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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 中華郵政股份有限公司職階人員資訊類科甄試試題_營運職-全類組:英文(含中翻英、英翻中及閱讀測驗)#126050
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    To toot, to fart, or to cut the cheese are all funny ways to talk about something smelly: passing gas! A normal person passes about half a liter of gas a day, which equals about 14 farts per day. Lots of people are embarrassed by passing gas, but there is no need to feel this way. The first step is to admit that everyone does it. After you face up to this, then you can really enjoy learning some interesting facts about your gas.

    There are several sources of gas. Gas in our intestines has to do with both the air we inhale and the gas molecules in our blood. In addition, gas is also produced from chemical reactions and bacteria living in our intestines. Nervous people usually have more gas as they would take in more air, and food usually goes through their digestive systems faster. This means that the oxygen in the food cannot be absorbed quickly enough and would go into the intestines and become gas.

    Another interesting fact is that a person's diet affects the stinkiness of his or her gas. Foods with a lot of sulfur in them, such as eggs, meat, and cauliflower, cause stinkier gas. On the other hand, beans cause a lot of gas, but this gas isn't usually stinky because beans aren't high in sulfur. However, they do contain a lot of sugars that bacteria in the intestines love. The bacteria would eat the sugars and produce gas.

    Finally, people wonder: “Where does gas go when you hold it in? Is this held gas harmful?” Well, this gas will not poison you, but you may get a bad stomachache from the pressure. The gas that you hold in is neither absorbed nor released right away. It moves back up into the intestines and sooner or later comes out. It is not lost, just delayed. Now that you know some facts about gas, be proud of yourself and say, “Yes, I cut the cheese!”


1. What is the average number of times a person passes gas per day?
(A) a little over a dozen times
(B) just shy of 20 times
(C) no more than 5 times
(D) right around 10 times



2. What is one cause of increased gas in nervous people?
(A) They drink more water.
(B) They breathe in more air.
(C) They eat more food.
(D) They sleep less.



3. Which of the following foods are more likely to cause stinkier gas?
(A) Rice and potatoes.
(B) Candy and chocolate.
(C) Tofu and soy milk.
(D) Omelets and steaks.



4. What happens to gas when you hold it in?
(A) It goes out from the mouth as burps and bad breaths.
(B) It becomes toxic and cause sickness in the long run.
(C) It returns to the intestines and is eventually released.
(D) It mixes with other materials and turns into liquid.



5. What is the author’s attitude toward passing gas?
(A) It has to be done at the right place and right time.
(B) There’s no need to feel embarrassed about it.
(C) It should be studied as a scientific subject.
(D) We should do it as much as possible for our health. 



    Are you curious about the private lives of actors and pop stars? If so, you’re not alone. Every day, the world’s newspapers, magazines, and websites deliver a constant stream of gossip about the rich and famous. Although it’s sometimes called “junk food news,” celebrity gossip is more popular than ever.

    Movie stars, athletes, singers, and politicians are the favorite subjects of the gossip media. Because they’re always in the public eye, people feel very close to these superstars. We want to know what they’re doing, what clothes they’re wearing, and who they’re spending time with. In offices, chatrooms, and coffee shops, celebrity news is a common topic of conversation.

    There’s even a class of photographer, the “paparazzi,” that follows celebrities around. Wherever stars eat, shop, or travel, the paparazzi are always there, cameras in hand. Some people see this as an invasion of privacy. However, stars can benefit from the paparazzi, whose photos are sold to news sources. It keeps stars in the public eye, which helps their careers.

    Stories in the gossip media may be based on public facts, information from stars’ friends, or secret “insider” sources. Regardless of how crazy the stories are, stars usually ignore them. However, they sometimes fight back. In Hollywood and London, there are special lawyers who work for celebrities. They may sue a magazine for printing a false story or demand that photographs not be printed.

    In today’s world, the media is everywhere. It’s impossible for stars to hide from the press. At the same time, it’s hard for the rest of us to avoid celebrity news. Yet, at the end of the day, we have only ourselves to blame. As a famous magazine editor once said, celebrity gossip is everywhere because we have such a huge appetite for it.


6. What is the main reason celebrity gossip is so popular?
(A) It offers important secrets about becoming a star.
(B) People feel close to celebrities and are interested in their lives.
(C) Such gossip stories are often banned and so attracted more readers.
(D) Everyone has a chance to write and report this type of news.



7. Which of the following might NOT be the primary subjects of the gossip media?
(A) A president of a country.
(B) A world’s top player in tennis.
(C) A music teacher in a high school.
(D) A screen couple in Hollywood.



8. What role do the paparazzi play in celebrity gossip?
(A) They make up fake stories about celebrities in gossip magazines.
(B) They as loyal fans protect celebrities from the public.
(C) They take pictures of celebrities, helping to show them to the public.
(D) They manage the schedules and careers of celebrities.



9. How do some celebrities in Hollywood and London respond to false gossip stories?
(A) They offer correct details to the editor.
(B) They make apologies to the public.
(C) They ignore the stories completely.
(D) They may hire legal experts to sue or stop publishers.



10. What is the author’s conclusion on celebrity gossip in today’s world?
(A) Media is everywhere to provide gossip news, and people just love it.
(B) Gossip stories are expected to become fewer due to legal issues.
(C) Celebrities should stand up together against the gossip media.
(D) People will eventually lose interest in celebrity gossip.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 中華郵政股份有限公司職階人員資訊類科甄試試題_營運職-全類組:英文(含中翻英、英翻中及閱讀測驗)#126050-阿摩線上測驗
