III. Composition: 20%
How good are you at time management? Do you easily get distracted, feel lazy, and tend to procrastinate? Or,are you a disciplined person who does what you need to when you need to do it? Write a short essay of100-120 words to explain the strategies you use to keep yourself focused on achieving your goals.
III. Composition: 20%
"Connection is a basic human need, but being constantly connected to our technology can make us feel more imprisoned than nourished." How does your smartphone affect your social life and productivity? In what ways does it provide you pleasures and emotional outlets? In what ways does it keep you in your own shell? Write a short essay of 100-120 words to reflect on how your smartphone (or tablet, laptop, other personal electronic device you use most frequently) shapes your life now.
六、經濟部能源局依據「漁船加油站設置管理規則」第 12 條第 4 項規定辦理漁船用柴油中,添加 液態油溶性黑色染劑以作為與其它用途的柴油作區隔。添加的黑色染劑分別為偶氮苯-4-偶氮2-萘酚類紅色染劑,1、4二脂肪族胺蒽醌類藍色染劑,偶氮類黃色染劑。分別量測3個特定波 長吸收度,每一染劑吸收度必須大於零點一一,以適當比例調和成黑色染劑;依法規規定至 少添加黑色染劑 30 ppm於柴油中,利用光譜儀進行分析。請回答:(6分)
50.濕式離合器的特點何者正確?(A)供油給金屬對金屬之摩擦面的型式(B)以油的切斷阻 力傳達扭矩(C)離合器聲音較低(D)以上皆是。
49.摩擦離合器的特點何者正確?(A)合併型通常是用於小、中容量(B)分離型則是用於中、 大容量(C)分離型離合器有軸支持型與輪載支持型(D)以上皆是。
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