will learn more when they are in classes out of choice, rather than out of coercion.
(A) compulsion
(B) acknowledgement
(C) suspension
(D) encouragement
(E) curiosity


6. The novelist's personal letters were published posthumously.
(A) following death
(B) during lifetime
(C) before death
(D) after birth
(E) after marriage


7. The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.
(A) decline
(C) increase
(D) rise
(E) accumulate


23. Dreams are            in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.
(A) startling
(B) uninformative
(C) uncontrollable
(D) unregulated
(E) harmless


5. The pain-killing agent most commonly administered in dentistry is the local anesthetic, _____ loss of feeling only in a specific area.
(A) who be produced
(B) which produces
(C) where produces
(D) that be producing
(E) which is produced


8. That inspired her to come up with an "innovative" treatment.
(A) radical
(B) quick
(C) effective
(D) complicated
(E) ingenious


31. On Christmas Eve, the children were so ____ to open their presents that they could not fall asleep.
(A) horrified
(B) confused
(C) timid
(D) troubled
(E) anxious


B. Please choose the BEST answer to complete each sentence.
11. Hawaii has been trying to keep critical parts of its ocean clear of marine ______, removing 57 tons of it from the Northwestern Islands in 2014.
(A) food
(B) biology
(C) debris
(D) boats
(E) animals


24. The ageing population is expected to increase rapidly, not gradually, with people over 70 ______ to be 35% by 2050.
(A) estimate
(B) estimating
(C) has been estimated
(D) estimated
(E) to be estimated


12. _____ people are likely to hang out with friends every weekend while reserved people keep to themselves.
(A) Antagonistic
(B) Composite
(C) Destitute
(D) Fictitious
(E) Gregarious


 IV. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer. 30 points."Plutoid" is the new classification that has been sanctioned for the object that was formerly known as the "ninth planet." It is nearly two years since the International Astronomical Union (IAU) stripped Pluto of its former status as a "proper" planet. Now an IAU committee, meeting in Oslo, has suggested that small, nearly spherical objects orbiting beyond Neptune should carry the "plutoid" tag. As astronomy's official nomenclature organization, the IAU must approve all new names and classifications. Its decision at the 2006 General Assembly to demote Pluto from "planet" to "dwarf planet" caused an international furor. Pluto's relegation was felt necessary because new telescope technologies had begun to reveal far-off objects that rivaled the world in size. Without a new classification, these discoveries raised the prospect that textbooks could soon be talking about 50 or more "planets" in the Solar System. That prospect proved too much for IAU members who took the historic decision to redefine the Solar System. They 1- 5 97 年建國後西醫 ‧ 全套詳解 relegated Pluto to a grouping that includes Ceres (the largest asteroid), and Eris, an object slightly larger than Pluto that orbits even further out from the Sun in an icy region known as the Kuiper Belt. Recently the IAU further explained the plutoid definition as celestial bodies that "have sufficient mass for their self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that they assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (near-spherical) shape, and that have not cleared their orbits of debris. The two known and named plutoids are Pluto and Eris. It is expected that more plutoids will be named as science progresses and new discoveries are made." The plutoids will also need to have a minimum brightness. Ceres will not be considered a plutoid because of its position in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The classification will not placate those incensed by Pluto's demotion. Alan Stern, a former NASA space sciences chief and principal investigator on a mission to Pluto, was scathing in his condemnation of the IAU. "It's just some people in a smoke-filled room who dreamed it up," he told the Associated Press. "Plutoids or haemorrhoids, whatever they call it. This is irrelevant."

【題組】44. According to the article, in addition to Pluto the other known plutoid is _____.
(A) Uranus
(B) Mars
(C) Ceres
(D) Eris
(E) Venus


6. Freedom of expression is the matrix, the principle substance, of nearly every form of invention.
(A) mixture
(B) origin
(C) effect
(D) custom
(E) adjustment


II. Grammar and Structure: 10 points 
【單選題】每題 1 分,共 10 題,答錯 1 題倒扣 0.25 分,倒扣至本大題零分為止,未作答,不給分亦不扣分。 A. Please choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

【題組】22. _____ its inherent danger, many people believe that nuclear energy is a clean and potentially inexhaustible source of energy.
(A) Due to
(B) Even though
(C) Given that
(D) In case
(E) In spite of


