第二題 『臺灣桃園國際機場園區綱要計畫』為桃園機場園區發展最高指導方針。該 計畫將桃園機場定位為亞太與北美間人流、服務流與貨物流之東亞樞紐機 場,並提出「高效--轉運節點」;「服務--營運中心」;「永續--安全空 港」;「前瞻--智慧機場」;「活力--機場城市」五大發展目標。 『臺灣桃園國際機場園區綱要計畫(第二版)』於2020年底由行政院核定,計畫 總面積1,934公頃,公私部門總投資經費預計5,099億元,預估目標年2040年將 可以服務8,200萬人次的年客運量、402萬噸的年貨運量以及44萬架次的年起 降量。
2. 發函各媒體請其發布,以使國人大眾了解桃園國際機場未來發展策略與方 向(20分)
1. 請以公司之立場試擬300字之新聞稿(40分)
第一題 品德與職業操守為在從事職業活動中必須遵從的最低道德底線和行業規範, 廉潔正直、恪遵職守,熟諳法規、依法行政為國營事業員工最基本之行事準 則。 請以以上所述為主旨,撰擬簽陳,向總經理陳報積極推動之做法;同時擬具 開會通知單,邀集本公司各部門主管共商具體作為(40分)
IV. Reading Comprehension 10% (each 2%)
So long as the bulk of the population remains on the land as subsistence farmers, a modern industrial society cannot develop. The farmers do not produce enough extra food to feed the workers needed in nonagricultural pursuits. Nor can workers be released from the farms to the factories while so many hands are needed for traditional methods of cultivation. And farmers who are not producing for the market cannot go to the market as purchasers themselves. Local demand for consumer goods does not expand. There is thus no stimulus to local industrial production. Agriculture must, therefore, yield workers and savings to the new industrialized, urbanized sectors if a modern economy is to be achieved.
40. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses
(A) the creation of a demand for more agricultural products
(B) the difficult transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy
(C) guidelines for hiring greater numbers of farm workers
(D) the recent revival of the family farm system
39. According to the passage, why is local industrial production NOT stimulated in a subsistence economy?
(A) No modern equipment is available to begin production.
(B) Industry cannot develop when there are few customers for its products.
(C) Farmers do not want to go to markets very far from where they live and work.
(D) Locally produced consumer goods are generally not well made.
38. According to the passage, what is a disadvantage of traditional farming methods?
(A) Workers do not enjoy their jobs.
(B) Workers do not get enough to eat.
(C) Too many workers are necessary.
(D) Too many jobs are poorly paid.
This is a large modal.