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試卷測驗 - 114 年 - 114 臺灣警察專科學校_甄選入學中央警察大學初試試題:英文#126038
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1. The Ukraine government have tried to _________the belief that this is a just war.
(A) culminate
(B) abet
(C) propagate
(D) deplete


2. Big S is _______by her husband South Korean musician Koo Jun-yup (DJ Koo), as well as a 10-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son, whom she had with former Chinese husband Wang Xiaofei.
(A) surrendered
(B) survived
(C) dumped
(D) downshifted


3. At the start of the influenza outbreak health workers were not taking proper ______and the disease spread through hospital staff.
(A) stimulants
(B) inscriptions
(C) objectives
(D) precautions


4. Suggestions from the survey have been_______ into the new law.
(A) incorporated
(B) overwhelmed
(C) subsidized
(D) culminate


5. Support groups provide a critical _______for firefighters to share their experiences, access professional help, and connect with others who understand their struggles.
(A) indication
(B) resort
(C) lifeline
(D) straw


6. Police question the asylum seeker and he was______ arrested.
(A) latter
(B) later
(C) late
(D) lateral


7. Some researchers said that the use of filters and manipulated images on social media is so ________to mental health.
(A) ethical
(B) detrimental
(C) intricate
(D) dissonant


8. Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and______ every year in the U.S.
(A) deplete
(B) deplored
(C) departed
(D) deported


9. The chimney____ thick smoke into the air.
(A) emitted
(B) escalated
(C) exited
(D) erased


10. The visitor looks very suspicious hanging around by the bins. Let’s keep an____ eye on him.
(A) voluntary
(B) vulnerable
(C) violent
(D) vigilant


11. One of the most important highway driving safety tips is to always ______ up your seatbelt every time you get in the car. Seatbelts are primary protection in the event of an accident, and they can also greatly lower the chances of serious injuries and even death.
(A) buckle
(B) tie
(C) hold
(D) catch


12. Planes flying between Australia and New Zealand have been diverted as China conducts a closely-scrutinised military ______in nearby waters that may involve live fire.
(A) demonstration
(B) performance
(C) drill
(D) conductivity


13. Some new and non-lethal weapon are still in the testing phases. But researchers say the products will soon be available to help law enforcement agencies deal with potentially dangerous situations without unnecessarily____ lives.
(A) endanger
(B) endanger to
(C) endangered
(D) endangering


14. Scientist found that it was possible to______ DNA evidence from a person other than the donor of the blood or the saliva. That means that someone could plant another person’s DNA at a crime scene, causing the person whose DNA was found to be considered a prime suspect in a case.
(A) fabricate
(B) preen
(C) demolish
(D) tailgate


15. Individuals had to learn the importance of clean hands and basic personal sanitation to stop the______ spread of infectious disease.
(A) extensive
(B) desperate
(C) transparent
(D) rampant


16. A variety of subsurface geometrical ______are found in nature, and a great number of tools are available for their exploration.
(A) compartments
(B) complications
(C) combinations
(D) configurations


17. 119 or 110 dispatchers should_____ calm, reassuring manner while handling emergency calls.
(A) ignore
(B) exhibit
(C) prevent
(D) coordinate


18. The dilemma is that while seeking to preserve the life of the patient, we may do it and its social support system ________harm.
(A) irreparable
(B) irrelevant
(C) retainable
(D) recoverable


19. Since drug criminal _______often import drugs through international postal parcels from abroad, the relevant government units have enhanced border inspections in response to the current situation.
(A) blocks
(B) clans
(C) syndicates
(D) circles


20. After the earthquake, many of the damaged buildings are to be destroyed based on the advice of experts, consultants or stakeholders, while actually the buildings could still be repaired and be _____so that the buildings can be reused.
(A) revealed
(B) retained
(C) reversed
(D) retrofitted


21. The firefighters_____ specialized equipment to attack the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby residential buildings.
(A) positioned
(B) dislocated
(C) forwent
(D) emerged


22. New York City has lost more than four times the number of people who______ in the 9/11 attacks.
(A) pondered
(B) abated
(C) perished
(D) capsized


23. The CGA (Coast Guard Administration) deploys patrol ships to surveil and deter high-risk ships from sailing into Taiwan’s surrounding waters and other means are _______to handle lower-level threats.
(A) decreed
(B) utilized
(C) fixed
(D) derailed


24. A wildfire in northern Japan has damaged over 80 buildings and forced the evacuation of hundreds of residents, with military helicopters ________to help put it out.
(A) memorize
(B) monitored
(C) mobilized
(D) modified


25. Always make sure a website is safe before making a_____, such as paying a bill or buying something.
(A) transaction
(B) transformation
(C) reservation
(D) amnesty


26. Taiwan is planning to _________the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based X-ray imaging to customs clearance points over the next four years to curb the smuggling of contraband.
(A) extend
(B) expand
(C) expect
(D) except


27. Police have not so far been able to ______a confession from the serial killer accused of the murdering.
(A) exhale
(B) exhibit
(C) extract
(D) extort


28. One of the main causes of dust explosion is large amounts of flammable dust_____ in the air.
(A) transacted
(B) relayed
(C) suspended
(D) diluted


29. Several crew members were badly injured in the crash and rushed to the hospital. It might take a long time before they can be______.
(A) abdicated
(B) dismissed
(C) discharged
(D) evacuated