Please read the following excerpts/passages closely and then choose the best answer for each question according to the contents.
       In a recent research, 71 volunteers with metabolic syndrome were recruited, and they were divided into two groups at random. Both groups followed the DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet for three months, which is designed to combat high blood pressure. This Mediterranean-style diet includes lots of fruit and vegetables, whole-wheat products, nuts, fish, and lean white meat. One of the two groups started a fast before the DASH diet, while the other group stuck to their regular diet before the experiment. The researchers used stool samples to examine the effects of the fast on the gut microbiome. Gut bacteria work in close contact with the immune system. Some strains of bacteria metabolize dietary fiber into anti-inflammatory short-chain fatty acids that benefit the immune system. The composition of the gut bacteria ecosystem changes drastically during fasting. Health-promoting bacteria that help to reduce blood pressure multiply. The following is particularly noteworthy: “Body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and the need for antihypertensive medication remained lower in the long run among volunteers who started the healthy diet after a fast,” explains one of the researchers. Some of these changes remain even after resumption of food intake. This result is thrilling; blood pressure normally shoots back up again when even one antihypertensive tablet is forgotten. The leading researcher of this study concludes that __35__ .

【題組】31. Which is NOT a selection from the DASH diet?
(A) oranges
(B) mutton
(C) salmon
(D) almonds
(E) broccoli


18. He started playing wheelchair basketball after he was left_______ from the waist down.
(A) parachuted
(B) partitioned
(C) perished
(D) penetrated
(E) paralyzed


20. Recognized as the first _______  in Chinese mythology, Shennong is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs for their medicinal value.
(A) ruler
(B) herbalist
(C) emperor
(D) dictator
(E) physician


Please read the following excerpts/passages closely and then choose the best answer to each question accordingly.
       We’ve all heard amazing stories in which people struggle heroically to survive against all odds. [  1  ] The truth, though, is that not all survivors are quite so heroic. As the following story shows, the will to survive isn’t always so strong. [  2  ] Thrilling yet terrifying, the Marathon des Sables is arguably the world’s toughest foot race. Competitors attempt a six-day, 150-mile run across the Sahara Desert in temperatures of over 100 degrees.
      Just imagine getting lost in the Sahara Desert. That is exactly what happened to an Italian policeman named Mauro Prosperi, a regular competitor, when he took part in the race in 1994. He said, “When strong winds blew over a desert, tiny particles of sand began to vibrate before they’re whipped into the air. A sandstorm can reach heights of 15 meters, travelling at speeds of up to 40 kilometers an hour. Inside the dark, howling center of a storm, sand lacerated the skin, eyes and throat.” Fearing that he could be buried in sand and unwilling to give up his position in the race, he kept moving. This was against the advice of race organizers who had instructed runners to stop and take cover in a sleeping bag if a sandstorm enveloped them. After eight hours trapped in the storm, Prosperi found himself suddenly, palpably alone in the still desert night.
[   3   ] With no water, no food and no hope, Prosperi made a decision: this little tomb would also be his final resting place. But when his attempt did not succeed, Prosperi said he soon “came to my senses.”“I realized that the marathon was moving on, that I couldn’t rely on the race officials to save me,”he said, “I decided I must confront the desert myself.”For three whole days, Mauro tried to find his way back to the course, with barely any water and no idea what direction he was heading in. He started to visualize the agonizing death he would soon have to face. A friend had once told him that dying of thirst was the worst of all possible deaths. Fearing such a long and painful death, he decided to cut his wrists with a knife. But, short of water, his blood was thick and would not flow. Five more days passed until, miraculously, a group of Tuareg nomads found him and took him to a village. [   4   ]
Mauro discovered he was in Algeria, more than 180 miles away from the race course. In 1995, a documentary crew returned to the shrine where Prosperi sheltered for several days and found some of his belongings, along with bat skeletons. Two years after his ordeal, Prosperi felt well enough to return to his passion: endurance running. Determined to finish what he started, he ran the Marathon des Sables. He has now completed the race six times, placing 13th in 2001. [   5   ]

【題組】35. Mauro was rescued _____.
(A) eight days after he got lost
(B) not far from where he first got lost
(C) by people who had been looking for him
(D) and sent back to Italy
(E) when people found the traces that he left on the road


【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(226~250)-阿摩線上測驗

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