摘要--大地震發生後,災區範圍相當廣泛,且多樣性災害會伴隨發生。由於路網同時有多處損害致交通中斷,將嚴重影響災民搶救、緊急物資運送及復建效率,本文參考 1994年美國北嶺(Northridge)大地震、1995年日本阪神(Kobe)大地震、1999年台灣集集(Jiji)大地震之震災經驗,以及國內外有關震災預防與應變措施之研究,歸納出震災前(預防階段)、震災時(搶救階段)及震災後(復建階段)道路系統管理之相關課題,這些課題宜進一步研究,俾有效降低地震災害對道路交通之影響。
2. Many persons who use wheelchairs need a 760mm clear opening width for doorways, gates, and the like, when the latter are entered head-on. If the person is unfamiliar with a building, if competing traffic is heavy, if sudden or frequent movements are needed, or if the wheelchair must be turned at an opening, then greater clear widths are needed. For most situations, the addition of an inch of leeway on either side is sufficient. Thus, a minimum clear width of 815mm will provide adequate clearance. However, when an opening or a restriction in a passageway is more than 610mm long, it is essentially a passageway and must be at least 915mm wide. (Adapted from Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook, Published by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice.)
1. When President Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act--the world's first comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities--in front of 3,000 people on the White House lawn on July 26, 1990, the event represented an historical benchmark and a milestone in America's commitment to full and equal opportunity for all of its citizens. The President's emphatic directive on that day--"Let the shameful walls of exclusion finally come tumbling down"--neatly encapsulated the simple yet long overdue message of the ADA: that 43 million Americans with disabilities are full-fledged citizens and as such are entitled to legal protections that ensure them equal opportunity and access to the mainstreamof American life.
30. 汽車行駛高速公路或快速公路,下列何者為非(A)禁行路肩(B)禁止超車(C)禁止利用路肩倒車。
29. 在正常天候狀況下,小型車行駛於高速公路或快速公路,行車速度為90公里前後兩車間需要保持多少公尺的行車安全距離(A)5公尺(B)40公尺(C)45公尺。
28. 二以上違反道路交通管理之行為,應如何處罰(A)分別舉發處罰(B)合併舉發處罰(C)沒有規定。