V. Translate the following passages into Chinese (10%) (5% each)
2. If you were to choose the most predominant word for this year, which word would it be? Early this month, the
authoritative Merriam-Webster Dictionary announced "pandemic" as its word of the year.
1. Anti-spam groups are trying to stem the tide of unsolicited e-mail.
要清楚我們對精神疾病的認識有何長足進展,抑鬱症或許是最好的範例。抑鬱症影響了 16%的美國人,可能導致患者失去工作、藥物濫用和自殺,它的正式診斷名稱為重度抑鬱障礙,是已開發國家最普遍的疾病之一,也是造成15~44歲年齡層身心障礙的主因。症狀除了 心理上的無助和無望感外,還包括各種生理症候,例如沒胃口、睡眠失調、便秘和疲憊。抑 鬱症會影響免疫系統和多種激素的分泌,增加罹患心血管疾病的風險。雖然抑鬱症對人體影 響廣泛,但基本上仍屬腦疾病,而且有充份的證據顯示,位於大腦前額葉皮質的25區,是抑 鬱症線路系統中的樞紐。
25區的名稱源自1909年德國神經學家布洛德曼建立的人腦圖譜,他將大腦皮質劃分成52個區域。而這個位於大腦前方中線深處的25區,過去100年來一直未受重視,但近10年的研究顯示它與抑鬱症有關。美國艾茉利大學的梅伯格指出,抑鬱症患者的25區過度活躍, 患者如果以藥物控制或心理療法改善症狀後,該區域的活動會隨之減緩。這個區域富含血清張力素轉運蛋白,血清張力素屬於神經傳遞物,其轉運蛋白則會影響神經細胞能夠接收到的神經傳遞物濃度。一般相信許多抗抑鬱藥物就是作用在血清張力素轉運蛋白,從而促進神經信號傳遞。美國國家精神衛生研究院的培薩瓦茲、麥爾林登伯格等人,研究了100多位沒有憂鬱沮喪者的腦部掃描結果,這些人的血清張力素轉運蛋白有長、短基因型的差異,短基因型的受試者製造的轉運蛋白較少,使得25區體積變小,一般相信這些人罹患抑鬱症的風險會 比較高。這些研究結果讓神經科學家相信,抑鬱症其實是神經迴路疾病,是25區活動異常擾 亂了與它相連的龐大網絡,而網絡中的構造包括:影響食慾、睡眠和能量使用的下視丘與腦 幹,調節焦慮及和情緒有關的杏仁體與腦島,對記憶處理和專注力極為重要的海馬,以及與 思考和自信有關的額葉皮質。
大腦不斷整合輸入的感覺訊息和協調反應,是個處理資訊的器官。若是延用電路的比喻, 25區就像龐大網絡的總樞紐,可感應並調整腦部關於恐懼、記憶及自信的構造的活動;當25 區功能失常,無法協調其他中樞的活性時,就會導致資訊處理的偏頗,扭曲對內、外世界的 評估。假如這個觀點是正確的,重新設定25區的活化將可調整下游中心,減輕抑鬱症的症狀。 事實上梅伯格證實了以電流刺激25區附近區域可減緩25區的活動,讓那些標準療法束手無策的抑鬱症患者復原。如果25區會讓大腦陷於異常的迴圈中,那麼治療的目標將類似電腦當機時的「重開機」。
IV. Reading Comprehension 10% (each 2%) So long as the bulk of the population remains on the land as subsistence farmers, a modern industrial society cannot develop. The farmers do not produce enough extra food to feed the workers needed in nonagricultural pursuits. Nor can workers be released from the farms to the factories while so many hands are needed for traditional methods of cultivation. And farmers who are not producing for the market cannot go to the market as purchasers themselves. Local demand for consumer goods does not expand. There is thus no stimulus to local industrial production. Agriculture must, therefore, yield workers and savings to the new industrialized, urbanized sectors if a modern economy is to be achieved.
40. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses
(A) the creation of a demand for more agricultural products
(B) the difficult transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy
(C) guidelines for hiring greater numbers of farm workers
(D) the recent revival of the family farm system
39. According to the passage, why is local industrial production NOT stimulated in a subsistence economy?
(A) No modern equipment is available to begin production.
(B) Industry cannot develop when there are few customers for its products.
(C) Farmers do not want to go to markets very far from where they live and work.
(D) Locally produced consumer goods are generally not well made.
38. According to the passage, what is a disadvantage of traditional farming methods?
(A) Workers do not enjoy their jobs.
(B) Workers do not get enough to eat.
(C) Too many workers are necessary.
(D) Too many jobs are poorly paid.
This is a large modal.