30. Serious___ has been reported after the crash. According to the report, among all the 20 crew members onboard 17 were killed and 3 injured.
(A) casualizations
(B) casuals
(C) casualities
(D) casualties 


Passage A: Question 31-35

    Scams in Taiwan have been on the rise in recent years, and they often target unsuspecting individuals. One of the most common scams involves fake phone calls or text messages that    31   people into believing they owe money or have won a prize. Scammers usually   32    their victims by pretending to be from official organizations such as banks or government agencies. They ask for personal information or urge victims to make an immediate payment to avoid legal trouble. The messages are often written in a way that    33    urgency, inspiring a sense of panic in the victim. To avoid falling victim to such scams, people should report   34    communications and always verify the source before taking action. In addition, it is important to remember that scams often appear in ways that make them look genuine, so being cautious and skeptical is key. People should also be aware that scammers often try to appeal   35    people’s emotions to make them act quickly.


(A) prove
(B) mistake
(C) help
(D) deceive



(A) trick
(B) reassure
(C) comfort
(D) assist



(A) create
(B) creates
(C) created
(D) creating



(A) sustainable
(B) suspicious
(C) suspended
(D) susceptible



(A) to
(B) in
(C) for
(D) on 


Article A: Questions 36-40

    California wildfires are a recurring threat, fueled by a combination of natural and human-made factors. Climate change plays a significant role, with warmer temperatures, reduced rainfall, and longer fire seasons drying out the landscape, making it more susceptible to ignition and rapid fire spread. Extended periods of drought exacerbate the situation, turning dry vegetation into a tinderbox waiting for a spark.

    The frequency and intensity of wildfires in California have increased dramatically in recent years, with the annual average burned area in 2020-23 being three times higher than in the 2010s. While some fires are fueled by decades of fire suppression and changes in land management, others are driven by strong winds like the Santa Ana and Diablo winds, which act as accelerants, pushing flames across vast distances.

    California's growing population has expanded into the wildland-urban interface, where human development meets natural landscapes. This increased proximity to wildlands raises the risk of fire ignitions from human activities, such as faulty power lines, vehicles, and even campfires. The consequences are even more severe as more homes and lives are at risk in these areas.

    The impact of wildfires extends far beyond the immediate destruction of property and loss of life. The smoke from these fires poses a significant health risk, affecting air quality and causing respiratory problems. The economic consequences are also substantial, with businesses forced to close, infrastructure damaged, and communities struggling to recover.   

    In response to the devastating wildfires, organizations like the California Community Foundation (CCF) have established recovery funds to provide financial assistance and support to affected communities. These funds provide critical resources for housing, case management, mental health, and medical care for displaced residents, as well as rebuilding essential infrastructure and offering financial assistance to low-wage workers and immigrant families.

    The California government has also implemented measures to mitigate the risk of wildfires, including the development of Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ). These zones classify areas based on their susceptibility to wildfires, considering factors such as fire history, fuel types, terrain, and typical fire weather. This information helps communities and individuals understand the risks and take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and their property.

    While wildfires are a natural part of California's ecosystem, the increasing frequency and intensity of these events pose a significant challenge. Addressing the underlying causes, such as climate change and human activities, is crucial to mitigating the risks and protecting communities from the devastating consequences of wildfires.


36. What is the primary reason for the increased risk of fire ignitions in areas where human development meets natural landscapes?
(A) The increased population density in these areas leads to more accidental fires.
(B) The presence of more flammable materials, such as wooden structures, increases the risk of fire spread.
(C) The proximity of human activities to wildlands increases the chance of accidental ignitions.
(D) The lack of fire suppression efforts in these areas makes them more susceptible to wildfires.



37. What is the purpose of the Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) implemented by the California government?
(A) To identify areas that are most at risk of wildfires and require mandatory evacuation plans.
(B) To provide financial assistance to communities affected by wildfires.
(C) To classify areas based on their susceptibility to wildfires, helping communities understand the risks and take appropriate precautions.
(D) To enforce stricter building codes in areas prone to wildfires.



38. What is the primary reason for the increase in the annual average burned area in California from 2020-2023 compared to the 2010s?
(A) Increased human development in wildland-urban interface areas.
(B) A combination of climate change, drought, and human activities.
(C) The implementation of fire suppression efforts in the past.
(D) The increased frequency of strong winds like the Santa Ana and Diablo winds.



39. Drawing on the text's information about the impact of wildfires, how might the concept of 'ecological resilience' be applied to the recovery efforts of California communities?
(A) Ecological resilience is not relevant to human communities, as it only applies to natural ecosystems.
(B) Ecological resilience refers to the ability of a community to bounce back from a disturbance, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices in wildfire recovery.
(C) Ecological resilience is a concept that only applies to the natural environment, not the social and economic aspects of a community.
(D) Ecological resilience is the ability of a community to prevent wildfires, and recovery efforts are not related to this concept.



40. Based on the text, what can be inferred about the effectiveness of fire suppression in preventing the accumulation of fuel that contributes to intense wildfires?
(A) Fire suppression has been completely effective in preventing fuel accumulation.
(B) Fire suppression has been partially effective, but fuel accumulation still occurs.
(C) Fire suppression has been ineffective in preventing fuel accumulation, leading to more intense fires.
(D) Fire suppression has no impact on fuel accumulation.

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試卷測驗 - 114 年 - 114 臺灣警察專科學校_甄選入學中央警察大學初試試題:英文#126038-阿摩線上測驗
