IV. Writing
Write a paragraph with 120 to 150 words. In the paragraph, describe the most difficult decision you have ever made.
What was the decision? Why was it a difficult decision? How did you overcome the difficulty?
10. 請舉出最讓您感動的教育書籍?並請略述內容及感動的原因?
9. 九年一貫課程有何特色?
Passage C In these days, the protracted controversy over the country’s official Mandarin Romanization system has given rise to bitter argument. The Tongyong Pinyin System, which is 85 percent similar to the Hanyu Pinyin System, was created by a group of “proTaiwan” linguists who say their new system is more suitable for teaching native language to children of Taiwan. The advocates say the Tongyong Pinyin System preserves Taiwan’s cultural sovereignty and accommodates sounds in the dialects of Taiwan. However, backers of Hanyu Pinyin System support the system because of its prevalent use overseas. The supporters questioned how the Tongyong Pinyin System could serve as a communication tool with the outside world. Obviously, Tongyong Pinyin System has increased tensions between those for and against. The tensions occurring mainly consist in two aspects. One is that, according to some reports, the 16 members of 26-person panel, who decided to choose the Tongyong Pinyin System, did not cast ballots, because a decision in favor of Tongyong Pinyin seems a fait accompli. That is to say, opinions in the task force were not respected and fully discussed before the decision was made. The other is that Taiwan does not appear to be on the way to internationalization, but instead she is right now being on the opposite direction. If Taiwan would like to promote her economic status and visibility in the international society, adopting an appropriate media will be the best weapon. In light of this, the Pinyin system should put the users into consideration. Then, why should Taiwan select one alien to the foreigners, now that Hanyu Pinyin System is prevalent among international society? It is a regret matter that we hear Minister of Education say,” Foreigners will solve the question themselves.” It cannot be denied that the issue has a lot to do with the ideology and, as a matter of fact, too many issues here today have fallen into ideological controversy. We do not see the rational argument over the national policy. Pinyin is nothing more than one of the other disgusting and unbearable fights.
35. There is an implication, according to the article, that _____.
(A) what system we should use is obvious
(B) we can read the article in a scientific journal on Physiology
(C) a decision should be in full discussion before the consensus is reached
(D) the tone of the author is ironical
34. From the article, we may infer that _____.
(A) neither of the systems is well-designed
(B) the issue of the Pinyin System is the only controversial one in Taiwan
(C) foreigners are in favor of the Hanyu Pinyin System
(D) both Pinyin systems are highly incompatible
33. What is “a fait accompli”?
(A) A demand by members of a committee
(B) An opinion worth emphasizing
(C) A common sense that is known to ordinary people
(D) A decision that cannot be changed