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1( ).

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題:
        One of the primary risks of being a firefighter is that of personal physical injury. Firefighters aresusceptible to burns, smoke __51__ and crush injuries from collapsing structures. They can suffer fromheat exhaustion, as well as long-term job-related illnesses such as asthma, persistent coughing, heartdisease, cancer and lung damage. __52__ the highly physical nature of the job, all matter of bodilyharm can befall firefighters in the line of duty. Some physical fallout from the profession may notmaterialize __53__ years down the road. In addition to the physical perils, firefighters face the potentialfor mental trauma, particularly in situations involving mass __54___ . As first responders on the scene,firefighters and other rescue personnel are often faced with the high stress, high stakes environment oftrying to attend to as many people as possible, remove them from danger and assist in aiding treatment,often __55__ their duties in tenuous or unfolding situations. The elevated stress levels don’t alwaysdissipate when they leave the scene.

(A) since
(B) until
(C) while
(D) yet


5 依憲法、憲法增修條文及相關法律之規定,關於考試院之敘述,下列何者正確?
(B)考試院設考試委員 29 人,須超出黨派,依據法律獨立行使職權

3( ).

47 In this car accident, if the victim suffers minor injuries, your driver’s license will be____ for two years according to the traffic regulation.
(A) submitted
(B) renewed
(C) suspended
(D) contradicted

4( ).

43 Economic pressure often forces fishing vessels to carry out their missions in a highly _____ environment, putting the fleet and crew at risk.
(A) benevolent
(B) hostile
(C) pacified
(D) tranquil

5( ).

35 Sir, thanks for your calling. An officer in the neighborhood will be____ to your home as soon as possible.
(A) dispatched
(B) dispersed
(C) distributed
(D) dissembled

6( ).

45 Chen You-hau is a____ person of Taiwan for economy crimes. He is at large abroad.
(A) running
(B) escaped
(C) missing
(D) wanted

7( ).

34 I have been told that the police officers in England don't carry guns; they only have ________.


9 關於立法院對預算案之審議,下列敘述何者錯誤?


45 關於耕地三七五減租條例與憲法基本國策及憲法增修條文第 10 條之關係,依照司法院釋字第 580 號解釋 之見解,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)該條例設定最低租賃期間,耕地出租人不得任意收回,並禁止轉租,均係有利於實現扶植自耕農、改 善農民生活之基本國策
(B)該條例規定,出租人如無自任耕作能力,即使租約期滿亦不得收回耕地,所謂自任耕作能力應包括企 業化經營之自行耕作或委託代耕
(C)該條例規定,租約期滿前,出租人因農地變更為非耕地而終止租約時,應適用單一標準補償承租人, 已牴觸憲法保障財產權及契約自由之意旨
(D)該條例規定,租約期滿,出租人為擴大家庭農場經營規模而收回耕地時,亦應補償承租人,與國家應 推動農業現代化之意旨不符

10( ).

26 The Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, is ____ to ensuring national maritime security, Taiwan's safety in the high seas and coastal areas, protecting the country's oceanic resources, and safeguarding the rights and interests of the people.

11( ).

45 Shipboard emergency scenarios include leaking valves, seams, top and side ______ , as well as cracks and holes in the walls and doors, which the trainees must successfully repair before the boat fills with water.

12( ).

46 Officials said that diplomats do not enjoy _____ from criminal prosecution on charges of visa fraud.

13( ).

47 The mission of the prison is to protect society by _____ offenders in the controlled environments of prisons.

14( ).

42 Policewomen are often found to be more capable of talking their way through difficult situations or listening to ________  of domestic violence.

(A) victims
(B) criminals
(C) colleagues
(D) inflictors

15( ).

26 ______detectors are more popular nowadays and almost have replaced traditional fixed devices in fire detection and alarm systems.

16( ).

33 False information, also known as fake news, is news or stories created to________ people or influence their views.
(A) neglect
(B) deceive
(C) shelter
(D) classify

17( ).

42 Evergreen _______ divers to inspect the vessel for any damage.
(A) have arrange at
(B) have arranged at
(C) has arrange for
(D) has arranged for

18( ).

56 Ship_________ in restricted areas undertaken by Coast Guard Administration ensures that any illegal activities will not take place onboard vessels.
(A) inspection
(B) maintenance
(C) repair
(D) collision

19( ).

59 Some psychologists _________ that bystanders would not help a victim when there are many people around.
(A) correlated
(B) adhered
(C) assumed
(D) appealed

20( ).

27 The head of the stockbroker firm admitted his _______ for the illegal business practices that members of his firm had been following.
(A) culpability
(B) culinary
(C) chastity
(D) cupboard

21( ).

35 The firefighters _____ that an unextinguished cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.
(A) starved
(B) suspected
(C) depressed
(D) resumed

22( ).

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題
       Smuggling has existed ever since governments first attempted to control trade across their borders.Although it is often understood as an attempt to evade duties or taxes that the legislature has placed uponthe importation of certain classes of goods, smuggling is a much broader phenomenon than this. It mayapply to attempts to evade export regulations, for example, or trade in certain prohibited goods, such asweapons or drugs. People may be smuggled across frontiers. At one end of the spectrum, smuggling maybe a highly organized criminal activity, or what some describe as “the smuggling industry;” at the other,it may consist simply of a sailor or passenger trying to slip something for personal use past the authorities.
      Consideration must also be given to attempts to evade regulations relating to internal trade. Taxes onthis are classified as excise duties. At one time, compliance was enforced by excise officers, whileinternational trade was policed by customs officers; latterly, the two revenue services have been mergedinto one.

【題組】58 According to this passage, what are excise duties?
(A) Taxes on international trade outside a country
(B) Taxes on goods manufactured or produced within a country
(C) Regulations relating to internal and international business
(D) Regulations on goods imported from other countries

23( ).

請依下文回答第 53 題至第 57 題:
 We take all personal crimes very seriously and will record and investigate this 53 even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must know that the investigation and ability to 54 the suspect(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you. You may specify how you are contacted and if contacting you would cause you any difficulties. We will not pass on your details without your consent and would ask you to consider giving your details 55 . Once submitted, our Contact Handlers will review the form’s contents within 24 hours, 56 the risk and take appropriate action. Please be assured that we will 57 contact you if you have given us permission to do so.


24( ).

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題: 
 Patrol vessels around the world vary in size in direct proportion to the distance they are expected to operate offshore. High Seas boarding 51 a patrol vessel that can work comfortably at distances of 200 nautical miles and further from 52 . The vessel must have the speed, range, maneuverability, communications sophistication, and 53 technology to accomplish the patrol function efficiently. In total, this equates to the description of a 54 vessel. The problem is that not all member states have large vessels and the crews to run them. Still, we should discourage any thought of chartering a fishing vessel, or transport, or out-of-work research vessel and attempting to mount a 55 than qualified high seas patrol effort.


25( ).

請依下文回答第 52 題至第 56 題
       Taitung’s Zhiben Wetlands caught fire late Sunday afternoon, burning into the night, fueled by strong winds,   52   over an area of five hectares. The fire drew the suspicion of environmentalists who completed a survey of endangered bird species in the wetland earlier in the day. They called   53   the Taitung Fire Department to thoroughly investigate whether the fire was an act of   54   . The Society of Wilderness (SOW) and the Wild Bird Society of Taitung County conducted a wild bird field study on Sunday morning, counting the number of endangered bird   55   such as ring-necked pheasants, orioles, and Taiwan thrush. Many of these birds   56   in the shrubs on the north bank of the Zhiben River mouth.

(A) into
(B) at
(C) upon
(D) in

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