甲公務員為 A 機關薦任第九職等專員,其配偶乙公務員為 B機關委任第五職等辦事員,乙經懷胎 9 月餘,於上週順利分娩一名女兒。 依上開情境及「全國軍公教員工待遇支給要點」規定,乙依公教人員保險法規定向 B 機關申請 2 個月之生育給付(以分娩當月起,往前推算 6 個月保險薪俸額之平均數計算),則甲得否再依上開支給要點規定向 A 機關申請生育補助?並簡述其理由。如可,甲請領生育補助之給付標準及申請期限各為何?(10 分)
甲公務員為經 A 機關首長核准免刷卡上下班之科長,因罹病多次未請假逕行在家休養,經機關政風單位查獲甲 1 年內曠職累計超過 15 日,A 機關遂依規定核予甲一大過之懲處,甲逾期提出復審,行政處分已確定。為瞭解記一大過之決定過程,甲向 A 機關申請提供本案簽呈及相關證據資料,遭 A 機關以相關資料屬於政府資訊公開法第 18 條第 1 項第 3 款「政府機關作成意思決定前,內部單位之擬稿或其他準備作業」之資料為由拒絕。甲認為提出申請時 A 機關已作成意思決定且事關公益,應不符合限制公開之要件。依上開情境及政府資訊公開法規定,甲之主張有無理由?請簡述之。(10 分)
甲市政府市長於 111 年 8 月 00 日第○次市政會議指示,為提升公文寫作之品質及行政效率,請行政處擬具「甲市政府 111 年度公文寫作教育訓練計畫(草案)」,規劃於 111 年 11 月 00 日、00 日、00 日假該府大禮堂辦理教育訓練 3 梯次,每梯次 6 小時,每梯次參訓人數為 200 人,參加對象為薦任、委任人員(新進人員優先)及各級核稿人員,並聘請○○部○○○君擔任講師。
假如您是甲市政府行政處本案承辦人,請依上開情境,以「簽稿併陳」方式,將「甲市政府 111 年度公文寫作教育訓練計畫(草案)」 (毋須撰擬)簽陳市長核定,另函請○○部惠允同意○○○君擔任教育訓練講師,並給予公假。(40 分)
第 43 至 46 題為題組
Zebrafish, named for their characteristic stripes, have been a popular test subject for researchers. Only a few centimeters in length, the fish breed easily in captivity, grow quickly, and their transparent body makes it easy to study their organs. Above all, they possess some amazing “self-healing” power. When part of their heart is removed, they can grow it back in a matter of weeks. When blinded, they can quickly regain the ability to see. Recent studies show that humans and zebrafish have the same major organs and share 70 percent of the genes. Moreover, 84 percent of human genes associated with disease find a counterpart in zebrafish. Scientists thus hope that understanding the self-healing mystery of the fish may one day allow humans to regenerate such organs as eyes, hearts, and spines.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University are particularly interested in zebrafish retina regeneration. They have learned that damage of retina can cause blindness in zebrafish, yet it only takes about three to four weeks before vision is restored. The structure and cell types of zebrafish retinas are almost identical to those of humans. If the process can be replicated in humans, it may give rise to new treatments for blindness caused by retinal damage.
In order to know exactly how zebrafish retina is regenerated, the team looked at the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical messenger in the brain that reduces the activity of neurons. They found that lowering GABA levels in zebrafish can trigger retina regeneration, while a high level of GABA concentration will suppress the regeneration process. This suggested that GABA plays an important role in the fish’s ability to regain their sight.
The team is beginning to test the GABA theory on mice. If that works, human trials will be next on the agenda. If the research proves successful in humans, some of the nearly 40 million blind people worldwide may one day have a tiny, striped fish to thank.
46. According to the passage, which of the following is an opinion, but NOT a fact?
(A) Humans and zebrafish have 70 percent of genes in common.
(B) Zebrafish can quickly recover vision after damage to the retina.
(C) Scientists are testing if the GABA theory works on mice as it does on zebrafish.
(D) Understanding regeneration in zebrafish may allow humans to regrow their organs.
45. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “replicated” in the third paragraph?
(A) Reproduced. (B) Reassembled. (C) Recycled. (D) Restored.
44. Which of the following statements is true regarding GABA in zebrafish?
(A) Increasing GABA level facilitates neuron activities.
(B) There is a high level of GABA in the brain of zebrafish.
(C) Lowering GABA levels in the brain can stimulate retina regrowth.
(D) GABA contains chemical elements that trigger the growth of neurons.
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