Part IV Order the words to make questions or sentences 重組造句,每題2分,答題請用答案卷,照題號順序 書寫。注意:限使用提示字及標點符號重組造句,每題提示字及標點符號限用一次!
For questions 43-50, order the words to make questions or sentences. All the words must be used and used only once.
Example: coffee / like / of / glass / feel / I / a / big / iced
Answer: I feel like a big glass of iced coffee.
50. driving / airport / the / Jane / on / insisted / me / to / .
49. isn't / this / painting / that / expensive / as / as / one / .
48. cat / look / to / James / offered / after / neighbor's / his / .
1034. 下列何者不在費率自由化之實施範圍? (A)汽車車體損失險 (B)汽車竊盜損失險 (C)汽車第三人責任險 (D)強制汽車責任險
1033. 自用汽車保險定型化契約範本之規定,全損之理賠計算,若汽車保險單生效日至保險事故發生時經過一個月以上未滿二個月者,其賠償率為多少? (A)97% (B)95% (C)93% (D)91%
1032. 下列何者為非為汽車車體損失險條款規定,被保險汽車發生承保範圍內之毀損滅失時,保險公司所負之賠償責任? (A)救護費用 (B)拖車費用 (C)修復費用 (D)趕工費用
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